It’s Such a Mystery

Gwen SmithBlog 69 Comments

My curiosity begs to understand life. My mind longs for logic. I am not overly fond of ungraspable concepts. When I was a child I asked a million questions. Why is the sky blue? Are angels all men? Why do bad things happen? Why can’t we send my brussel sprouts to the starving children in Africa? Who created God?

I wanted answers.

I still do.

Give me a story that grabs my attention at the beginning. Fill it with intrigue. Throw in some high conflict and drama in the middle and then catch the bad guys, tie up the loose ends and call it done. Cue the applause. Bring down the curtain. But don’t even think about leaving me hanging… and certainly don’t ask me to tune in next week for the missing story-pieces.

Now that you are clued in on a bit of my “crazy,” you can imagine how I reacted as a youngster when the concept of infinity was introduced in math class. Suit me up for a straight jacket and take me to a rubber room. I thought my math teacher was nuts. You mean I’m supposed to comprehend, work with, and accept something that has no beginning and no ending? Really? That’s not neat. It’s not simple. It makes my brain hurt to even think about it!

Pure frustration, packaged in a sideways figure eight.

A mind-maddening math mystery.           


Once I rose above the psychological drama-trauma of this new math concept, I figured out how to solve problems with infinity: even though I couldn’t fully wrap my brain around it. I completed my homework assignments and passed the tests without so much as running my fingernails down the chalkboard in a defiant, adolescent tantrum of revolt. Miracle.

There are a few characteristics of God that I find difficult to grasp. As you may have guessed, His eternal nature is one. It’s not easy to understand. As much as my inner four-year-old would like it to, the Bible does not begin with once upon a time, and it does not end with and they all lived happily ever after. The love saga of God, written in crimson by Christ, is a mystery that began before the dawn of time and goes on forever.

God’s existence defies space, matter and time. It transcends it!

Let what Scripture has to say about His eternal nature blow your mind for a minute…

Behold, God is great, and we know him not; the number of his years is unsearchable. (Job 36:26)

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. (Isaiah 40:28)

God is God. He is great. Unsearchable!

There is no one like Him, not one. Not now. Not ever.

He is uniquely and mysteriously eternal.

He is El Olam: The Everlasting God, El meaning “mighty one,” Olam meaning world, universe, everlasting time or space.[i] His existence cannot be featured on a timeline because it does not come neatly packaged with a clearly defined beginning and ending. In fact, He isthe Beginning and the End – the Alpha and Omega – the First and the Last.

There is no one like the God of Israel. He rides across the heavens to help you, across the skies in majestic splendor. The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you. (Deuteronomy 33:26-27a)

I would guess that, like me, you love the thought of God as your refuge. My heart completely resonates with the concept of His everlasting arms beneath me. Holding me. Protecting me. Guiding me. Do I fully understand it? Not at all … but it sure does help me to accept the concept of God’s eternal nature. More than that, it helps me to embrace His infinite nature.

When we allow the One who is beyond space, matter and time into our space, matter and time, we position ourselves to experience El Olam as a refuge for all eternity.

You and I run out of energy. We grow weary. We lose heart. God never does. The Everlasting God does not faint or grow weary and when we call out to Him, He renews our strength and revives our hope.

Yeah. I’m the girl who wants life to make sense, but I’ve been learning that there are some things in life that we just need to accept, rather than understand. Things we need to take at face value… at faith value. For me, this is one of them.

I worship El Olam– who was and is and is to come. Infinite Grace. And I’m grateful that on the day my lungs exhale my final earthly breath and my eyes lift to see Jesus face to face, all my questions will be not only satisfied, but also forgotten. Not just for a moment, but for all eternity.

Heavenly Father, El Olam, Everlasting God,
You surely are great! You are the most amazing mystery I will ever know. Help me to trust You, beyond my understanding. Increase my faith, and help me reflect Your infinite grace.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Our problems are finite… they have a beginning and an end. God’s ability to meet us at each challenge is not limited by space or time. Are there people or challenges with which you feel God is calling you trust Him deeper with? Let’s take this conversation deeper. Leave a comment or prayer of response on my blog wall.

Music Connection… I’m a worship girl, so I want to be sure to point you to a song that celebrates the ungraspable nature of our awesome God. The song is called “Unsearchable” and it is the title track to my “Unsearchable Live” CD. {I have posted the lyric video for Unsearchable on my blog so you can hear the song in its entirety.}


Thanks for doing life with me!

Blessings and Grace,


TWO DAY GIVEAWAY: Get a FREE copy of my Uncluttered CD when you purchase the Girlfriends in God book, Knowing God by Name today or tomorrow. ONLY from the store at


Today’s post is adapted from Knowing God by Nameby Sharon Jaynes, Gwen Smith, & Mary Southerland by permission of Multnomah, division of Random House, Inc.


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Comments 69

  1. To trust him with my recent layoff. I don’t even know where to begin because I don’t know what He is calling me to. But he’s asking me to trust until He reveals it.

  2. I am trusting God with Faith, that my grandson will carry the holy bible down the isle, for my daughters wedding. His parents forbid it. God will make a way where there seems to be no way!

  3. Trust me keeps ringing in my mind and fear surfaces. I am aging and have found myself taking a cut in pay and starting at the bottom at work. Health is a big concern but it is still Humiliating, embarrassing but I need a pay check. Yet I keep hearing “Trust me” and I know it’s God whispering to me so I am praying all will be good.

  4. I suffer with anxiety/ OCD/ depression. I have trust issuesnit seems. I know I want to be saved bitni don’t believe i have the right faith or belief to get there. I have asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior so many times and every time my anxiety flares up and I feel lost all over again. Oh to be able to just rely on Gods Grace and have faith. I want to hear Gods voice, bit my mind is too filled with doubt. I want to be the woman God intended me to be.

  5. I have struggled with my weight all my life, but since becoming married, I have found it impossible to balance being a reliable and thorough employee, a diligent wife in keeping up with house and home and being a good steward over my temple. I eat on the go, finding what is quick, easy and tasty. I love sweets and often turn to them with any significant emotion (happy, sad, angry, flustered….) In my head and heart, I know I should look to my Abba in all things, but chips or cookies offer such an immediate, if shallow and damaging, satisfaction. It is now affecting my self esteem and my marriage. Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you

    1. I know what you struggle with when it comes to eating. Sugar and too many refined carbohydrates gave me food cravings. I feel free for the 1st
      time in my life. Clean eating will set you on a better path.

  6. I am someone who is wrestling with the why’s and learning to trust in the mystery of God’s love. I lost my beautiful, adult son to suicide three years ago. I know your heart is to be real and encourage us in Christ. It increases the pain when mental illness is made light of, especially in the body of Christ. The words “nuts”, “crazy”, “white jackets”, and “rubber rooms”, cut to the heart. The struggle is real, life-altering, heartbreaking. We are all broken, with a loving God who holds us tenderly and never leaves us. Let us all learn to be more sensitive to those who live with mental illness everyday and take away the stigma with compassion words and understanding.

  7. I am praying that God gives me the strength to trust in Him each and every day. Whether it be a problem that I feel is small or a problem that I feel is too big to handle on my own, I pray for Gods to allow me to reach out to Him for guidance and understanding.

  8. Thank you god for loving me with all my imperfections and sin! Help me to allow my heart to trust you have a greater plan that is beyond any troubled waters I find myself in for you carry me when I can no longer walk even as a sinner!! You know every hair on my head and created me in your image and likeness!! I give my troubles to you and know YOU GOT THIS!!!!
    In your name I pray Amen!!!

  9. Well, this explains much; I do not like, enjoy, delight in, care for, am not into mysteries any one or anything mysterious. Just never has been my thing or something I am into.

  10. I’m leaning on God’s powerful ability to heal my daughter. This is hard for me at times because we are at kind of a pause. I’m sure God is doing something with my girl and I’m praying her through. She has at least 7 panic attacks a day . Please remember us in your prayer time. My daughter is Jena and I’m Wista. Thankyou so much for your devotions I look so forward to them everyday.

  11. All three of my grown children have left the faith in God they grew up with. I pray faithfully for them, but nothing happens. I get discouraged and very anxious about them many times. I know God is wanting me to trust in Him more to see Him answer my prayers and work in their hearts. Please keep me and my children in your prayers. Thanks

  12. I believe that God is calling me to trust Him more with wanting children. He has already promised me that we will have children, but with every month that goes by I get disappointed instead of trusting Him. Please pray for me to trust the Lord more not matter how many months pass by. Who better to trust than the Lord? He has never let me down.

  13. I have been praying for my son who is 46 who is going through drug rehab. He is in so much pain and sick because of this. This is my challenge I’m going through because my son has been going through all of this for months and I am his care giver and my grandson’s also. I do all the shopping and Drs. appt. too. I’m praying for this to situation to get better. I know God hears me, but this is still a challenge.

  14. I read every email I receive but I’ve never commented on a post – I felt called to today. I’ve been essentially dating the same guy for almost a year but he fears commitment. People tell me I’m crazy for sticking around and I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t ask for others opinions because they’re all conflicting and really screw with me. I go through great moments with this guy then I get in my head. I’m really trying to trust God with him and the whole situation. So my biggest area of opportunity is trusting and having faith that God will guide me/him/us through this and just having discernment on what to do. Thank you for taking the time to read!

  15. I try to plan out everyday of my life. However, in the last few months nothing has happened as planned. I finally had to give it all to God and ask him to show me the path I’m supposed to be on. Since then, I’m not as stressed as I once was. I’m starting to see how great my future is going to be, even if I don’t know where I’m going, just yet.

  16. Today, instead of praying that God will take away my anxiety around the things I can’t control, I am handing it all to him. I know I pray daily for God to do things but I realize that without my surrender, I am not giving him full reign. Lord, thank you for your never ending love, I can’t wait to spend the day basking in your mercy. Amen.

  17. Please pray for my daughter, God knows her challenges now. They are life changing, please God show her mercy and give her strength, put people in her life that support her and protect her.

  18. Struggling…. to trust that God has a plan and an end for my current situation. Trying to understand why this is happening and why God would let this happen and why I’m suffering so much while the people to did the harm are succeeding and I’m struggling. Two steps forward and five back just to feel like I’m at rock bottom again despite all I have accomplished. Makes me not understand the why, how, what did I do to deserve this?

  19. I have stressed and worried about money as a single mom. I worry about worrying. It is terrible. My ex left and I got everything including all grown up responsibilities.

    Sometimes, I feel like I cannot breathe. I work very hard not to let fear override my faith.

    The unknown is scary.

  20. I’m a planner and a fixer…I struggle with letting things go without a plan to fix it!! Then I have to remember…NOT MY JOB!! I can plan and fix all I want, but unless I ask and listen first…it’s useless. Wait on God, not an easy one for me…but I know it’s the ONLY WAY ⬆
    Thank you for your messages that remind me of God’s love and promises!!

  21. THank you for your post today. I need prayer please. My life is in a season of trial right now. At work, home, spiritually. My husband, pastor who is taking a break to get his PhD, has been having a hard time ‘trusting’ the church again, so though we have diligently been seeking a church, we have not found one where we have stabilized – it’s been two years. During that time, we had our first child, an amazing son, and I’m working full-time. One income is possible, but incredibly tight. And our marriage, though I would call it good, has it’s challenges – my husband is disatisfied intimately – I just don’t have a lot to give despite me really wanting to – less about me being so busy, and I think more about me wanting him to commnicate more – he seems disconnected at times. All has come to a head in the last 6 months, and now my sleep is being affected. All this has shown me maybe I don’t have as much faith as I thought I did. It’s a tough season so would like some prayer please Thank you.

  22. My sister has a phobia disorder, fear and anxiety of broken glass. It has become apparent to us for the past 3 years. I feel she is not getting the psychological care to help her live a healthy life style. She refuses to enter any of our homes. Hasn’t been to my home in 3.5 years. She has great social anxiety.

  23. I submit my finite challenges to El Olam the King of kings, the Everlasting Father who loves unconditionally. I pray for my son to return to the path of righteousness for a spirit of Excellence as he navigates his way through university. I pray for a deeper walk with the Lord.

  24. Please pray for our children who have not accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. One son, Craig is following Buddhism going into a monestary this coming weekend. His brother Terry and Sister Shannon are leaning toward the way of the Buddhist as well. Please pray that their eyes be opened to the trust.
    Thank you.

  25. I am struggling to understand and or accept my husband and son’s relationship. For years they are always in arguments, conflicts. It is heartbreaking. I see the hurt in my son. However he is a grown man now. I just keep praying and praying for healing between the two of them.

  26. Here is my pain… I am 8 weeks pregnant and last week no heartbeat was heard but we did hear it the week before. Doc said come back in a week to see what is happening. Doc is not hopeful. It is a trying week for my family.

  27. This definitely struck a chord with me. In the beginning when I started reading I thought I was writing this myself. I often question when I need to trust. I am a need to know right now person. I am struggling with trusting my purpose what I’m truly supposed to do. This may not be the right thread but it feels good to be able to share that in a non judgemental place. Blessing to everyone.

  28. I love the verse from Deut! My challenge is forgiveness for a person who tried to break up my family. God told me I was to forgive her when she approached me. It’s been 1 1/2 years and that hasn’t happened. I’ve forgiven her in my head but need to truly forgive from my heart.
    Thank you for heartfelt encouragement and showing us all what true faith can do!

  29. I think I must be a lot like you Gwen. When I was a child, I was frightened and anxious whenever I thought about “forever.” I can still remember going to my mom and saying “I’m thinking about forever and it scares me!” She always wrapped her loving arms around me and comforted me until I felt better.
    As an adult, I committed my life to the Lord, and I have found such loving arms whenever I’m frightened or anxious. Now I look forward to the day when I’ll be with Him forever.

  30. I’m struggling with consistency in controlling my glucose levels and trying to loose weight. It’s been good for two weeks. I’m asking prayer for consistency and better understanding of eating habits, to loose weight.

  31. Thank you so much Gwen for your devotion this morning. It is very uplifting and just what I needed to hear. Whike living with my husband, who I know is struggling with BPD and refuses to seek help or even admits he has a problem, it is so good to be reminded of our eternal God.

  32. Thank you for the lesson and thank you for sharing your talent of singing. You have a beautiful voice!
    Love, blessings and grace-

  33. I believe in God but at times my trust and faith are weak. I fret and worry about my job to the point that fear paralyzes me. Lord increase my trust and faith in you. Let me focus on you and you only. Drown out the negative thoughts dear Lord. Order my steps Lord.

  34. Thank you for this. As I go into my last finals in college, I feel like I’m struggling the most. God has called me to trust in him deeper and lean on him when I have given it my all. I pray that today as I finish up the semester, God guides me no matter what the outcome and I am able to understand his love and grace.

  35. My son who I have had in church his whole life! Has turned from God has a baby on the way (not Married) and no job and is on drugs. I am so down and depressed, I love the lord I am praying he delivers my son. My faith is very low. I love God, I am scared.

  36. I just found out I will be having a major surgery and I am trying to trust GOD that everything is going to work out. I hate that I’m starting to worry about how the bills are going to be paid, am I going to recover completely, and I have other worries. I just want to give my worries and doubts and fears to him .

  37. Hi Gwen,
    I love the Lord and have had a depression in the past few months. I have been on meds and it’s taking a while to integrate into my body. I was smitten by this young man a year ago and had not been able to stop emailing him. I send him nice articles, quotes, verses, poems etc. He never answers but I know he reads them. I leave him to God to touch his heart and to live a healthier lifestyle with gaining friends, the Lord in the midst of his Life & peace for his family.
    God bless. Marion

  38. My teenage daughter is going through a difficult time with her friends and also seems very interested in her boyfriend. ..and I and really struggling with this. We have 4 children and she’s our baby. The older ones went through some things that were tough but they each have a relationship w Christ and are making good choices, but she’s different and I am perplexed! Your devo was for me this morning! I need help in how to pray and how to be a better parent w this one! I am def struggling how to pray and trust God in and through this and I am dreading the next few years of HS. I need some wise counsel from a trusted friend.

  39. One of the challenges that God is calling me to trust him deeper with is my career. I need to stop being so concern about what can go wrong and just step out on faith and trust that he will have my back. He always has and has never let me down. Love your devotionals!

  40. Asking for prayers for taking my nursing boards tomorrow. That God bring the comments about me and that I remember the things I studied apply and I go in to the test with no doubts trusting in Him completely

    Thank you !

  41. I really enjoy your blogs. They’re down-to-earth and so inspiring. The song “Unsearchable” added the extra touch to your experiences. Thank you.

  42. Praying for household salvation, praying for strongholds of addiction to alcohol with spouse & daughter in law who also was diagnosed with severe colitis praying for healing , praying for restoration of relationships of spouse children & family members . Praising God for what he is doing in the mist of the storm .

  43. I felt lead to leave a job that I’ve been doing for the last 7 years due to the very difficult and abusive way I’ve been treated. My husband and I prayed, sought the counsel of my parents, and really just decided to take the leap and trus that God will find me something else. I am a trusting that God will help me find another job, however I am living in my head thinking oh what did I do. Pray that God will help me find another job that will not only be something I can enjoy but that it would serve God in the process.

  44. Great post! I am needing to trust Him with my future. Change of season, change of job, What does this look like for me? Only He truly knows. It’s pretty much a FAITH and NO SIGHT thing. 😁🤓

  45. Thank you for your encouraging, insightful words. I am a widow so I desperately need God and His word to help me survive. Recently I heard a preacher speak about heaven and he used the “happily ever after.” That so helped me because maybe I didn’t get my happily with my husband on earth for long enough, but I am going to live happily ever after with my Sweet Jesus!

  46. I have a health issue that has “no cure”. So they say. I just trust in the Lord each day as the episodes i have with the Trigiminal. Nueralgia and anesthesia Dolorosa become more and more painful each time. There is nothing they can do for me now. The meds do t seem to help anymore. I am trusting that God through His Son Jesus can calm the pain or Can prove the doctors wrong and cure this most painful diagnosis which is considered the “suicide diagnoses “. I am thankful for my faith in Him and for His grace and love that covers me. Thank you for your prayers.

  47. Hey Music Girl, alias Gwen,
    Janet Paschal is in concert at First Presbyterian Church in Kannapolis, NC at 3 pm May 13, 2018 FREE. Perfect Mother’s Day outing. FREE to all. Hope to see you there.

  48. A great reminder that God is such bigger then I and so much bigger than my problems. He is there holding me up, tapping me on my shoulder, saying, “Breath, just keep moving forward, I am with you”. Needed this this rainy morning. Thank you

  49. Great blog, some concepts about God are hard to understand, Like tragedy, pain, suffering, and unanswered prayers. Mine are: how to break free from anxiety and depression, and an opening into a work situation with more permanent hours.

  50. Thank you Gwen.
    I am currently dealing with the guilt of not raising my daughter as a Christian. I was raised as a Christian but strayed for a time. I took her to a weekly evening church club as a preschooler but not much else. I know my friends & family were praying for me & her through my time in the wilderness. Now I am praying for my daughter to not be punished for my mistakes and that she will look to Jesus to heal her depression and take over her life so she can forgive & be forgiven. The good Lord has been faithful in my life many times & I know he will for my daughter too but it’s so hard to wait. Dear Lord please give me patience & faith to trust your perfect will & your perfect timing. In Jesus name, amen.

  51. Thank you for sharing your song. It was such a blessing. I loved reading your article this morning and how you have questions on many things. This is the way we learn my husband the pastor says. Many of the questions you ask I took for that if God said it was that way it was that way. The infinity or eternal life of forever is very hard concept to understand because of we look at everything in times segments. But when we get to heaven it won’t matter and we are with our wonderful Lord and Savior it will be wonderful. Though I am almost 65 years old I still wonder why bad things happen to good people. But I know Jesus said, It rains on the unjust and the just. Which means we weren’t promise because we became Christians a perfect life and when the rough things do happen we have wonderful Lord to help us through them. Praise the Lord.

  52. First of all; thank you for this story which spoke to my wondering mind. I must admit that I am my biggest challenge, for my growing up years were not kind nor filled with encouragement, so now I struggle daily to stay alive and the Only reason why I don’t end it, it’s because I want to meet Jesus and I don’t want to mess that up. How can I reprogram my mind to what God says from what was put into my head as a child?

  53. My husband and I have been through the trial of unwanted divorces several years ago before God brought us together to start a new life serving Him. We’ve been praying for months for God to provide the financing we need to grow and continue our new business, which we feel He brought us to and glorifies Him using our God-given skills serving others while providing for our family. He’s met our daily needs but we’ve run out of our cushion, cutting back, making necessary sacrifices to get by but desperately need Him to provide financing now so we can pay ourselves and continue. We have great faith but appreciate prayers for strength in the waiting!

  54. I want to accept and trust God. I want to have hope. I know God is good, I have heard and read about testimonies from so many people. I feel as though He has forgot about me. I need help and I am getting no relief. I go to bible study, church and I have christian friends. I pray and read the bible. I have been looking for a job for 8 months with no luck. I have had interview after interview with no calls saying, “I got the job”. Me and my boyfriend broke up but we are roommates only because I have no where to go. Now he may be quitting his job and won’t be able to pay for anything. I have a couple bills coming up at the end of the week and no money. So, my hope is failing me, I have no where to turn but to God and I am not getting any answers from Him. All my friends at church have been praying for me. During church when they call people to the front to be prayed over, I go. I have never been prayed over so much in my entire life, I see no relief. I see no end in sight. I feel hopeless and lost.

  55. one of my challenges is my 70 year old sister with deep emotional and spiritual problems that cause HUGE arguments. We live with and take care of my 94-year old mother who has dementia and is in a wheelchair (I’m 60 and work full time) and 6 months ago we lost our afternoon home care, and haven’t been able to find another agency with staffing to replace them, so that’s a huge challenge as well because my sister isn’t in any shape to be home alone with my mom all afternoon. We did find someone 2 days a week that I’m paying out of pocket, and we had a volunteer that was to do 2 days a week but that rarely happens because of a daughters work schedule and having to help with grandchildren. Yesterday my sister said something to one of our morning helpersabout trying to not be so bubbly when she comes, and now that has caused a rift and I’m scared we could lose her, and the agency has no one to replace her they said. She’s there a couple times a week. I just feel like God has hung us out to dry. I beg and plead with Him to show me what to do and I’m just not getting any peace of mind about how to handle things. My sister does very little to help me – once I get home after working all day, most everything is mine to do – cooking, taking care of mom, etc. I’m weary, worn out, exhausted, and overwhelmed. I try to tell her that I need her help and that works for a couple days and then we’re right back to me doing it all. It’s not that she doesn’t do anything, but it’s just not enough. I can’t cope with her emotional and spiritual problems and she just wants to dump on me. I don’t know what to do and would sure appreciate prayers to guidance and that God would intervene so we could get back to some semblence of normal at home. Thank you so much for your blog and your encouragement!

  56. Gwen! Amen sister, from another mother!!! I was caught up in your energy, reading with a smile from ear to ear, then the smile goes to that straight line emoji face…. and I have to think….because there it is, the question or the profound statement that makes you go into that look off into space and reflect face. Then, I send it to my “girlfriend in God, fleshy friend” and say….READ THIS!!!! I am so excited to have found you in my “Updates” box. I don’t ever remember requesting to follow you on any social media, but, God threw you in my emails and here we are! Looking forward to seeing you @ Word of Life, Schroon Lake, NY! Me and my “fleshy friends” are stalking the WOL site to see when tickets are available for sale! Hahahaha, Thank you for stepping out and teaching the word of God true and raw to women in Christ followers. You are a blessing when sometimes they seem far and few between.

    1. Post
  57. The subject of what I’m struggling with now is the concept God – One in three – and the Son, who came to this earth. I love both, or the three in One. Is this a concept that you’ve struggled with? For now I’m trying to believe without explaining. Like you with the concept of infinity, belief without complete understanding. Able to work with my faith, like you with your homework, without total understanding.

    Thank you for your song. I often think of hymns and lines of lyrics while life goes on. I don’t sing very well but I know that He doesn’t mind, and so I talk and sing to him.

  58. Gwen, Love your name as it is my grand baby’s name. I love Unsearchable, what a beautiful song. I’m sitting here in my bed at 4 am unable to sleep. My husband lost his job yesterday. No severance, nothing. We are 61 years old. We will have no insurance the end of April. I am so upset and worried as our health is not the greatest. I have not been diagnosed yet but the doctor thinks I am having MS symptoms. And now as the pain gets worse in my joints and arms and legs I needed to make a Dr appt with a specialist but now I can’t. I can’t have the mri needed. My husband just canceled his appt for June. Why do these things happen? He is a Piping Designer and a strong man but yesterday I saw him cry for the first time in a very long time. He is worried I know. I am so sad and can’t stop crying and sleepless. I put my headphone in and listened to Unsearchable. What a great song and beautiful voice you have. Thank you for your emails and music. Please pray for us as we start this journey of unknown.

  59. Wow wow wow! What a wonderful ,beautiful, precious song I love it it’s incredible. Unsearchable grace, unsearchable wisdom. What an amazing way to put everything together to describe our awesome God. Thank you so very much for allowing GOD to use you to inspire you to write in the girlfriends in God and your song’s to help women all over the world.
    You be blessed!!!

    In God we trust Anne Marie Pierre

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