Calming the Chaos

Gwen SmithAbiding, Christian Living, Focus, Life Clutter, Maturity, Peace, Perspective, Prayer, Priorities 57 Comments

When I was a little girl, one of my favorite things to do was to twirl in the grass. With arms out-stretched, I’d spin around and around until I was silly-dizzy, and then fall to the ground with a giggly heart. It was thrilling, invigorating and a fun, simple way to spend a lazy summer day in the rolling hills of southwestern Pennsylvania.

Now that I’m older, I can’t handle spinning in circles. My body rejects any twisty endeavor. Nausea quickly sets in and reminds me that I’m not a young “spinny-girl” anymore.

Several years ago, while my family and I were at an amusement park, in an effort to gain favor in the eyes of my kids and earn imaginary super mom points I enthusiastically got on a ride that spun in circles. My hero-husband always goes on this type of ride with our children, so I thought, If Brad can do it, then I can do it, right?

Not. So. Much.

I walked up the ramp to the wretched “Wheel of Whirl” naively optimistic and walked down the ramp having made a great big fool of myself. The park employee had to stop the ride to let me off.

Bad decision.

Yucky feelings followed. Instead of becoming super mom I became super sick mom. My center of balance and emotions were completely thrown off leaving my poor family with the disenchanted consequences of my overzealous twirling ambitions.

Just like that day in the amusement park, I constantly find myself thrown off balance from the wheeling whirl of life clutter.


Simply put: I complicate my life.

If we’re being honest, then I’d have to confess that I’m one of my own biggest obstacles to living as an uncluttered woman. I know I should depend solely on God for direction and strength, but the simple fact is I often don’t.

Most of us would admit that this is the case. Right?

It’s hard to sift through all that is thrown at us each day. Clutter happens and navigating this silly-dizzy world is difficult. Especially during the holiday season.

There are ten bazillion things that vie for our attention and clutter our faith: emotions, materialism, negative thinking, overbooked schedules, doubts, legalism, laziness, self-reliance, sickness, technology, work, our desire to control things, finances, debt, stress, addictions, discontentment, family, and relationships. And I’m just getting started!

The Bible instructs us to direct our silly-dizzy days toward God.

“Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” (Proverbs 16:3, NIV)

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

In His presence, God gives order to both our thoughts and our to-do lists.

Everything changes when we seek God first and commit our plans to Him.

Becoming an uncluttered woman is all about personal contact with Jesus. You and I will experience greater peace and deeper faith as we determine to respond to His constant invitation to come.

Don’t worry … Jesus is no stranger to clutter.

He walked the same earth we do and dealt with the same struggles and problems we deal with. He loved many a cluttered woman while here on earth and many more before and since His ascension. He knows your clutter – all of your complicated stuff – and He invites you to come just the same.

When we position ourselves in the presence of the Peace-giver and ask the Lord to lead and prioritize our heart matters, the uncluttering begins.

And in the uncluttering our chaos is calmed.

Dear Lord,
Thanks for reminding me that I can always come to You and trade in my exhaustion for Your rejuvenation. Please bring order to my day, calm my heart and establish my priorities according to Your will. Show me how to become an uncluttered woman.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.



In Matthew 6:33, Jesus said, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” What are you seeking first? Are there activities, emotions, relationships, or thoughts in your life that need to be committed to the Lord? Spend a few moments in prayer and ask the Lord to establish your plans according to His will.

Since we’ve gone there devotionally, let’s go deeper together by exploring this topic musically. Watch the music video for Uncluttered below. Then share a few thoughts on my wall about your top clutter concerns – or simply write, “I’m done with the clutter!”



Have an incredible holiday celebration, friends!



PS. Still have a CD player? If so, grab a few copies of my UNCLUTTERED CD! It’s only $5 now in my store.

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Comments 57

  1. I’m done with clutter!! I need to focus on putting God first in everything and every area of my life!! He’s been reminding me to let go and let Him take care of what worries me… thanks for this devotional!!

  2. We have decided to move in a new direction after 30+ years. I have never felt more cluttered and fragmented. I do believe that if I start each day with our Lord’s worship and prayer, our tasks will be sorted and performed with his guidance.

  3. Than you for your message and this beautiful song! God had freedom me and I’m done with the clutter. Walking into my renewed life as an uncluttered woman. Thank you Lord!

  4. So much needed in my hectic life in Venezuela! Just to imgine; when quarantine started I seriously thought that my country was the lab where it begun, shortage of food, not cash money, no banks, buses only til 3pm, no jobs, insecurity, 1 dolar salary but 100 dollars budget a month, and guess what? We live, and worship the Lord like never before, his video was fuel today!

  5. Dear Gwen,

    Thank you for your timely lament to what most women struggle with daily. In my experience and especially this year. I have struggled with clutter in my tiny apartment. I have found it to be the thing that I obsess about and the to do list has not helped me get any closer to my goal. Last week I decided to change my approach. By letting go of making a list and completing tasks in the order that they are on that list. I asked God to guide me instead. I gave up. I surrendered. I no longer make a list. I journal instead and write what needs to be done. God has miraculously stepped in and has given order to that list. I am feeling better. For the first time in months. I don’t feel angry or frustrated or sick to the stomach from stress. I feel calm, peaceful and not so overwhelmed. I wrote down the prayer for the uncluttered woman and will post it on my fridge. Listening to your song and watching the video affirmed the steps I have taken to be an uncluttered woman. Thanks again Gwen for creating this anthem for women. We all need to know that it is only by the Lord that we will have order to our day. God bless you Gwen. I am deeply touched by your song. It is wonderful to know that am not alone in my struggle. We are not alone because God is with us. Praise Jesus! Emmanuel, God with us.

  6. Absolutely wonderful I love it this is a great way to learn how to make a great choice of timeless things for the Lord and the other things that you deal with daily. Could not do it with out the Lord!

  7. I totally needed this today! I am a teacher who is trying to teach at home with two very small children at my side constantly, and it is a struggle to know what is most important in this time of crazy schedules and too much to do, and everyone pulling at me to do more. I needed this refocus thank you.

  8. Wonderfully encouraging and clarifying message- both the song and the devotional!
    Actually my outward life in the midst of another lockdown is quite ” uncluttered ” – no schedule to keep, not many errands, and not being able to see friends and family. However, it has revealed HOW MUCH inward cluttering has been going on!😬 So …. the Lord has been revealing more each day through His Word and making my ” interior” life more simple and He’s faithful to strengthen me to respond.
    Thanks Gwen- I am blessed by the wisdom He gives you.❤

  9. Oh how I needed this today. I am a list person and as a pastor’s wife, I don’t always get to control my list. Living in the state of Georgia and being active politically, I definitely have no control over my schedule for putting our fires. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The songs calmed my spirit today!

  10. Beautiful, and oh so true. May the Holy Spirit fill our hearts and minds with the love of God and put Christ first in our lives. “Too busy Not to pray”! Think that is a book title, but says it all!

  11. Thank you for a beautiful song especially during such trying times, because we still want every day to be normal – not the “new normal”…
    I think my daily commotions & confusions just got re-written. 💜

  12. Thank you for your message. I never realized how much clutter I have in my life. I pray that putting my trust in God that my closet will be refreshed and clutter free. I just need to but God first and seek him in all I do.
    It won’t be easy but with Him beside me all things are possible.
    What a beautiful song Uncluttered.

  13. My heart is so cluttered. Thank you Gwen so very much for this post and this song. Your song, Uncluttered, is my heart. Today I so needed this, all of this right here: Calming the Chaos, hearing and seeing you sing on repeat, Uncluttered and praying- giving my heart unconditionally to the One who Loved me first, who Loves me every moment of every day unconditionally. My son is going through quite the trial right now. As we prayed together this morning, I felt, yet again, God’s Peace knowing that He has my son in the palm of His mighty hand and is using these circumstances for my son’s good and that I need to remember when I don’t know what to do for my son, I am to get out of God’s way and just Row the Boat Trusting Jesus to be my Captain, so He can do His part apart from me. Happy tears are streaming down my cheeks, knowing Faith is Believing with my heart in Jesus and that God will always keep His promise to me of His perfect Plan for my life, for my family and that He will use all things for our good and His Glory. He never promised easy, He did promise Right for us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Gwen. You have lifted me up and gave me what I needed to just breathe and Row.

  14. I’m finding it hard to deal with son who has an mental problem. I know the Lord is an healer but why is there so much sickness in the world. I want to grow in my faith to operate in my gifting our Father in heaven gave me heal us all Lord.

  15. Thank you so much! Just what I needed to hear this morning. I thank God for you and this message. Please continue to spread the love of God. I AM DONE WITH THE CLUTTER! Amen 🙏

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  16. Your song touched my heart in so many ways. You are beautiful, your song is beautiful and I thank you so much for having Girlfriends In God devotional. They make my morning everyday.
    I hope you and your family have a uncluttered Merry Christmas 🙏🏻❤️

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  17. This song uncluttered is exactly where I am at in life. So cluttered unable to see. This song gives me hope and reminds me Jesus has gone no where. He is the one that unclutter my life, not my own doing alone. My greatest ideas have only left me shambles without the direction of God first. Thank you. Thank you for allowing the Jesus to speak through you in song. It has given the strength to face one more day in this chaotic world.

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  18. Cleaning out the clutter. Thanks for such a precious song. What clutters my mind each day… disappointments, my adult kids, ungrateful teenage granddaughter, finances, but I’m cleaning out the clutter!

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  19. Gwen, amazing,…you put to melody and words my feelings and thoughts. Thank you! To know that there are others who face the same struggles and desires is such a blessing of encouragement!!! It helps so much to know I’m not alone and…normal. I look forward to my daily devotionals, so inspiring. Today I was blessed with an early Christmas gift from you!!! Thank you!!!!

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  20. Oh My. This is the first time I have heard you sing to our Lord. So very beautiful. Thank You so so much. I have been blessed by you so many times.

    I too am done with clutter. Thank you for your constant encouragement.

  21. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you, Gwen. You have a beautiful voice! As a music teacher myself, I appreciate you. The words to this song were what I needed today. My daughter is getting married on Christmas Eve and my mind is cluttered with some issues concerning that. We also a dear sweet lady in our church that is not doing well physically. God might be taking her home to Him soon. She has also been on my heart and mind. A sweet friend just lost her mlm and is suffering. I am trying to be there for her as well. I pray that God takes all the clutter in my mind and I give it completely to Him. Thank you again!

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      Thanks, Tammy. Exciting about your daughter! I know it will be amazing. 🙂 The rest is hard, no matter how you slice it. thankfully you are never alone.

      Happy Thanksgiving, friend.

  22. This was beautiful and I needed to hear this today. Going through some health issues right now that are scary. Going to the doctor tomorrow. Please pray for good results.

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      Heavenly Father, You are good, faithful and merciful. We bless Your name, Jesus, and gather in all authority given us in heaven and on earth to ask for your presence and power to be made known in fresh, miraculous ways in the heart, minds, body and soul of Carrie. We ask that You would embolden and infuse her each with the fullness of your divine strength, comfort, peace, joy and love. We come against our enemy in the name of Jesus and celebrate that HE IS DEFEATED. We cancel all plans he has for Carrie and her entire family. We ask that your forces of light and your ministering angels would surround their home and command darkness and despair to flee. Let your HOPE and HEALING arise today, Lord! Be glorified in and through the stings and strains of this trial and allow Carrie to be renewed and restored in every cell and fiber of her being today, Jesus. She is YOURS! Your love for her (and her family) is perfect! You have numbered our days and are trustworthy, Lord! We ask all this so that all power, honor and glory be to Your name, Jesus. Amen

  23. Just absolutely what I needed today! Loved the devotion and listening to your voice and music was just so calming. Thank you!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

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  24. Loved this message and music! The imagery in the music video and your beautiful voice were comforting. My area to unclutter is literally–my home. I’m working slowly but surely to accomplish a more serene home environment. That will help my mental health, too and offer a relaxing place to be. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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      Patricia! Thanks for sharing this, friend. All progress is progress. Take a few small steps forward to organize today – even if for only a 10 minute tidy – and breathe in the grace and progress of the moment. 🙂

      Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

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  25. I just finished listening to your beautiful piece, Uncluttered. Your words that you sung are the words I have been thinking but unable to say out loud. I lost my husband in April and my mind has been cluttered with confusion, emotions, insecurities, anxiousness, finances just to name a few. God is with me and is planning my new journey. I know I can trust him and when I try to do things my way, I stumble and then remember to pause, slow down and rethink things. In time, in God’s time, my life will be uncluttered, one closet at a time. He is the author, not me.

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      So sorry for your loss, Nancy. I can only imagine how hard this has been for you. YES. Once closet at a time. HE is able. And HE is with you.

      Blessings, friend.

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