Graceologie Episode 52: Sharon Jaynes
WEBSITE: SharonJaynes.com
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BUY THE BOOK: Lovestruck
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PSALM ADVENTURE ONLINE BIBLE STUDY with Gwen Smith: www.GwenSmith.net/PsalmAdventure
My Girlfriend in God co-founder Sharon Jaynes is joining me again on the GRACEOLOGIE show and this time we’re talking about her new book, LOVESTRUCK.
Everywhere we turn in our sex-saturated culture we are bombarded by destructive and unrealistic depictions of romance and sex. But is the problem that we focus on sex too much—or that we value sex too little? True sexual intimacy as God intended it, is so much more than a physical act, it is the intertwining of two souls through sharing and time.
The message of LOVESTRUCK and today’s episode is this: when we see the sacred blessings of sexual intimacy in marriage and understand God’s original intent, we find the freedom to enjoy and explore one of the Father’s most magnificent gifts.
20% Club Interview Link from Focus on the Family
The BEST ADVICE I know for marital intimacy: Be a good forgiver.
"We cannot go back and make a new start, but we can start now to make a new ending."
"Marriage is about a covenant with God who intertwhines two souls with the thread of His presence."
"It takes intentionality and ingenuity to make lifelong intimacy a reality."
"Developing an intimate friendship with your spouse is the foundation for maintaining a forever relationship."
"The marriage of two imperfect people is the perfect recipe for God's glory to manifest itself to a longing world."
"There will be no cleaving if there is no leaving."
"Sex is not an evil that marriage permits, it is a gift that marriage protects."