I am the middle child of five born to my parents in eight short years. Our house buzzed with activity, sibling rivalry, and noise. Stadiums full of noise. I was one girl among a handful of kids who wanted to catch the eye of my busy, work-a-holic daddy.
While I knew he loved me, I wanted so much more from my dad.
I wanted to hear his love, to feel his love, to be sheltered by his love, and to be adored.
One of my favorite childhood memories is of the times in summer when my big, strong father would take both of my hands in his and then begin to spin. Running in circles around him, I would quickly gain momentum and take flight. Round and round we would go. Pure delight. My heart soared with the wild, dizzy adventure of it all as my brown eyes laughed with his blue eyes, shrinking to crescents of joy.
And when the moment was over, I wanted more.
Do it again, Daddy! I would beg. Please? Just one more time!
I wanted more of the love. More of the adventure. More of the joy that centered on the attention of my father.
I wanted more than any human or any adventure could ever give.
And I still do.
I often look to my husband, children, friendships, status, career, wallet, or waistline to fill this ache that drives me. When will I learn that my people, positions, and possessions are not my God?
I am so thankful that the Bible reminds me of this intensely personal truth: God is my heavenly Father – my Abba Father – who loves me in the way I’ve always wanted to be loved. Perfectly. All-sufficiently.
John wrote about the love found in the family and heart of God. “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are” (1 John 3:1, NIV).
We need to know this. To grasp this. To accept this. To embrace this. The kind of love that welcomes us as family. That sees and invites us into belonging.
I do want the love of my people. And that’s okay. But I cannot expect that the imperfect nature of humanity, relationships, and this world can satisfy my deepest heart cravings.
Only God’s love can satisfy a soul.
Only God.
Only the One who was willing to sacrifice His Son to bridge the chasm of death between His holiness and my humanness. His is the love that holds, the love that heals, the love that refines, the love that calls my waywardness back to purity with kindness, the love that is always with me, that saves, rejoices over me with singing, and takes great delight in me. (Zephaniah 3:17)
This love. This sacred, scarlet love of Jesus is the only water that can quench the desperate longings of my thirsty soul. His is the only love that satisfies. To grasp the love God has for me, my feeble hands must reach for the ones that were pierced for my transgressions.
Reach for them with me.
Dear Lord,
You are perfect love…and all that my soul longs for. When I am dizzy with discontent, please calm me with sacred love that satisfies.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
How personally do you take God’s love? Is it hard for you to imagine? Me too. But truth is truth. We need to take God at His WORD! Read and meditate on these verses: Ephesians 2:4-5, 1 Peter 5:6-7, Psalm 86:15 and Zephaniah 3:17.
GIVEAWAY: Journal a one-sentence summary that encapsulates the truth of God’s love for you. Then tell me your one sentence summary! Leave it as a comment on my blog or as a direct message on my Instagram! I will be picking 3 random one-sentence-summaries to receive a FREE digital download of the music soundtrack from my book I Want It All.
If today’s message is where you are and you need more practical help, order a copy of my book I Want It All. Click here to get yours now.
Love you guys!!
Comments 42
God’s love to me is higher than the highest mountain, deeper than the deepest ocean, wider than the sea… that’s God’s love to me.
God, my daddy; the giant lap that I can crawl up into for forgiveness,acceptance, nurturing, consolation, humor, compassion and deep deep unequivocal amazing love.
I Thank Him for it All….
I Thank Him for it All…The good, the bad, the ugly, great and small…
I Thank Him for My Tears, the pain helped me overcome my Fears, It’s a miracle that I’m still standing here,..
This is a Song sung by Marvin Sapp
But My Testimony
I just can’t get enough of God’s love and guidance for me…I love that he chose me
I never stop being amazed at how God loves me even when I’m at my worst and unlovable.
God’s love for me is all encompassing; it is gracious.
God’s love got me through some frightening panic attacks.
“Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”
God loves me unconditionally like no one else in my life…….even when I do too much for others only because I’m a friend who loves them.
(Recently I was told by a friend for over 30 years that she never wanted me to help her through life like I did. It was because I loved her ….and she resented it! I took it as a slap in the face)
Psalm 139
Always reminds me how much he cares that he put me together in my mothers womb. He cares about every part of me. Searches every thing I do. I’m like a puzzle he put together.
God’s love is a never Ending gift that can ever be taken away from me!
God loves my soul , my heart, my mind, and my very being because He created me in love.
Gods love frees me up to be able to eliminate any expectations or demands I put on people or things. His love only fills that void
The truth of the Master’s Love, Satisfies, when everything else vies for first place in our lives.
Lord Guide my mind and hold my tongue. Direct my path for I am with you and I give You my All My Everything Change me with your Love.
Jesus is my everyday forever
God loves me so much that even if I was the only person on the planet, he would have sent his son to die for me.
My God is my everything. Like a bagel with many seeds to fill us physically. God fills my heart, mind and soul through His Word.
My God is my everything. Like a bagel with with many seeds to fill us physically. God fills my heart, mind and soul through His Word.
God’s love is my sanity.
God’s love is the unimaginable forgiveness, grace, and strength we could never muster up on our own.
I know my Spiritual Father in heaven loves even when I make an mistake. He also wants the best for me He gave His son to save me.
There is no greater love on earth than the love that God has for me forever and always.
You are right about some people say they love us but not putting it in action.
Amazing, wonderful Father whose love supersedes more than I can ever imagine from the flight of the heron to the walks by rushing and still waters where I find peace, comfort and His love!

Amazing, wonderful Father whose love supersedes more than I can ever imagine from the flight of the heron to the walks by rushing and still waters where I find peace, comfort and His love!

Each day I am blown away at the thought that our Father, the Sovereign God, knows my name, amazingly blown away by His Love.
He rescued me because He delights in me and I am forever grateful.
Once I comprehended how much God loves me unconditionally, my whole perspective changed about the Father, Who has loved me with an everlasting love and in Him, I am safe.
Once I comprehended how much God loves me, unconditionally, changed my whole perspective of ‘God my loving Father’, to Whom I can run to and be safe!
I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and to help combat that I visualize that the Lord is cradling me in his arms and comforting me, and within minutes He has calmed me down and His love flows through me.
His love is so real for me that I can crawl up into Abba Father’s lap and rest my head against Him and feel His breath (closeness) on my neck and find my peace.
Dear God, when I do not get what I want, when I am let down by family and friends please help me remember that in Your great love You have a better plan for me. Remind me of Paul’s words in Philippians 4:19 that “my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Thank you for Your unfailing love.
God stepped in and showed me His love when He gave me a child (natural birth) that the doctors told me I would never be able to have a child.
God took me from broken and lost to being found and healing, Jesus is my savior thank you God for your precious son Jesus.
Gods love saved me from the depths of hell. I am so thankful.
And He loves me still…
He sees me, from the hairs on my head to the tips of my toes whether under my duvet, at the sink, in my garden or wherever I might be, and thankfully, He pursues and loves me relentlessly!
God’s love awakens me early in the morning, my soul eager to meet with him, to dive into his word and hear from him as I sit in the quiet.
God doesn’t rebuke me, but rather he is a compassionate God who loves and delights in me.