Graceologie Episode 84: Katherine & Jay Wolf
How can you redefine hope, expectation and calling in the aftermath of trauma?
WEBSITE: HopeHeals.com
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BUY THE BOOK: Suffer Strong
BUY THE BOOK: Hope Heals
PSALM ADVENTURE ONLINE BIBLE STUDY with Gwen Smith: www.GwenSmith.net/PsalmAdventure
Often life doesn’t turn out the way you’d hoped it would. We experience trauma. We have scars. Some are physical and visible, while others are emotional and invisible: regardless, we’re impacted.
Katherine and Jay Wolf understand full-well the impact of life-altering trauma, and in this episode of the GRACEOLOGIE with Gwen Smith podcast they share their powerful story and Scriptural truth that will speak life and hope to your heart.
CAMP INFO: Hope Heals Camp
You cannot choose all the pieces of your story, but you can choose the story you tell yourself about yourself.
"We don't need to think less of ourselves, we just need to think of ourselves less." (Rick Warren)
FAST CAMPAIGN (signs of a stroke)
F - Face (paralysis, droop)
A - Arm (weakness, sagging)
S - Speech (slurred)
T - Time (every minute matters - don't try to sleep it off!)
What would it look like if we allowed our beauty to be defined by the fruit of the Spirit evidenced within us!?
"It would be wasteful to not unearth the most glorious treasure we find in the darkest places of our lives and take hold of the most precious gifts we can see in the light."
"Gratitude changes our perspective; it begins to pull back the layers of loss and reveal goodness underneath it."
it’s far easier to find a lie and speak truth over it than to find a wound and speak healing over it.
"The road to recovery always begins with the awareness that there is, in fact, a problem."
"We can’t control the outcomes in our past, present, or future, but we can decide what lessons we want to learn from them."
"The kingdom of God is rarely more alive than when we invite God into the place of our deepest constraints. When our sense of competency and the distractions of life are set aside due to our limitations, we can see the miracle of life in its most magnificent form. And it changes everything."
"It seems that God does give us more than we can handle—sometimes much more. And yet He does this so He can handle it for us and so we can handle it together."
"Because Jesus was crushed, in despair, abandoned, and destroyed on the cross, we never will be. Because defeat wasn’t the end of His story, it won’t be the end of ours either. We can suffer strong because we know that He’s been where we are, and He will never leave us alone in our pain."