GIVEAWAY: I Know His Name

Gwen SmithBlog, Giveaways, Healing, Knowing God by Name, Parenting, Trials 164 Comments


It’s time for a FRIEND FEATURE and GIVEAWAY that I’m beyond excited to share with you!

I’m honored to introduce you to WENDY BLIGHT. I love this woman. She’s wise, polite, honest, courageous, precious, and beautiful coming and going. {Former Homecoming Queen at Baylor!} She’s also the type of girlfriend that’s gracious if stand her up for lunch because you totally forgot to write it on your schedule… which may or may not have happened a few months back. #mymindscaresme Anyhoo!… she’s that kind of awesome… AND she’s all about studying God’s Word, living His hope, and helping others to grow in their relationship with Jesus. You’re gonna love her!

Here’s a sneak peak at Wendy’s most recent book, which happens to be our GIVEAWAY today…

Now, grab some coffee and be encouraged by what WENDY has to share in today’s post about God our Healer…



My daughter’s routine check-up began like any other, but it set into motion a diagnosis that rocked our world. Lauren had scoliosis (curvature of the spine). Our hilariously funny, joy-filled competitive cheerleader, would have to wear a back brace twenty-three hours a day, seven days a week.

Despite nearly a year in the brace, her curve progressed. We moved to chiropractic care, and it arrested the movement for about a year. By age 16, it progressed to the point of unbearable pain. Night after night, she lay next to me, begging me to stop the pain. We got a second opinion. He informed us the surgery we had tried so desperately to avoid was her best option.

Where was God? We had prayed so faithfully, appealing to God by His Name, Jehovah Rapha, God the Healer. We fully believed God could and would do what we called upon Him to do.

It felt as if our prayers fell on deaf ears.

This battle sapped every bit of Lauren’s strength and joy. Her faith faltered.

The years of unanswered prayers left me broken-hearted. Void of hope. Void of joy.

God, Your name is Healer. You say You are the same yesterday, today and forever. You call us to pray for healing. But You are not healing. Why?

As a teacher of the Word, I knew God’s Word and what it says about trials, unanswered prayer, and joy, but it was hard to connect my heart to those truths. I knew we were to see this trial as an opportunity for joy. But, in the midst of Lauren’s circumstances and her brokenness, how could I find joy?

God heard the cry of my heart and answered in a most unexpected way when a friend asked me to pray for her in the midst of her trial. I didn’t feel like it, but I did because she asked me. As my friend shared her story through tears, an overwhelming emotion flooded my heart. One I had not felt in so long.

As we joined hands and hearts to pray, God gave me these three words:


Then and there, God unlocked the TRUE meaning of joy.


Jesus is our Joy!

When James taught that a trial is an opportunity for joy, he spoke not of earthly joy. James spoke of the joy found in the fruit of God’s Spirit (Galatians 5:22), the Spirit who lives in us! An inner gladness rooted not in our circumstances but in the reality of the living God who transcends our circumstances.

Jehovah Rapha is still God the Healer, but sometimes His healing comes not in the physical ways we expect. We find healing and joy in Christ and Christ alone.

Joy cannot fill hearts consumed by brokenness, confusion, doubt, bitterness, pain and sorrow. Joy cannot fill hearts fixated on circumstances. Joy can only fill the hearts of those whose eyes are fixed on the One who is Joy … Jesus.

Yes, it still hurts to remember the excruciating pain Lauren suffered. But Jehovah Rapha was and is faithful. God did heal my girl. Not in the miraculous way we asked. She endured a seven-hour surgery to place to two rods in her spine. She missed nearly six weeks of school and labored through months of rehabilitation. She had to quit competitive cheerleading. But in and through that time, Jehovah Rapha did a new thing in her life and mine. She is now 22, a graduate of the University of Georgia, and lives a full and active life.

So, when discouragement comes. When you feel you cannot take one more step. With every breath you take, speak these three words:

Jesus Only You!


Jehovah Rapha, God the Healer, thank You for Jesus.
Thank You for the healing and joy that is ours in Him. Every time our thoughts turn to our pain and suffering, cause it to bring us back to J.O.Y … Jesus Only You.
We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Congratulations to our giveaway winners: Julie and Tonya!

For our giveaway, Wendy is  giving away 2 books with the teaching DVD!

To qualify for the drawing, you need to do TWO things:


#2. SHARE THIS POST on social media.

That’s it! Once you do both, your name will be entered into the random drawing. Be sure to tell your friends so they can sign up too. The drawing will take place on Sunday, December 18th, so don’t delay! {Contest is limited to US and Canada readers only.}


WENDY BLIGHT is a member of the Proverbs 31 Ministries’ First 5 Writing Team and serves as the Proverbs 31 On-Line Bible Study Small Group Ministry Training and Development Coordinator. She is a national speaker, Bible teacher, attorney, and author. She has a new book, I Know His Name: Discovering Power in the Name of God, and is the author of Living So That: Making Faith-Filled Choices in the Midst of a Messy Life and Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner: The Transforming Power of God’s Story.

Wendy’s favorite place to be is at home in Charlotte, North Carolina writing and enjoying time with her husband, Monty, and their two children, Lauren and Bo. You can connect with Wendy through her website at and through First 5 and Proverbs 31 Ministries.


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Comments 164

  1. Wendy thank you so much for this insightful message! The light bulb just went on for me, since I’ve often wondered how one can be joyful when in tremendous pain. I know I need to “look up to the hills, where my help comes from”! Loved the


    Blessings, Laurie

  2. I know that it is so hard to wait for God to answer our prayers when they seem so urgent to us, especially when it has to do with our children. But God knows all, we just have to keep telling ourselves that. I know I have been praying for years about a situation my daughter an granddaughter’s have been going through, and nothing seems to change. I don’t understand but just trust God. Love the joy thing, Jesus only You, I will remember that, thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you for sharing your story. Grateful that we have a healer, Jehovah Rapha, and that we can know him as healer.
    I was born two months early and doctors told my mom to prepare for my funeral. My Nana went and found a priest who prayed for me and baptized me. From then on, I started gaining weight. I give praise to Jehovah Rapha for my life.

  4. Wendy,
    Thank you for your timely story. I too have severe back pain that comes and goes depending on what I do, mostly standing. I have had this for 35 years and have gone to many different chiropractors, physical therapists, etc. On Wednesday I will be having a steroid injection and I am praying that this will help me, but today I realize that even if it doesn’t I still need to praise my Heavenly Father for His goodness to me and all He has done for me.
    With or without healing God is my Rock of Salvation, my strong tower, the One I will always go to and praise and glory will be given to Him.
    Thank You,
    Mary Lynne

  5. I am blessed and encouraged by your story and the many comments that people have posted. My husband is in chronic pain everyday and it is getting harder for him to do daily things. I pray continuously for him and i have also said the same thing about God being the healer and why is he not answering my prayers but i know he hears me and is answering my prayers but it is not in a way that i am looking for. I just want my husband to be relieved of his pain and suffering. God bless you and your family.

  6. This post blessed me so much and more I praise the Lord for your willingness to write and post it. So many do get angry when things don’t go as we think it should, thank you for reminding us all that regardless of how it looks, God is faithful and heals in the way He knows we need most and for His greatest glory.
    Again thank you Wendy and Gods richest blessing on you and your entire family.

  7. I am going through the same kind of situation with my husband of 65 years. He is on the couch right now moaning from chronic pain he suffers and has suffered for about 9 years. He has been anointed and prayed for many many times. Where is God? He’s in His heaven trying to teach us that He will be with us through whatever we face. That should be enough, but we are human and thank God He knows that.

  8. I enjoyed reading your story! I to know the experience of pain, not being able to walk, then to hear that I might have MS. My heart sank and I began to pray for God to heal me! My God is a Awesome God, a God of Healing! My heart had to believe! Well Dr.’s went to work in a meeting of the Best team of Dr.’s did a lumbar Fusion! Replacing 4 vertabare! Then my pain really got worse! All I would do is cry out to God begging Him to hear my cry for healing and relief! Well after a Year my pain had stopped and my walking began! Thanks Be to God! Then after that I lost my husband! My heart was really broken! After 30 years he was gone! Sorrow and depression set in I spent so much time with my Father! Getting to know Himand understand! After going through that my Sister past away without any warning or true illnesses at all! She and I were so close! It devastedme so much! It weakened my Heart! Time and staying with God is where my heart was! My church was there as well as my friends and Family! This was all a very tough time in my life! But knowing God suffered much much more than I hav I became so close to Him! When Life throws us curves I cling much closer than ever to be heard and found by Him God! Then 2 years later I was disagonised with Cancer! Since that time I have been dealing with this Terrible and ugly word! But God, my Heavenly Father has been here for me and is getting me through all this! In Jan. 2017 I am schudeled for 3 more Cancers but God is riding the Waves with me! Thank God I know His Name! God is good good in healing and being here with us! My life is nothing even comparing with my Father’s(Gods) at all! I am so Blessed and thankful for all He is doing in my Life! I am praying to win this giveaway to read in my down time! Thank you for reading my letter! Good Luck to all those who entered! Merry Christmas to each one of you! ??????

  9. Blessed by your story. There are so many things we can allow in life to take our joy, butJesus restored all to us when we are walking and trusting totally in him.

  10. Praise the Lord, just what I needed to hear, I was feeling like God forgot about me. I was just asking God to help me and for a healing. I tried to sing and I couldn’t even remember any words of any song that I could sing praises to our
    Heavenly Father. Thanks for reminding me that he still loves me and hasn’t left me. You are a blessing to our Father,I pray for his riches blessing to you and your family. Now I can go on with my day, knowing that Heavenly Father has me in the palm of his hands. Praise the Lord for his goodness.

  11. I can relate to your story – the diagnosis, the claiming God’s promises and prayers for healing, but God working in a different way then requested. Just this past September, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and I prayed and prayed that God would “remove this cup” from me— that it was just a misdiagnosis– or that He would completely heal. Four weeks ago yesterday, I had a mastectomy of the left breast, and at this point, I don’t need to do any radiation or chemo, as the slow-growing tumor miraculously never hit the lymph system. I humbly praise Yahweh for His working in this situation and for the Peace “beyond my understanding” during a scary and uncertain time…. Jesus has sweetly held my hand from the time of the diagnosis right up until present time… My relationship with Him has strengthened through this journey.

    So thank you for sharing and allowing me to reflect on my own journey…

    1. On your behalf I thank our Heavenly Father for being there for you. He is an awesome God. As it says in Phillipians 1-3 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.

  12. Thank you for this story. I have known pain and sorrow, brokenness too. I lost my both my parents within 5 weeks, in the same year, had a burnout, found out my husband was having an affair and my youngest son was caught with drugs at school.
    But The Lord did tremendous work in my own life through all of it. He showed me that He is ever Faithful. As I walked through fear, He showed me how to have faith. It has been 18 months aince my parents past. My son graduated high school and is starting college, Thank you Lord!! Though my husband and I are still separated, I have learned to forgive and He is coming home more and more. Praying for full reconciliation.
    I know Jesus is the source of my JOY!

  13. Between this and the promise of Romans 8:28. I am so encouraged! God is indeed faithful and the JOY of the Lord is still my strength. Thanks so much and nay the Lord continue to bless and use you in a special way.

  14. This story just touched my heart, my husband has an automune disease and I suffer with IBS Jesus is all I need this has reminded me of that
    Thank you

    1. Wendy’s story is an inspiration to me and I’m sure to all that have heard it or read her books. I will remember and share JOY Jesus Only You. Thank you for sharing. This came at a perfect time after speaking to God telling him I am ready to give up.
      Thank you

  15. Thanks for the devotion and the main idea from Scripture that the way through trials is “Jesus Only You’…. I will definitely be praying about this to be a better part of my life. Thanks also for the chance at this giveaway!

  16. If i win, please give it to someone else, i have read these posts and Im blessed to know that im not going through as much as others but these are sad times for many so i just want to pay it forward by my heart of compassion for those who need it most. Blessings and much love, Trish

  17. I love Wendy’s book “Living So That: Making Faith-Filled Choices in the Midst of a Messy Life” – one of my all time favorites! Now, whenever I come across the phrase “so that” in scripture, I have to stop and think about what it is God wants me to know. I can’t skip over it. I’ve read the book several times (to the point I really need to replace it) and highly recommend it. It changed the way I read the Bible.

  18. Thank you Wendy and Gwen for giving us testimonies on how great our God is. It is a relief to know we go through life not being alone with Jesup and others. I was told before of J.O.Y. being Jesus, others and you. Thank you for this enlightenment of viewing J O Y as Jesus Only You. I will remember of this when the trials occur. Love you all ladies and Merry Christmas!!!

  19. I have your other book and it ministers to me every time I read it. I expect nothing less with this book because Jesus’ name is all through it….life giving.

  20. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway to all of us. God knows your greatest works and gives knowledge and wisdom in our intimate experience with him. God has shown me each time he has been right by my side when I needed the most. God strengthened me in the areas where I was weak. I seek God in every area of my life. God is my provider and I choice his will and purpose he has in my life. God is my teacher and guides me everyday. Thank you heavenly Father for loving me and for Jesus. Amen

  21. Wonderful devotional…. And so glad your daughter is doing well. I was born with a rare heart defect and have had 4 heart surgeries by the age of 16. I tell people that I am healed and they ask physically. Nope!!! But the LORD has given me a great life and has blessed me greatly. I am able to do things, I shouldn’t be able to do. It is the LORD’s doing and HIS healing, but not physical in the sense that I no longer have my heart defect, but HE lets me keep going.

  22. Thank you for this chance to win this. I do know His name but right now I am in a very hard place and I am struggling. Please pray for me.

  23. Thank you so much for sharing your story, it is an encouragement to others. I have also prayed to Jehovah Rapha and experienced healing to many situations but not many of them in the way I expected. God worked more on my heart and soul, sometimes the healing was physical. All were miraculous and personal to me or others, all brought about a closer walk with the Lord. Of course patience was involved because it always happens in God’s timing. God walks with us, Immanuel (God with us). God has walked with us through grief, heart attacks, child born disabled, cancer, prodical son on the street, addicted to drugs. I was never alone because the Holy Spirit is always with me, in me, never forsaken. The situation or circumstance is not joyful, but the peace that passes understanding, leads to JOY. God brought us through and His presence was and is love.

  24. What a joy to read your words here Wendy! They bring two things to mind…one our niece, Grace, who will be celebrating her 2nd Christmas in heaven. She too had to wear the giant brace and face some of the same battles Lauren did. The trials were hard, but they drew her to Christ and she is with Him now.

    Your words about Joy, bring to mind my daughter – 12 years ago I was praying to Jehovah Rapha as I finished up bed rest and wondered about what the future held. At 36 weeks our Dr. released me from bed rest a few days before Christmas. At Christmas Eve worship, we sang “Joy to the World” and I knew if we had a girl that would be her name. Well on the 29th, we met our little “Joy”!

    Last year as we celebrated her 11th birthday, we also grieved the 5th month anniversary of Grace’s death. That day as I struggled with loss while trying to celebrate life, I was reminded of a statement our pastor had made months earlier – “Joy and grace aren’t cousins, they are sisters.” He wasn’t referring to my daughter and niece, but the biblical terms, but yet the statement was personal for me. Grace was 10 years older than Joy and the night of her funeral, Joy said to me, ‘Mom, she was the big sister I didn’t have.” Our hearts will always hurt and miss the one we love, but our great Healer reminds me that our joy isn’t a feeling it’s a response to God’s grace. The grace that ultimately saves us and has the power to sustain us! Jehovah Rapha is always at work even when it takes time and doesn’t look like we expect.

  25. it always good to keep Jesus’s in our mind as HE is the healer, provider and we need to listen to HIM at all times, sometimes we miss what HE is saying and then can not understand what we are doing Praise GOD HE gives us another chance to hear HIM and to know HE heals and provides in HIS timing PRAISE THE LORD

  26. I can certainly relate to the topic of this post as I have lived with chronic pain and illness for many years now. It all started for me as a young preteen and I have missed out on a lot of life. It’s very discouraging, especially since I have tried so many different medical treatments and seen numerous doctors, yet I still haven’t gotten any relief, my condition hasn’t improved, and my diagnosis and the cause of my symptoms is still pretty much a mystery. I too have prayed for healing many times over the years, but for some reason God still has me waiting and I hope to grow to trust him more through it. It really can be hard to remain hopeful and find joy, but this is a good reminder that Jesus is our joy and our hope.

  27. Baylor is also my alma mater! My sisters and children graduated from Baylor , also. We are truly a “sic ’em” family. It saddens me to witness the struggles Baylor is going through.
    Your words touched my heart in many ways. How hard it must have been to see your daughter suffer. Joy comes in the morning and I’m thankful you found yours.
    I appreciate seeing all the replies you have given above. God is using you.

  28. God is so AWESOME !!! For the past several weeks, I have had such a desire and challenge to be Jesus Centered. I know of Jesus from the gospels, but I want to go deeper in that relationship. God has been sending devotionals, books/studies, speakers on our Christian radio station all talking about who is Jesus. A girlfriend sent me a link to a song by Mercy Me called Jesus’s Lullaby. Listening to it, I began to tear up. And now the email from you Gwen with this giveaway. The devotional was great. I would love to be able to go through I Know His Name and grow deeper in my relationship with Him. God is so faithful, and when we come seeking Him, ( Jer. 29:11-13) He will open His arms to us, and take us closer and deeper with Him. What an awesome God we serve. Merry Christmas to all..

  29. Sometimes we need a gentle reminder that we know His name. When I saw the title of the giveway — it was encouragement that I need because I am having a rough week. My rough week has been rough 1) two of my best friends and prayer warrior went home to be with their Lord and Savior and I could not go to the funeral home or their funeral because I surgery this week. My left shoulder was hurting me, when I went to the doctor — he told me I did it right when I hurt; I torn muscles, spur, torn rotary cuff, and bone on bone in my joint. The surgery repair my shoulder while he was in there he did a partial shoulder replacement. This also because 12 years I buried my mother around Christmas time, 3 years ago I buried a cousin who got killed in a car accident due to a drink driver, and last year the day after Christmas I had another cousin to pass away from her battle with cancer; this time of year I am thinking about them and it makes me sad. I got a new puppy for Thanksgiving and she remodeled my bathroom twice this week within 2 days of each other. We all need a reminder when we are going through a rough week or rough time because we live in a fallen world where sin abounds, but if we truly “Know His Name” then grace bounds even greater because it come from the Cross of Calvary.

    1. Sweet Mel, I’m so sorry that Christmas time has come to remind you of loss. I pray that as Christmas draws closer, Jesus will draw you closer to Him. May you sense the fullness of the comfort your Father promises when He says “Blessed are those who mourn, for they WILL be comforted.” He alone knows the depth of your pain and loss, and He alone can meet it. I’m so grateful you know His names and His character. He is enough!



  30. Love the analogy … Easy reminder. Passing it along. My chronic illness group is a wonderful group of ladies that support it other. They will love this. Easy is good when you are in excruciating pain, my dad always said when we can’t think of anything else just sing Jesus loves me!!!

  31. Thank you God for JOY – Jesus Only You!, The last two weeks have been filed with Family medical and mental challenges, just when I thought I could breathe, the devil dealt another blow, I was in a car wreck on a busy street, due to severely cold weather late night after getting my mom settled from dialysis, there was a downed power line that I didn’t see, ran right into it, snapped across my car, and back threw me across the lane, back into my lane, no other cars were coming???, didn’t access until this morning to see the damage to my car, God’s JOY, saved me from being electrocuted, hitting another car or a pole, did I mention that I he’d to take my mother to hospital for blood transfusion!, JOY! Jesus Only You!!!!??????

    1. Wow! What an amazing story. And I LOVE how you saw His hand at every turn. You chose to see the JOY above all else. El Roi had His eye on you and watched over you. Hallelujah!



  32. Going through a lot right now. Major pressure & stress at work (health care).
    Having some health issues. Lost home in Louisiana flood. Everything is affecting me physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Could benefit from this.

    1. Amy, I pray Jehovah Jireh, God our Provider, provides in very personal and intimate ways for your every need as you walk this hard road. May He be as He promises, the strength of your heart and your portion forever.



  33. I too have had a very trying year medically. Last December I was prayed over for healing. I had been sick off and on for 2 years. God healed my migraines, but the evangelist caught me after service and told me that some of my healing had to come thru Drs. I have had 5 surgeries, 3 of them on an infected knee replacement. I have believed from the start that God’s hand was in this. I could not have coordinated my care any better. And I was able to share my faith with so many. Praise God for His faithfulness and healing. Karen D.

  34. 2016 has been a very medical year for me. I am glad I did not know in the beginning just how many doctor’s appointments, therapies, procedures, and surgeries I would have to endure. Of course God has been with me every step of the way, encouraging me through the storms and holding me when I was exhausted (which was often).
    To God be the glory forever and ever! Amen.

  35. Oh how I needed to read this post this morning! 2016 has been quite trying and I have found myself in a funk … JOY …. Jesus only You! Thanks, Wendy! My eyes have been opened this morning and I feel a huge weight lifted off my chest. Blessings to you dear friend!

    1. Kelly, blesses me so much to hear how God spoke so personally to you through the story He laid on my heart for today. He is so good and faithful to meet us just when we need Him.



  36. Such a great reminder that our true JOY isn’t rooted in our circumstances but in Who God Is and what He has done for us by dying and forgiving us from all our sins. I too would love to be healed and have the symptoms taken away but it doesn’t mean God does not heal because He does!

  37. What a beautiful and personal reminder that even when we may not understand, and the hurt is deep, Gid has a plan and us there in the midst.

    Blessing to you.

  38. I understand the pain of watching your child suffer because of a sudden chronic illness. It came suddenly and has changed our only child’s life and ours. It has no cure except Jesus. It has few answers except God. Like fine wine we have been crushed and changed by this because He is Sovereign and knows what is best for her and us. His healing has come in His time in His way and we are blessed because we know His peace and contentment no matter the journey on earth. Emmanuel, God with us; Adonai, for He is Lord and Master! Praise Jesus the One who was who is and who is to come!

    1. Amen Corel’s, hold tight to the depth of His promises. He will hide you safe in the midst of illness in our children. He indeed is Emanuel!! God with us!

    2. What a beautiful testimony. Thank you for taking the time to share your story. Your words, “Like fine wine we have been crushed and changed by this because He is Sovereign and knows what is best for her and us,” are so powerful and true. May God continue to provide for your every need.



  39. Thank you for sharing this, my younger sister went through this same thing when she was a child. She bore it courageously but does not have a relationship with Jesus which is my constant prayer as she lives with the results of this. Would appreciate everyone’s prayers for her salvation.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story. Praying now for your sister’s salvation … may Jesus draw her close in ways she cannot even imagine right now. May they be so very personal to her that she will know that she knows it is divine!



  40. Loved and needed this today! I am blessed to sing on an amazing worship team, and our director always calls me a “ray of sunshine”. I am naturally pretty upbeat, but life (ok, the enemy really! ) has a way of trying to steal that joy. When my circumstances become overwhelming, I will definitely be whispering “Jesus, only You!” From this point forward! Thank you for sharing!

  41. Thank you, Wendy, and Gwen. One truth we always forget, and our dear Father reminds us of in the midst of our painful or confusing situations, is that we have become like Peter walking on the water, but taking our eyes off the only One Who can keep us from drowning, our dear Lord and Savior, and the Holy Spirit will remind us in due time. The only thing that is truly broken, really, and that needs to be healed is the spiritual hole that the world’s circumstances so quickly bores into our thought processes; no matter what, God uses all things for good, to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. In the midst of the trial, instead of remember this promise and actually look out for whatever He is doing to or for the involved, or even for the one around the situation, we so quickly become self-centered and forget that we are His tools, as well as His children, to bring good news to those witnessing our trial; our JOY is not here, but in the next life, so we must be good stewards of that Good News and share why the situation will not get us down. Otherwise, we are not living here but separate, but living here and acting like we have no where else to go. I would like, more than anything at 63 years of age, to become a grandmother, but my health is becoming frail and my children don’t see having children as a priority. At first, I became hurt and sad, but then I remembered that NOTHING is more important than going to heaven after this, and NOTHING is more important than bringing glory to the One Who healed me. Much love to you both, and may the Holy Spirit always remind us that NOTHING in this world is more important than Him. “Be in the world, but not of it.”

    1. What a beautiful teaching for us today. Thank you for taking the time to share TRUTH with us and then your story to help us apply it. NOTHING in this world is more important than Jesus. Amen!!



  42. Thank you for sharing this story of J.o.y. I myself am currently having a difficult time with body/health issues, little to no money to pay my bills, car severely showing it’s age and no real way to fix it, having doubts of my purpose and in God. These things may never change, but with the help of Joy my focus will be on Jesus.

    1. Dearest Faith, and what an appropriate name indeed!

      I pray that our Father will show mercy on your worldly plights and relieve you of them quickly. I thank Him for your testimony that you are like Peter and, though walking on water, will keep your eyes on only His precious Son Who is the author and finisher of our faith. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

      1. And I pray also that as He restores your soul, that you prosper and be in good health. I pray all soul tares be healed, angels released to bring all the missing pieces to you for He is the sum total of all things. The pieces are no problem to you Jesus!! So I ask that you bless my sister with the sum total of you Jesus, not the pieces of her life. Make it all new, in Jesus’ name to the Gory of the Father

    2. Amen to these lovely prayers. I stand with these ladies and you, Faith. May Jehovah Jireh show up some very real ways and provide for you … ways that will amaze and astound you!! And never forget your identity in Christ. You are LOVED, REDEEMED, CREATED WITH PURPOSE. You are His MASTERPIECE!! No circumstances can ever take this away from you.



  43. Gwen, I know this all too well. As I fought my way back from an incurable neurological disorder which had many roots and causes, my God reigns!! I oftentimes say that he does microwave type miracles and sometimes crock pot cooking miracles. They have both worked for me. My paralyzed eyes and 3rd pneumonia were microwave healings, along with others. However, the disorder itself was Crock-Pot healing, discovering what made me sick and how to be healthy, not just healed spirit, soul and body!! I pray for the gift of uncomfortable to be given to many so that they will rise to the high places in God in search of greater things from the Master’s storehouse. My healing is just about total, though somewhat of a surprise to even myself. Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

    1. Just one more thing on my post. It was the joy of the Lord, along with the gift of laughter as medicine, that sustained me. The joy was Jesus first, always looking out for the ONE in front of me, and the YOU became Jesus, others and me, in that order! Merry Christmas to all and remember Jehovah raphae at this time of year.

    2. Leslie, what a wonderful analogy … microwave vs. crockpot healing. It truly brings alive how God works. Both are good because He is good and working in them both. Thank you for taking the time to share your story. I’m praising God for your healing and pray it brings hope and encouragement to many as they wait on the Lord for theirs.



  44. Thank you so much for sharing this devotional. I so needed this reminder. My 3 year old grandson has just been diagnosed with autism. I am visiting him and his family for 2 weeks during Christmas. Every night I have cried myself to sleep over the sorrow of what my grandson is living with. I am praying and believing for creative miracle. I want Holden healed as only God can do. It’s hard to write this without crying, but I know God is good all the time and He has a plan for Holden. I need to remember Jesus only Jesus always and savor the joyous times with Holden and his family. God will heal however He decides to do it.

    1. Oh, Karryle, I’m so sorry for this diagnosis. I’m so thankful you know Jesus and can bring your sorrow to Him. He is enough!! And I join you in praying for healing for Holden, in God’s way and in His time. And I pray that even in the midst of this diagnosis, Jesus will be the center. Holden’s gifts and talents will shine and bring him and your family great joy. God has a wonderful purpose for Him and will use all of this for Holden’s best and God’s glory.



  45. Praise God! I really like the J. O. Y. – Jesus Only You. Thank you for sharing with us today. May God continue to richly bless you and yours.

  46. When I read these words it made total sense “Jesus only you”
    I am going through a time when testing comes in away I was not prepared for, my mom had a stroke but when I get a glimmer of what God is doing I’m ok ,but I’m the middle of a storm I forget that His presence is always with me. Then “Jesus only you”
    Thank you for theses refreshing words of Truth!

  47. This reminds me how God can put you in the path of someone that is a stranger, but knows you are His Daughter in faith. Most recently, while at the clinic, I heard music playing in the atrium. So I stopped and sat and listened… I wasn’t on a time line, I was done with my appointments, I had time to take it all in… Little did I know, this was all in God’s timing…The young pianist played just a couple songs while waiting for her loved one…& when he arrived, she stopped and gathered her things..I thanked her for taking the time to play and share her talents. It brought me much Joy! She asked if I played..yes, but am unable now. She replied, maybe I should try to play… she plays cello in the orchestra, but was just dabbling on the piano… God has given her that Gift! Its available for me, too. Thank you Jesus for bringing JOY back into my life!

  48. I have friends who lost their 6 year old daughter to cancer in October. They prayed. Their family prayed. Our church prayed. Friends from around the world prayed. And Jehovah Rapha healed her, but not in the way that we asked. This is a very difficult season for my friends, but I will show them this about Joy – in spite of Jehovah Rapha not answering the way we so desperately prayed. Please join us in praying for this family.

  49. I needed this today. Between two uncles dying, mom in hospice, the stress of the holiday, packing to move the end of this month, and my son’s being in the hospital, I find it easy to dwell on my circumstances.

    I KNOW God is always there. I KNOW that Jesus is my joy. I KNOW the Holy Spirit is within me. I also find myself being very human and forgetting these truths sometimes.

    Thank you for the reminder. It helps – maybe more than you know.

    1. Michon, thank you for taking the time to leave your story. It blesses us to know God’s timing was perfect for you today … He could speak into your grief and pain through His Word and the message He laid on my heart.



  50. Thank you for your inspiration! As our struggles come in different shapes and sizes we have to keep our eyes focused on our Savior.

  51. It took me a couple of tries to read this today. The eyes were too busy clouding up with those bittersweet tears which only come when His Spirit whispers when you’re reading Truths about Who He Is.
    I’ve been in a Job-type season for a year. A thorn… or two was placed in my side… to teach me. To REALLY teach me that He IS.

    “I AM”
    He IS.
    He Is existence.
    He IS every Name Who He says He is.
    And my nothingness is made perfect in His Grace.

    THAT massive concept is where He is journeying my spirit along with His.
    So that I can be used. So that my testimony can be heard and this Prodigal Daughter can serve.
    It’s lonely.
    It’s excruciating.
    It’s spectacular.
    It’s awe-inspiring.
    It’s knee-bending.
    It’s everything.

    So thank you for this.
    To go from Warrior Mode to keeping one foot in the Grace with JesushelpmeJesushelpmeJesushelpme prayers is quite the spiritual lesson about seasons.

  52. I have this book and it is wonderful. I would love to win the teaching dvd. If I win I will bless someone with a book. Merry Christmas everyone.

  53. This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. It gives me hope to know that even though it seems like the Lord has forgotten me, forgotten my plight, and maybe even turned His back on me, it isn’t true. JESUS ONLY YOU!!! Only You can take away my pain & suffering and renew a right spirit within me. Praise the Lord!

    God bless you Wendy & your family!!

    1. Elaine, YES! YES! You must know that Jesus has not forgotten you. His Word promises He will never leave us or forsake us. Even when we cannot see or feel Him through our circumstances, HE IS PRESENT WITH US. I pray that over the next few days He will tangibly make His presence known to You so that you may truly know He is with you and has not forgotten you.



  54. I thoroughly enjoy reading your daily devotional. It has really inspired me and they lift me up when I’m down and gets my day going in the right way. Thank you so much for sharing the gospel and your testimony with us. I pray you have a blessed Christmas.

  55. I thoroughly enjoy reading your daily devotional. It has really inspired me and they lift me up when I’m down and gets my day going in the right way. Thank you so much for sharing the gospel and your testimony with us. I pray you have a blessed Christmas.

  56. Thank you for sharing this with us. JOY! What a wonderful way to remember Jesus! So happy to hear your daughter has healed and is doing so well.

  57. Thank you for this reminder that Jesus is our only Joy. As for me I know the struggles of pain, just a little of my testimony, over seven years ago I had a bleeding on my brain, that caused a stroke that left me paralyzed on my left side, but God healed my mind first, now I can walk but still don’t have the use of my left arm. It is so much that I can testify about the struggle of going through that ordeal, but it is so much, just know that God is a healer and the Joy of the Lord is our strength. Thank you so much for the encouragement, my prayer for you, is that God bless each of you richly!

    1. Yolanda, my aunt suffered the same type of brain bleed a few years ago. They told us that night in the hospital she wouldn’t live and if she did she would be unable to move or communicate. BUT GOD! She has her speech back fully and almost full use of her arm and leg that was paralyzed. They are weak but they work. She (and we) give God all the glory. Her doctors are amazed. I stand with you praising how far you have come and praying He will restore your motion as well, sweet friend.



  58. Thank you! I have so much shame within the Christian community especially because, in THEIR eyes, I should be much further in my emotional healing journey then where I am. After all, if I had just enough faith and was much closer to God, He would heal me. Painful it has been. I was even told by a prayer warrior that I need to apologize to myself for allowing EVERYTHING that has happened to me in life (sexual, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual abuse), starting at birth. I grew up terrified of God to the point of shutdown, becoming less than human and to be honest, if it had not been for God constantly being there for me, I would not have gotten this far in life. It has been pretty difficult at times to trust Him, especially when He has allowed things to happen that has brought such incredible pain, however, He has also brought hope when He sees that I am struggling to hang on by reminding me of His love and promises that it is NOT all in vain. Wendy, you have been a great encouragement. Thank you.

    1. Patricia, it blesses me to know the Lord has met you today! Answered prayer for Gwen and me. I too have been the victim of sexual assault. It is a long recovery, but I can say JESUS IS ENOUGH! HIS HEALING IS PERFECT AND COMPLETE. Keep journeying with Him. Stay in His Word. Pray His Word. He will be faithful. I am living proof of His promises. Below is a link to one of the chapters in my book, Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner. I pray it blesses and equips you in this journey.



    2. Patricia, it blesses me to know the Lord has met you today! Answered prayer for Gwen and me. I too have been the victim of sexual assault. It is a long recovery, but I can say JESUS IS ENOUGH! HIS HEALING IS PERFECT AND COMPLETE. Keep journeying with Him. Stay in His Word. Pray His Word. He will be faithful. I am living proof of His promises. Below is a link to one of the chapters in my book, Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner. I pray it blesses and equips you in this journey.



    When you feel you cannot take one more step. With every breath you take, speak these three words:
    Jesus Only You!

  60. J.O.Y. is so, so much needed in this journey on this earth full of trials and suffering. How Thankful I am that we have Jesus to go and cling to.

  61. Would love to win this. I am going through some personal issues and was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. I love reading books like this.

  62. Can not wait to experience this book. My dgroup (discipleship) just finished D.i.v.e. Deeper by Jenifer Jernigan and it was wonderful. I did Living So That, by Wendy a couple of years ago. Love the promises God has in store for us and the healing He choses.
    What more could we want but to know Him and seek Him.

    1. Paige, so fun to connect with you. LOVE that you are an Inscribed Fan. We have a new Inscribed book coming out with a new author next month. Her name is Cindy Bultema. It is a wonderful study. So powerful.



  63. Loved your book & teaching Living So That & looking forward to getting into this study w/you! Thanks for sharing & encouraging us in your words.

  64. This could not of came at a better time. I have been facing so much this yr. With My daughter living in arizona and always something going wrong there, to my son having a drinking problem and his wife of only a yr decided she wanted out of the marriage. To finding out my ex husband has cancer in his lung along with a blood clot. There are so many times I have felt like giving up . When prayers are unanswered. Or not enough it seems. I have to remember those 3 letters J.O.Y. Jesus only you….

    1. Kim, you are walking through so much. I pray Jesus provides everything you need … manna for each day. He is the strength of our heart and our Portion forever. Asking for that strength and portion for you!!



  65. I certainly know the pain of not receiving the healing I prayed for, but, sometimes the healing comes in heaven where we will all see Jesus and experience the joy and healing of a new heavenly body!

    I’m praying now for my cousin, Margie, in the last stages of cancer and for her release and healing in heaven. I will miss you terribly, but, I’m counting on the joy and happiness you will have in heaven.

  66. Thank you for reminding me of what our Saviour is and is not! He is not our “fast food drive trough, “…have it your way!” I have a family member who has a few years to live and we’ve been praying for his healing and for the Lord to be real to him. These words are so encouraging…When we put Jesus first and “Only” our joy becomes full, real and “…gives us the peace that passes all understanding…” And these words are for me as well-I don’t have a terminal illness, but it is easy to get wrapped up in self pity and the business of the day and forget the suffering of those around me.

    Blessings to your family and ministry


  67. As we approach Christmas and time with our adult children who have made choices we don’t think were the best choices (or at least what WE would have done), we face disappointment but needed the reminder of Jesus Only You. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Merry Christmas!

  68. I certainly needed this. I have been focused on my circumstances, when I should be focused on Jesus. Thank you for sharing this!

  69. This is such a wonderful reminder of just who God is and what He does. The joy we find in Jesus is like nothing else! And I pray that each person reading these pages from the book will find that joy.

  70. I know that I just have to trust God in Healing as I get older. He has kept me alive all these years. One thing I can say, “God has healed my life and I am not the same.” He will continue to heal my life.

  71. Thank you Wendy and Gwen! So pumped up after reading this devotion… I have struggled for so long to explain to myself and to others why God seems to heal some but not others. I found my way of explanation in this. God does heal in every instance…but not always physically. So may things need healing….we need to humble our lives, love stronger, give more, forgive for real and our physical problems may be a way to our healing in those areas of our walk with God. I so believe that God answers me and gives me wisdom during my morning devotions….I often find my heart answers with my GIG friends and other Ladies of The Lord in their words! Thank you Lord ❤ Wendy…if I don’t win this give away I’m definitely buying it! Well done GIG! Blessings.

      1. Tammy, I love how the Lord has worked in our lives to give us this perspective on healing. There are times when we get in the way of God’s healing and must submit our hearts or plans to Him. And, there are times we must surrender to His sovereignty and trust when healing doesn’t come because His plan is best. He is a good God who always wants our highest and best!! We can trust Him always, even when our eyes can’t “see” or “feel” the answered prayers.

        Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment and share your heart about Jehovah Rapha, God our Healer.



    1. My heart goes out to you, Jan. I have two family members who suffer from the same. I have watched the pain they go through daily. I stand with you in praying for perfect healing, but until that time, may God meet you on those hard days and be your comfort and your strength. May you sense His sweet presence physically and spiritually. And may He give you sweet rest to renew you each night.

      Sweet Blessings,


  72. Wow! This truth could not have come at a better time for me! I have been praying for a healing of a horrible skin issue that has been ongoing for nearly 2 years, hundreds of dollars in doctor visits, medications with no answers, just treating symptoms that are times so debilitating I can barely function. I am hanging by a thread some days to my faith, peace & joy in the Lord. I believe God will deliver me from this affliction but the waiting sometimes gets the better of me. I would love to win this Giveaway! Bless you Gwen & the Gigi’s!

    1. Sweet, Susan, thank you for sharing your health struggle with us. God’s timing is always perfect, isn’t it?

      Heavenly Father, Jehovah Rapha, you know the cry of Susan’s heart. She desperately wants Your healing for her skin. We ask You now in the name of Jesus to heal her skin fully and completely. There is power in the shed blood and in the Name of Jesus. We pray by the blood and in the Name of Jesus. As she works with doctors in the interim, Father, may all things hidden be revealed. May You grant them wisdom to know how to work with and treat her. Give her patience to persevere. Peace when anxiety arises. Trust when she feels she can’t take another step. Be her Portion and her Strength. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.



    1. Cathy, it’s always a sweet gift to interact with others who have walked this journey with their children and grandchildren. Thank you for stopping by. I pray the Lord continues to bless your granddaughter as she grows into the woman He is shaping her to be.



  73. This was surely for me today. We recently found out that my father-in-law has an incurable disease. After many tests, the options for treatment are very limited and not at all promising. The whole family met last night to discuss the treatments and to pray over him. He has been through so much already, battling through so many serious health issues in the past.
    We know that God is the Great Physician and if it is His will, He can heal. But sometimes that healing does not come in the ways that we want it to. God is in control and His ways are perfect!
    Thank you for that reminder today! God Bless You!

    1. Amen! I’m so thankful Jehovah Rapha met you here today. He knows what you’re walking through and exactly what you need. May His angels surround your family during this time as you stand for healing but also work with where he is right now.



  74. My husband was born with pars disease. His back hurts all the time. But through the grace of God, he keeps going about the day to work on our farm. It is getting worse for him to where he can’t sleep at night. But Jesus is his joy and mine.

  75. I’m always excited about His word; I love to study and read it every chance I get. This is a great story and He heals us in so many ways. I love to tell others about His grace and mercy, even though we’re undeserving.

    1. Edna, that is what amazes me!! We are so undeserving, yet He is so generous. Love connecting with another Bible study lovin’ girl!! Thank you for stopping by with a comment.



  76. I needed this today as I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s earlier this year and recently have been struggling emotionally and spiritually. I know the truths of God’s Word but sometimes it’s hard to connect them with my heart. It helps to know others have had similar issues with their faith and God has seen them through the tough times.

    1. Joan, may God meet you in sweetest, most intimate ways as you walk this journey. You are not alone, although sometimes it may not feel like it. Our bodies fall apart as we get older, but God will never leave us or forsake us. He will walk every journey with us. May you know His presence and His strength as never before!!!



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