Graceologie Episode 134: J.D. Greear

What are you going to do with your life?
J.D.'s WEBSITE: JDGreear.com
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Popular pastor and author J.D. Greear joins me with a powerful message about Jesus’ radical call to give your life away to the greatest cause of all. To view your life from the perspective of eternity. To start making decisions now that you’ll be glad you made then.
It’s time to put your “yes” on the table and let God put it on the map. Let's GO!
What are you doing with your life? And are you going to regret it?
God’s agenda and my personal benefit are not always or usually in the same place.
All these years, JD had been saying “thy Kingdom come” but what he really meant was “my Kingdom come”. But he realized through prayer, it's not about his kingdom, it’s about God’s Kingdom.
Everyday get up and say, “whose kingdom am I pursuing? Mine or God’s?”
Romans 12:1 Daily laying your life down as a sacrifice.
People think about earthly things and not eternal things.
“God does some of his best glorification work through our pain not just our success.”
Does a bucket list really make sense for a Christian?
We think we have to experience certain things on earth because after death we won’t experience it but if God leads us places where we go without experiencing it here on earth, we are going to experience abundance in eternity.
YOLO-You Only Live Once but what if we lived like YALF-You Actually LIve Forever
This would change your perspective on life!
I want to spend my life right doing the ONLY thing I will not be able to do in eternity and that is tell people about Jesus. We only have one shot to tell people here!
Reset your expectations. Think that you want to faithfully execute the things that God has given you to do.
“God hasn’t called me to be well known. He’s called me to be faithful”
He hasn’t called me to raise amazing kids. He’s called me to be a faithful parent and to sow into them and trust Him to do the work.