“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” (Lamentations 3:24, ESV)
I am a lot of things, but low maintenance is not necessarily one of them. Straight up, I am a girl with some constant cravings. Though I do try to savor life moments with gratitude, I fail all the time.
Many days, I find myself looking beyond my now to my next, longing in discontent.
I seek God’s blessings instead of seeking God. I seek His hand instead of His heart.
This frazzles my peace and messes with my joy. It tangles my heart in knots until I begin to dance through my days to the tune of, “I can’t get no satisfaction!”
Why do we desire God’s presents in our lives more than His presence?
Does God need us to tell Him how to be God?
Isn’t that what we do when we stomp our feet before His throne and whine about all of the things that need fixing instead of praising Him for the strength He graciously gives us to get through?
While we’re certainly encouraged by Scripture to make our requests known to the Father (Philippians 4:6), the highest calling on our lives is to love God with all of our hearts, souls, bodies and minds (Matthew 22:37). We can do both, but we are commanded to seek God first: to look to Him as our Ultimate. Our Portion.Asaph wrote Psalm 73 with a lot on his mind. He was flustered about all the bad people around him. He wondered why God wasn’t smacking them around for being so wretched and was struggling to keep his eyes on his own life. (Sound familiar? Yep. I do it too.)
Then his woes turned to worship as he entered into the sanctuary of God (v17). (TWEETABLE!) His heart began to untangle as he remembered God’s sovereignty. In Psalm 73:26, he finally landed in a good place. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
He took a deep breath and found his God-confidence.
Oh, how I can relate to that!
The Bible shows us time and time again that when we prioritize God – when we look to Him to be our Portion – we are supernaturally equipped to rest in Him. (Another TWEETABLE) Do you remember that old hymn His Eye Is On The Sparrow? Girlfriend, God doesn’t miss a trick. He knows what’s going on.
“And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, He will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?
“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘what will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today (Matthew 6:30-34, NLT).
If divine eyes rest on tiny sparrows and flowers of the fields, how much more are the needs and desires of God’s children known to Him?
Dear Lord,
Would You be my Portion today?
Help me to trust Your plan and rest in Your grace – beyond what I see or feel.
In Jesus’s name, amen.
REFLECTION and RESPONSE: Leave a comment on my blog wall telling me what your worry looks like today, or simply say “I’m trusting God!”. Let’s pray together. I really love to hear from you and to watch the wall light up when we encourage one another!
Hugs and Blessings and tons of e-love…
Coming very soon… #cannotwait

Comments 107
Gwen, I have been reading GIG for a couple years now and I love all 3 of you ladies but I seem to connect with everything you write. I am going through some very scary medical issues right now with a lot of unknowns and being a nurse at times like this is more a curse than a help. I just told one of my sweet nephews yesterday that I have to make my faith bigger than my fear after all that is my middle name. Today’s devotional spoke right to my heart. Thank you for your wisdom and always making me feel as if you are speaking right to my heart.
Today I had to reconnect with God. I let this thing we call life take a hold of me. Leaving me to busy for my daily devotions. Today I started over. Bc I know we can all start over any hour or second of the day. I realize that my heart, mind And soul does not feel as whole when I do not make god my portion. He is who gets me through every day. He is who answers my prayers. Hears them. Comforts me. So to think that I slacked off on something that is so crucial to my everyday life, proves that evil wants us to step away from God. Bc he hates to see our relationship grow with the lord. I’m truly blessed to plant my feet back on the ground. For the lord is truly the answer to everything. I’m so thankful I found this app thanks to a fellow friend in bible study!
Thanks for inspiring me!
I’m trusting God with my life. Im am a born again beliver.Im giving everything unto thee and giving God all my brokeness. I’m trusting God to get the glory out my life. I’m trusting God to do a new thing in me. I trusting God with my heart today.I just want more of God in my life and I’m trusting God to something amazing in my life. Not my will but Lord let your will be done in my life Lord.
I am trusting God. I truly believe HE knows what is best for me. I love HIM and want to always want HIS will in my life and yet I find myself so many times giving things to God, then interrupting HIM every few minutes trying to let HIM know what really seems to me to be the best for me when I know that I do not even have a clue of what is best for me. Sometimes I think I do not even know myself at all, but so thankful that God truly knows me. HE knows all the things I do not want anyone else to know, but I thank HIM every day for HIS mercy, love, and forgiveness and I pray I will become the Christian HE needs and wants me to be. I pray I will let God be my Portion today and every day.
I am learning to trust God everyday. I was in a very dark & sad place on New year’s day. I didn’t want to go on any more. I was being attacked from everyside. I heard the Lord say, read your devotional. I did. The reading was about change. I continued to cry and waller in myself pity. Again I heard the Lord. Get up take a shower. I did and there in the shower. I asked why haven’t you answered me. Very clearly He said I have… Oh my lands. He had! I felt the hurt, the despair being washed away. I felt the burden being lifted from my shoulders. I felt new.. I am continuing to praise Him. Whisper Sweet Jesus. And give God the time He rightly deserves. I may not do it everyday. But I am working on it dailey. God is good!
My needs today are a financial fix for my family. I’ve been out of work for months due to chronic illness, but we are on the edge of being homeless if I don’t get a job and help. But there is no job to be found – I’m begging old employers and applying everywhere I can. I know God will provide where He guides and I”m trying to hear Him, I’m trying to hear where He is leading me, but I can’t hear Him. I know He’s here, He’s never left me – 2 times I should have died, He was there and kept me here. My job isn’t done. But now I need to hear where He wants me to go. Oh Lord, please guide us – please help me find a job to help provide for my family!
This post, The Lord is my portion, part 1, was in my email last Wednesday. I read it, but since last week was a huge blur, with many dramatic events unfolding in one week for me, I decided to revisit it today. Just what I needed! Thanks Gwen!
Right now I am worried I have been in a storm that is unbelievable I am facing a job lost. That was my main source of income. Now I am working part time due to a reduce in pay. I had no other choice but to continue working there Now I am behind in everything my house, car, utilities food the whole nine yards. I think I had sinned so bad that either ‘GOD or the devil has taken these things from me.
I have been struggling ever since and it is stressful I read the Bible I look at
Christian programs.
But I am afraid that I will loose everything. I at times read the bible to get some encouragement to go on with my day. But I think about my problems and it seems too get me down.
I was always used to being the head of house and take care of business until
one day life got to be overwhelming and I started drinking. But now I have been praying a lot more and reading the bible and going to church. It seems that time
is running out for me and nothing is happening for me .
Thank you for this devotion about making God our portion. I am asking for pray for our marriage…we started off on the wrong foot 41 years ago – we aborted our 1st child 6 months before our marriage. No one knew it…after the abortion, my husband asked me to marry him. I knew from the 1st time I met him he was going to be the one I would marry. I was 17 when I met him, pregnant at 19, married 5 days before 20th birthday. We moved away from family. It was an hour away but still couldn’t just drop in for a hug!! We do have 2 sons that are grown & married. God has walked me through all of this as I grew up in a Christ centered family. I can say now I knew Christ in name only. I have gone through Christian counseling . I still struggle at times when my portion is not God with forgiving myself of the abortion. My husband has been a great provider but emotionally & encouraging he’s clueless!!! We have been on a very rough road the past 5 years. I ask God for guidance , peace, new live for my husband – I have a wall of protection around my heart cuz of the hurt. I am female – I’m tender – even though I go out & do guy things right along with him (I love that stuff over housework!!) I have felt like I’d like to die – deep down I WANT TO LIVE !!! And of course the enemy knows where to get us – in our weakness with tormenting thoughts!!!! I cringe when I hear of suicide !!! I am learning to handle anxiety & depression was my “buddy” before learning that repressed anger cuz’s that!!!! Last evening, my husband & my emotions that have been spoken & some penned were ALL spoken!!! It was a rough evening but I am so thankful!!!! I need a lot of prayer & guidance in this and lots of e-hugs….I am having some peace today because this was needed!!! I feel as though I’m angry at my husband for 41 years ago & have swept the main issue under the rug all these years!!! I’m numb but truly feel this is a new beginning for our life together!!!! Thank you !!!!!
I am so consumed with worry for my family, for my children, and for myself and my job. I pray constantly; for peace, strength, and any help He can give. I fear my children will be taken away from me, because they refuse to go to school (2 of them have “special needs”) and the public school system can’t deal with square pegs. I try to let go and let God, but I’m still worried.
Praying for God to bring to completion the Non profit Charity we are starting. Praying for His provision for a Home, or a place we need to be in order to carry out Hos Good work in our community.
HI, please please pray that my heart feels Some THING.I fully believe in Christ but my heart is numb,I feels Nothing. Is this peace..I read and study the Bible but still feel no joy. Thank you
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum but I find it uplifting today. After using Jesus Calling for two years, I was looking for something different. I am 43 and getting married for the first time this coming May. Historically, relationships have been difficult, but I have made it through a three-year courtship! I am scared and worried about this step. I am planning the wedding myself and it is hard! I thank you for the opportunity to release these fears and frustrations to other women within a context of support. Thank you for making this possible, girlfriends!
God has met my needs before and I believe he will again pray my faith will hold to that portion of my faith.
This has been a month of surprises. To begin with I was fired for taking time to have some medical issues resolved. I am now unemployed but have also been blessed with supportive family and friends. I have been shown a way out that seems possible but I am so filled with fear and self doubt. My medical issues are also not completely resolved so my interviews seem useless after I tell people I’ll need time off to continue treatments. I have been praying and coming to God each day with my reservations and fears. I cling right now to Jeremiah 78:13 but struggle everyday to focus on a schedule that will keep me busy and feeling useful. Due to my medical condition I’m discouraged on top of it all I’m so exhausted from the stress of losing my job. I need advice on how to get passed whatever this is that I am feeling!
Jesus has always provided for our every need and want. I know this. But having retired we are now dependent on stock monies that are often erratic, and health issues that have come up make me worry about losing my spouse. I am going to have to learn to trust God through these golden years of uncertainty.
Had a rough morning, this devotional really blessed me. Me and my children just relocated to another state, separated from their father. It has just been a struggle being a single mom of 2 but iam trusting God for his my portion. Please keep us lifted in prayer.
My greatest fear has been having my husband die and being left alone. This fear has tormented me for years. My husband is 11 years older than I am and while he’s doing really well for being 77 and surviving colon cancer and being diagnosed with COPD. For as many years as I’ve been afraid, I’ve prayed to God to help me overcome my fear and to KNOW that I know, that He will never leave me nor forsake me, He will be my Provider, He will be my Peace. And as the years have gone by, God has been transforming me and healing me and restoring what the devil has taken and, while I pray that my husband and I will have many many more years together, I trust God with our future and know that He will be with both of us–maybe I’ll be the one that goes Home first. 🙂
I am comforted by Psaim 73, today, Gwen. All my future is TRULY in our Father’s hands along with today. Thanks Gwen for your insight into our holy Father’s Word.
My husband of 18 years, took his own life 6 months ago. I am struggling with all of the “if only’s”. God has been good to me throughout this, but I am still struggling. I have never lived alone in my life. My children are grown and have their own families. I am so lonely at times. I needed to hear this today. Please pray for my family and I.
Diane, that sounds really painful. I am sad to hear of this tragedy. There is nothing you could have done. Not one thing because suicide is an indication that your husband did not have the emotional skills to process his feelings and you, yourself, could not have given them to him. His pain was more than he could bare. It is important to reach out and rely on friends and community at this time. Talk about your own pain, talk about the “if only’s” but with an eye towards release and healing. Forgive yourself and reach for God’s hand.
Thank you so much. I am going to print this and keep it with me for the times I struggle with the guilt.
I Thank God for all of his people had been going through life. I pray to God for each one will be refresh in God Love and Each one are covering by the love of God through our pray for one and another in family of God you are be healing in Jesus name. Look up to Jesus by Faith that the promise of God is done already Amen. I love you are very much and I am prayer for each one will be hold in his love because God is with us now and forever Amen.
Have you ever read a devotion(like this) or listened to a pastor’s
message where you thought, “Wow, God are you speaking to me?”
What about when you confide in a beloved friend or someone that’s a season
ahead of you and they let out those 2 short words that are so full of
HOPE…”ME TOO”! When they say, “I went through the same season/struggle, but let me tell you how I came out on the other side when
I decided to turn to God, quit focusing on myself and past hurts, reached out
to someone who could hold me accountable, and let Him lead instead of depending on my crazy emotions, feelings, and circumstances!” Even if we have a wonderful life full of joy, happy memories and things are going great…we all hit major bumps in the road that can even become fault lines out of our control. We need a plan of action to help us fight the good fight and His armor in place because we know there are other sink holes ahead. Suddenly, you can sense that you are not alone, that God’s got your back and that through some of the messiest/heartbreaking times in our lives is where God can work on us the most…if we don’t harden our hearts(been there, done that and will probably fall again). I can reflect and look back on my life and see
where God showed up. But when I was in the middle of the storm(s), I heard
nothing but lies from the enemy because I took my eyes off of Him. We all have different stories, issues and painful heartaches that make up who we are today. That’s when showing mercy and grace towards each other goes a long way. That’s when being transparent for the sake of other’s and revealing God’s glory is worth some of that mess we had to endure. My blessings from God far outweigh my mess.But, If I told you my story, I can promise you wouldn’t feel like a lone ranger, I can promise you’d see HOPE where giving up would have been easier, and I can promise you that Jesus can help you get to that other side where joy and contentment are more prevalent than fear and despair. I’m unashamed that I’m still a work in progress, but I’m hanging on to His promises and seeing the light of hope in some of my personal circumstances. The “wait” is a hard place to be, but I’d rather have His story over mine anytime. My rough draft of the story I’d write for myself…well that’s just it, it’s ROUGH! Throwing it away is the best thing I could do. I have to trade in my faith that has been shaken, with a new story that is in the making. Learning to let God be the author again and not Amy, has been, and
is still a journey:) I would truly covet prayers as I share my testimony(His story)to 150-200 High School Students at our church(~5000 members)on Feb. 7th. There are some hurting kids out there who need to be reminded that Jesus loves them and they are valued! God has also allowed a minister and several women of all ages to partner with me on beginning a new ministry in our church based on the book(Organic Mentoring by Sue Edwards & Barbara Neumann). We are still praying about this and how God wants it to unfold. I love those 2 small words that are so BIG on HOPE…”ME TOO”! Where Two or More Are Gathered in His Name. Ladies of all generations want more to this life and want to know how to get there with other ladies who are after Jesus’ own heart. We all can learn to be genuine, transparent, Friends and Mentors who have been there, conquered that through Jesus Christ! For me, it’s past time to step out and be bold for our Creator, bc He’s the Author of it all!
Minister Gwen,
You are truly a God-girlfriend to me! This is so encouraging to read and meditate on! Also, it is confirmation from heaven that I’m doing what God wants me to. Just this past Wednesday at our youth and young adult bible study I taught from the topic Rated O: For Overrated and guess what the text was?! Psalm 73 with Psalm 37 being the interjection to calm the calamity! I love God and I love the God in you! Keep serving Him and His people.
Dear Gwen, this was just the assurance I needed. I was so deep worrying about a life partner, but more than anything else God cares for me beyond a life partner. I am grateful for this apt reminder. I am safe in His hands and love.
I feel lonely and turn to food for comfort. I am going to try to turn to God for that comfort. Being a SAHM is so lonely.
It can definitely be lonely! I pray that you find an encouraging small group/bible study that can help you through this season.
Please pray for me to get a financial breakthrough. I spent most of last year unemployed and after 3 months of gainful employment which i loved, found myself without work again.I have bills due at the end of the month and not enough funds to pay. Money is due to me from my ex but he is not answering my calls or messages. I would really like to start working again soon so that I can sustain myself. This devotion really touched me. It was so on point. I am off to read psalms 73 now.
I was crying to God last night about our needs. He sent this to me I just know it! The cardinal has always been his His sign to me that He is with me and He won’t leave. I am so blessed and encouraged today! This has made my joy full! Sometimes we just need a reminder to redirect our focus. Thank you so so much!❤️
Kim I feel the same way.This devotion was like God speaking directly to me as well.
Today my heart feels anxiety with work, not felling I have the degrees or certifications to “worthy” who I am and certify my experience. I know it’s Satan stepping on my faith, my heart…so I come to you for prayer to help me feel Gods strength to reassure me in self confidence, be the light and take hold of my work with God leading the way. Knowing he will fill me with the knowledge I need and help me with each word, no matter the instance or person. I am stronger because he is in me and I am in him.
Mina, God bless you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. That imposter syndrome often seeks to snatch our peace. Just remember that in all we do, we were created for His glory. Keep Him as the apple of your eye and He will direct you, and qualify you for the opportunity that He will provide for you regardless of degrees and certifications. You are the real deal, His real deal. Praying for you!
Thank you Amber, may this year feel you with many blessings. ?
As a relatively new believer, I am struggling with faith. I am the only Christian in my social circle, and I´m trying to make ends meet without a job. I apply for every job I can, to no avail. Feeling mighty low and getting desperate.
I totally know how you feel! I spent almost all of last year looking for a job without much luck. I’ve been a Christian for a few years and wish I could say that as time went on I trusted in the Lord and he did some great things, or something like those Christian inspiration stories but my life rarely looks like that. Most of the time it was me being full of doubt, anxiety, feeling desperate, unsure of my future and I wanted to give up, but I kept applying for stuff anyway, even the jobs I didn’t think I would get! Thank the Lord despite my doubt and small faith I was able to get a job a couple of weeks ago, but that wasn’t without a lot of waiting and a rollercoaster of emotions. So don’t give up my friend! One thing I love about God is that you can pray to him and say how you really feel and he will hear you. I don’t know when things will get better but I do know God is and will be right there with you the whole time. I will be praying for you Flavia!
Keisha, thank you so much for your reply! It is a great relief to know that there is someone out there who knows how I feel and cares enough to share their view on things. I am so grateful to you for that, because I have also been through a hard time in the past year, and it means so much to me to know that someone in a similar situation made it through. Yes, a lot of the time there is doubt and anxiety, and sometimes God can seem so very far away, but I think that in all those Christian inspiration stories we only hear of the glory moments, and not so much of the true hardship that comes before – so it is easy to forget that Christian life can truly be hard. Thank you for your prayers, Keisha, and thank you for brightening these dark times with a glimmer of hope.
I am trusting God, resting in the confidence of His “Yes and Amen” promises…..!
Cancer…praising God for His mercy over me as He wins this battle for me. Praying for those who’s win is to be with Jesus sooner than expected. Pray especially for Teresa.
I’ve been trying to make our budget and trying to make ends meet and while I’m at it, I complained and whined. And then I stopped and prayed. Next thing you know, I received an email for a job interview tomorrow. Please pray that i get the job if it’s God’s will. He is faithful and I trust in HIS provision always….
Please pray for me and my family. Going through a tough time but
I can rest in the fact that God is in control! Thank you
so much!
Blessed by this devotional today! I struggle with fear to do what God has called me to do. I’m in a praise and worship team in my local church and there are times I am chosen to lead the worship and I fear with all the “WHAT IF’s” but today God has spoken to my life in Lamentations 3 THE LORD IS MY PORTION, THEREFORE MY HOPE IS IN HIM! THEREFORE I WILL TRUST, SEEK, PRAISE, EXALT, WORSHIP AND FEAR NOT IN HIM!!! Keep me in your prayers that God continue to lift me up in His Strength and Power! May God continue to bless your ministry! ❤❤
I am worried about my health and my job. I have no job therefore no insurance for a full hysterectomy. I am not married nor have any children. For a 38 year old that is pretty overwhelming. I choose to seek God and wise counsel but bill collectors do not care. I am called to be a motivational speaker for Him. I am seeking some motivation. Thank youfor following God’s Will for you life.
I’m trusting God today, giving Him all of my worries and leaving everything up to Him.
My word for this new year is TRUST – so today’s devotional falls smack dab into what I keep reminding myself to do – that is trust in God’s plan and be thankful for His grace. Our daughter has made several unwise decisions and is reaping what was sown – but we are trusting God to see her through this challenging time. My mother is having health issues as she is temporarily staying in the south and trying to find a physician to help – we are trusting God that He will lead her to the right doctor and give that doctor wisdom to help Mom. Thank you for this devotional to help remind me to cling to our all knowing Father, the Great Physician and All Knowing God!
I am TRUSTING God! “Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” (Matthew 6:8) “Do not hide your face from your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in trouble.” (Psalm 69:16)
“God will open, open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing.
God will open – open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing – and you will not have the room; not because of you – but because He’s good,
you will not have the room to receive it.” (God Will Open The Windows Of Heaven By Babbie Mason)
I pray Lord that You will open up all the windows in heaven today and pour down a blessing over me! Thank You Jesus!! Praise the Lord! Amen! Amen!
Gwen thank you for this devotional. This is right where I am. One of my Mom’s favorite sayings was, “This too shall pass.” The problem was it became a theme of my life. Instead of just trying to grit my teeth and survive until things get better, I need to focus on my Savior and what He is trying to do in my life and through me in others’ lives. I am trusting God and I am praying for sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s guidance. I want my life to be a constant song of praise to God.
I have been struggling for the past nine months on moving from fear to faith. I found out nine months ago my husband had been having an affair for five years, among other things. I read more about their affair than any spouse should have to read. I destroyed me and I have prayed constantly for God’s guidance. My husband is not a Christian. I gave my life to Christ about eight years ago. It’s a long story, but through these last months I have seen a major change in my husband and we are working on saving our marriage. I just cannot trust him and I don’t know how to take those small steps to try to build trust. I know I need to trust God’s plan for my marriage, but it’s so hard. Please pray that my husband will seek salvation through our Savior, Jesus Christ, and that we can save our marriage.
I’m trusting God today and everyday that He will take back everything that the locust has eaten, in my story is I have been alienated from two of my children by their father, for almost 5 yrs, they are now 18 and 15. I love them and miss them but I trust God to do exceedingly above and beyond what I can imagine. Will you trust and believe with me on this????
My Mom is in the final stage of her fight with cancer and it is so hard to see my mom go through this. I have been faithful to pray and seek gods face since the beginning of this for my Mom. I just feel broken inside my Mom and I are really close and to watch her hurt and struggle to do the simple things that we all take for granted every day has been hard to say the least. I do find peace in the fact that though I hurt God does have a plan and will bring peace in the midst of this storm. I’m trying to focus on the positive things that are around me but I’m not perfect and it’s hard sometimes to see through all the mess.
2nd day home from hospital, and this is such a wonderful devotional to read. Look to what I have now, not what I think I need. God has been with me all through this, will continue to be with me, and is here today. He above anyone knows what I need, and when I need it, so trust in Him to have it ready for me when I need it, whatever it may be!! Gotta love someone who knows me that well!!
Apparently this is an older devotional but God lead me to it this morning. I woke up with anxious thoughts feeling a cloud of heaviness. There are issues going on with my sons…God knows. Issues with my mother and siblings. Issues with my health. Issues with both my job and my husband’s job. It felt as if all the issues kept whispering to me this morning. Lord I seek your face . I seek your presence! Surround me and my family with your peace and presence. Let me look to you ALWAYS and not to my feelings or circumtances. Give me the confidence that you are walking with me holding my hand every step of the way. Let me truly be anxious for NOTHING! In the name of JESUS, amen.
I’m trusting God!
Praying that I will not allow my current struggles to tear me down…I know what God can and will do in His own time.. but I find myself questioning the old saying if God bring you to it He will bring you through it…Was it God or did I bring myself to this? A Little over three years ago I prayed for the home I’m renting and i asked God to only allow me to get this house if it was in His well for me to have it I had been turned down because of credit about 10 places and i was heading back to my old house (wish I had two week to get out of because the landlord was going up on the rent again for the fourth time since the GM plant where he worked closed) passed by this house and my daughter saw the sign I called the number the lady send someone right over we walk through and I asked if we (my children was with me) and we joined hands and prayed and i asked God not to let me get this house if I couldn’t afford it She didn’t ask for a credit check or question why I was moving so I believe that God place me where I’m at but I have struggle the entire time I’ve been there now my daughter who just had a baby lost her job and everything is falling on me. I’m now a phone call from being evicted…I’m praying and fasting and believing that God has heard my cry in the Name of Jesus….but some days this load is so heavy that I feel like I can’t bear it but i never stop praising and believing in God…please keep me in your prayers.
I don not find the time to worship and pray because of the house work and caring for my family
Today I left I a job I have worked a long time to have and one that I have had for the past 4 years. I have a new opportunity that will be an amazing new adventure for me and my fiance, but there are a lot of people I am leaving behind. I’m worried about them, what will happen, and what the future holds. Praying to God for clarity and comfort that He has it all planned for me.
Gwen my family needs a lot of prayers right now, we are going through some rough times. I know God is doing everything in his power to take care of it for my family also, I am so glad I have God in my life to turn to, without him my life would be meaningless, I love him so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Charlotte T
Please pray for my relationship with my daughters.
God has met my needs in the past. He has seen me through debilitating depression and anxiety, grief and loss. He has given me a wonderful daughter and husband. I do believe that he will meet my needs again, although sometimes I have serious doubts. I need prayers for those times of doubt.
I’m trusting God!
My husband has liver disease and its running his life right now, I have to do all the driving. I worry about too much I have to juggle finances which are extremely low, fuel and electricity always in default or disconnect notice . Friends and coleagues have pitched i or I apply for state assistance every other month. The Lord always comes thru but I continue to worry.
I’m trusting God today and every day! I praise Him for my ability to do so!!
Please pray for my family.There is a lot of tension going on. Yesterday could have had a very volatile situation happen if my pastor had not come by to talk to my husband. It is a very complicated situation. We need all the prayers we can get
A lot of small things are going on right now. They are adding up together to feel like one big thing. I am praying through it all and relying on God. I want to remain calm and not become stressed. I am exhausted emotionally, yet I feel like the hits just keep coming. I will keep pressing into God for comfort and strength.
i was sitting in front of the computer letting myself worry about my family’s dilema , then I clicked on Girlfriends ….now I pray for us all to TRUST in GOD and leave it all to HIM .Thank you Gwen Smith-you’ve done it again—-#readingmymind
My worry today is about my 8-day-old son, who has been admitted into the hospital because they don’t know why he won’t gain weight. When I look to God here, I can trust Him to reveal the answers, the solution, and care for him and us. Not sure if that’s what it means to be my portion. I want to put God first – maybe that means to keep my eyes on Him instead of my fears. On His promises and power instead of the tests and uncertainties?
Please pray for my family we going through it right now and pray for me to keep my faith.. I need to continue being patient in waiting on God… I know He is taking care of it…
I pray God moves in you and your family right now
The worries I struggle with often seem so minute to the worries of others. More often than not, I don’t toil over big issues, I let God handle those. It’s much easier to trust him when it’s not something I feel I can micromanage. My prayer is that it can let go & trust even with the most minute of details. Also, often, I want him to physically control my tongue, like only he could! The devil gets me at my weakest with my tongue. It’s so difficult to undo what damage my tongue so often does.
I struggle with this as well I will be praying for you on this
Please pray for my marriage… we are going through a divorce I no longer want. I love my husband… looking for a miracle.
Try Rejoice Ministries online.. very helpful and encouraging.
I’m praying for you, Alisia. If anyone can salvage your marriage, you know that God can.
Praying for you also Alisia ..my marriage was broken but the Jesus put it back together again, I did not even want my husband or my marriage for I did not think I loved him anymore.. but God had different plans and He saved me and healed our marriage, we were not together at the time and that was 40 years ago ..so with God all things are possible and He is no respecter of persons what He did for us He can do for you ..Love Hugs and prayers
I really find you a inspiration I am trying to decide between some tough decisions and you really opened my eyes
Praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in your decisions. God is working and He has a plan for your life. I pray that the path will be crystal clear.
Last year i trusted God for an exam that will allow me to do a certain course and He made me go through that exam successfully,While others were going for it two to three times, before they will succeed,i went once and made it I am trusting God for my driving license this year.
I have someone very close to my heart he is really struggling with a big mistake he made in his life and trying with the help of God to make amends for his wrongs pray for him because I know prayer works because God has brought through many times
I retired from the mitary 1Nov…my husband will retire in Aug 2014. We had entered into an agreement with our renters in TX that they would buy the house and we had depended on that money in my retirement. We discovered a month before I retired, it was all a lie. Our renters were not even close to being able to purchase the house. This meant I had to go to work immediately. I was devastated. Father God! You know how physically exhausted I am-how could you let this happen when I have served you despite the hostile work environment I was in?! I went to work and gave my heart every day repeating over and over if God is for me who could be against me…sometimes it was hard to even say those words. I applied for jobs and my to my dismay-didn’t get hired. With Christmas looming, family coming and bills due….Kevin and I made due. It wasn’t extravagant, it wasn’t all that I wanted to give or do…but we had what we needed when we needed it. I have a part time job-and I just started it. God gave me almost 3full months to recover-that was my most desperate prayer. We have had the money we needed. I have been home with our 6 beautiful children. God gave me this time to untangle my heart. My emotions had been so raw and so loud I got lost. It is not what I planned or how I planned it-but it has been perfect. Thank you Lord Jesus for putting up with me, even with my complaining and for giving me what I needed the most-time to heal, time with my family, and time to hear you again.
I am in the process of adopting with a court date next month for the adoption. GOD Showed me this is his will for me so I have to believe by faith what God has spoken to me and confirmed over and over again . It really spoke to me when you talked about not worry about tomorrow . The enemy often wants us not believe in God’s promises and to dress and worry but God days be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10. So I am focusing in praying and trusting and praising God at all times.
Love your devotional; “Be My Portion, Part 1” It hit me when you said we are equipped to rest in Him. The notion hit that just whose rest are we really experiencing since He is all in all. Isa. 66:1 ends with, Where is the place of my rest? We are the temple of the Holy Spirit that He has built for a place of rest for Himself and shares His rest with us as we come to trust Him more and more. A Wonderful intermingleling occurs in the sharing of His rest to fill us with His Joy and Peace and Love!!!
I’m trusting God, despite my worries. It’s been so hard trying to find employment 9 months after graduating. I know God will come through. I’m resting worries on him because he cares for me (1 Peter 5:7)
It is so true that I often have found myself seeking His hand before seeking His heart. In the past year, He has been calling me to spend more unscheduled time with Him…in addition to Bible Study & prayer times, to spend time with my tablet just open, ready to write down things He wants to reveal to me from verses I have read or people I am praying for. He doesn’t want me to perform or even serve Him until I spend that time in intimacy with Him. I have been amazed at the power and the peace that comes from those listening times.
My son has stepped away from our lives and chooses to not communicate, this is so painful, he has 3 beautiful children whom we have not seen or talked to. Today’s reading is so helpful. I am trusting God through this dark time, He knows right where I am and he will see this through.
Oh my goodness how I needed to read this today. Jer 29:13 is the verse I’ve been working on memorizing and then couldn’t remember the verse at all to continue to practice. I’m trusting the Lord…to make a way…for me
I used to always cling to scripture that told me what God could do for
me. How if I tithed, I would get more back, if I honored my parents, I
would have long life..etc. I never really sought the heart of God and my
relationship with him.
After I got married, we sometimes had
problems financially and I would worry and fret and yell at my husband
for every little penny he spent since we had bills to pay…and yet,
when it all came down, there was always enough money. God had provided
more than enough even when I sat there and worried over every little
thing. I can’t say that I don’t still struggle with this, but I have
purposed this year to seek the heart of God and to grow deeper in
relationship with him….not because of what he can do for me, but
because I long to be filled with his presence to be a blessing to
I am trusting God . Let’s pray together. My day starts with my sister Sandra who is now in the midst of her storm making a big change in her life.I hope God always hears our prayers for I don’t like to see anyone struggle.But one thing I know is that God is there for all of us,and want to keep her in my prayers. Thank You for the beautiful encouraging words.
I look back over my life and see where the love of God and the hand of God constantly met my needs. One of my scriptures of encouragement for me is ‘seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you’ – Matt. 6:33. This helps keep me grounded no matter what is going on around me or what my struggle or circumstance is at that time.
God is meeting my needs. He is my portion. I’ve just finished reading this last week in the Knowing God by Name book. Realizing that I need to look to him not to other things. He’s pulled me through a pretty challenging time. At the moment it seems I can move on and leave that behind. But my life picked up again when kids started back to school and my devotional/prayer time has slowed again. Why? I ask myself. I need to focus on it again. I grew a lot while I was reading and praying more and God blessed me for it. He is my Portion. When I keep looking to him.
In my battle I am trusting God!! finace n getting a part time job. got a neck n a headache.
In the battlefield of my mind, I am trusting God.
many times i want an end to this dark season of being unwell. sometimes i find peace in waiting on the Lord, and other times I cry out to Him for His blessings to come pouring out on to me and to my family. I’m torn because many verses talk about how He wants to shower us with blessing and other verses talk of waiting, waiting….
God has met all my needs. He gave me a roof,clothes,food at the right time. God has been so good to me.. I often why people do me the way they do. Then the Holy Spirit reminds me that my Father in heaven is looking down on me.. It hasn’t always been easy.. I used to ask God why was I born.. After a few attempts of suicide I then realized that GOD is not going to take me until it is my turn. Now I am trying to learn how to have a relationship with God.. Inspite God is patient wth me and good to me..
Your words spoke to me as if we were having a conversation and you know me personally. This is absolutely what I needed to hear today. I am a 33 year old woman who has reached a pivotal moment in my 2 year battle with colon cancer. After multiple surgeries and numerous rounds of chemo I am quickly approaching my medical judgement day in this battle. My doctors fear my cancer has returned and will soon tell me if there is anything else they can do.
It is a daily struggle, but I want nothing more than to look to God as my ultimate, my portion and to trust his plan for me.
Thank you so much for your beautiful words and inspiration!
Good morning. Were you referring to me?
Stay strong Nikki. You are such an encouragement! Beautiful spirit! I pray God’s peace and healing for you today.
Thank you!
May you continue to feel God’s constant presence as you continue on your journey. God bless!
I’m trusting God! He brought this scripture to my family this past summer and oh how we have seen His provision and LOVE for us! Keeping our eyes on Him and not on our circumstances have allowed us to get through this very difficult season. Thank you for these awesome words today, I am always so inspired when I read them 🙂
Thank you for this post….God is showing me daily who He really is. It’s amazing and sometimes I must admit overwhelming and makes me nervous. It seems as if the more and more I connect with Him on a deeper level more things come my way. My fleshly human side wants to get scared and frazzled and honestly at times it does. But there is this whisper in my heart now that reminds me and tells me things will be alright. I never heard it before. I remember what He’s done in the past and then I’m okay. Things are not perfect but the love He has shown me is. I’m nervous at times bc I don’t know what will happen next that will try to get my flesh all worked up again. I don’t like feeling that way. I find myself on the “lookout”, trying to prepare with His armor for anything that comes my way next. Its making me stronger. I can now truly say Im getting to know Him. I’m growingnthrough each situation. I strive for joy in life no matter what not just happiness bc this emotion is fleeting. I want to praise Him no matter what. I am so very thankful…….I can’t place it all in words what I’m experiencing but I know He’s here…….there’s no other explanation that that….
I’m trusting God! I know that he has a plan and a purpose for my life, a good one! I know that he can turn my mess around and he already knew the decisions I would make before I made them and He is still there to pick up the pieces and show me the way. Trusting on His strength daily and reminding myself of his constant love for me. He is the only one that understands my heart. I’m trusting God that He will increase in my life and that wherever I go can declare and testify to the mighty works he does in my life! Thank you for a breakthrough in all our situations and circumstances we find ourselves in. Our God is a God of restoration! Amen. Bless you ladies. I am always so inspired by your messages daily. God can do it….find your rest x
The last year for my family has been strange. We start down one road then God seems to have us turn down another one. Our plan has changed so many times that I began to wonder and doubt myself. Whether I was truly listening to God correctly, but I just kept praying for Him to show us the way. We had been renting a home for several years with the intent to buy someday. We were also waiting for the girls to go from middle school to high school and elementary school to middle schools o they only had to change schools once. We started looking for house in the school zone we needed and couldn’t find anything, but we found a 2 acres and my husband got excited about building a house. I was never thrilled knowing how busy our lives our with three girls, who are so active with travel volleyball games! But I agreed anyway. So we bought the land and a few months later began to qualify for a construction loan. We couldn’t get financing so we were running out of time before school starting so we started to look for a house again and came across a very small house that is commercial so we bought it. We decided we could live in it till the house was finished and the move and use the small house for my husbands business location. I knew this must be part of Gods plan. We then tried to get the construction loan again and it just wasn’t happening! This is when I get frustrated not sure if I am really following Gods plan! I told my husband if we couldn’t get the construction loan this last time then God must have a different plan and we need to start looking for another house and sell the land! Just found the house of our dreams and should be moving in the next 2 months. We sold the land for a profit!!!!
Through it all I tried very hard not to get frustrated, which I failed at times. Now looking back I see the path God had for us the whole time. I’m so thankful for a a God that knows better than me!!!
I am learning to trust God completely in ALL things. Sometimes I have no problems with it and it is as natural as breathing but in some instances, I seem to worry myself to the point of physical illness. Thank you Gwen for these insights and for sharing with us.
I am really trusting God this year that i shall conceive a baby boy whom my 6 year old daughter Izabel has already named Rafael after the arch angel.
Last year i prayed to God to conceive a baby Boy after 1 and half year of trying to conceive and i did conceive in May 2013, and guess what? he was a boy, but unfortunately I suffered a miscarriage and lost Eli at 15 weeks in Sept. I was devastated and i wanted to Conceive immediately, but i guess God had other plans. Conceiving again is one of my top 3 requests i made to God as i stormed the gates of 2014, and i trust that he shall answer me soon!
God continues to meet my needs. Often, I get caught up in day to day issues and drift off without giving thought to all the opportunities and provisions in my life. I start looking at the walls, that appear to be closing in around me and think how can I succeed–but God! When I take a step forward, I find myself on the opposite side of the closing walls. This leads me to believe, my one step is the movement that must happen, first.
God met my needs most on the night of my salvation, dec 5, 2011. I was completely broken after my husband confessed that he had had an affair…well really 2, for 2 years of our marriage. I was crushed and wanted out, fast. I did not know The Lord at this point. A friend of a friend heard of the news that had just come crushing down on me and wanted to meet with both of us, since I thought my husband would get a whip lashing from this doctor/spiritual marriage councellor, I agreed. What I didn’t know is that Jesus would be there waiting to heal my broken heart. And that is exactly what happened. It was amazing. That night, my heart was healed and we both prayed for Jesus to lead our lives. That was two years ago, and we wouldn’t be where we are now without The Lord, but I just can’t quite figure out how to love him again. And that is where I’m stuck. In a marriage that I think God wants me in, but with hurt still in my heart, and not a lot of love felt for my husband. I pray for The Lord to change my heart toward him, and I wait.