Graceologie Episode 70: Melissa D'Arabian
WEBSITE: MelissaDarabian.net
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BUY THE BOOK: Tasting Grace
BUY THE BOOK: Ten Dollar Dinners
PSALM ADVENTURE ONLINE BIBLE STUDY with Gwen Smith: www.GwenSmith.net/PsalmAdventure
Melissa D'Arabian joins me for episode #70 to talk about how God uses food to invite us into His love. Food plays a big roll in all of our lives. Sure, it’s a universal necessity, but also the source of so much joy. Especially around the holidays. As she prayed, studied Scripture, and reflected on the stories from her own life, Melissa saw how God used food to draw her into community, redeem moments of tragedy, and ultimately connect her more deeply with Him.
I’m confident you’re gonna love this discussion with Melissa because it jump starts a deeper conversation about food and the power it has to bring us together, draw out the best in us, and help us hear God’s voice in the midst of all.
Skincare item Melissa can't live without: SMITH'S ROSEBUD SALVE
"Hospitality is about service and welcoming, it's not about performance."
"We often are as brave as we need to be."