Graceologie Episode 101: Jo Saxton
What can you do when real-life issues press down, discourage and derail you from leading and serving in areas God calls you to?
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Many women struggle with feeling weighed down by fear and insecurity while longing to rise up into their calling and purpose. Real-life issues press down, discourage and derail us from leading and serving in areas God calls us to. Jo Saxton joins me for a great conversation about owning your voice, gathering your community and stepping into your influence!
When I say RISE, I don’t necessarily mean jumping for JOY, sometimes we are rising up from ashes.
If the Lord is inviting you, you have to take that next step, even if it’s virtually right now.
People are desperate right now for good news. We as people of faith have the words of eternal life. We can help by doing things small, such as buying an extra can of food.
I didn’t expect this and see this coming but what does it look like to be your hands and feet in this moment?
As the dust begins to clear and we are seeing new things, new opportunities will rise. Expectations are different right now, everything is different. But talk about this with your family and friends. Talk about the unexpected things that have been birthed in difficult times.
“An unexamined life can just mean you get trapped in the same habits.”
Words are so powerful. What limitations did people’s words being said to you put on you?
We might be saying no to things or hiding our gifts and calling it humility and pulling away from things and calling it holy, when it’s actually fear and wounding.
Pray Psalm 139. It’s like a “scanner” for yourself daily.
Vices: “Even the vice is not the point, it’s the wound behind it.” Deep wounds can be resolved if you just examine it.
HALT: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. (Things that bring you to a halt.)
Agree with what God already says about you. It’s His magnificent design..
“It’s not about who we think we are, it's about who we think God is.” Live consistently with our God-given identity and how He has wired us.
Partner with God in the renewal of all things.
You don’t need perfection to serve.
Show up in your uniqueness. “It’s ok to show up weak”. Many many leaders showed up in weakness. Think about Paul.
Maybe your first step is to pray “God help me” and show up anyway!