Graceologie Episode 102: Dr. Leslie Parrott
What’s the single most important thing you can do for your relationships?
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BUY THE BOOK: Healthy Me, Healthy Us
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BUY THE BOOK: Love Like That
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BUY THE BOOK: Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts
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Relationships are filled with disappointment, but they’re also the primary source of our personal happiness. So it’s no surprise that the number one question psychologists hear over and over again is, “What’s the single most important thing you can do for your relationships?” Dr. Leslie Parrott opens up about what she has found to be the answer to this pressing question. She shares three hallmarks to personal health that can radically impact all of your relationships.
How healthy is your self-talk? TAKE THE FREE ASSESSMENT
“If you try to build intimacy with another person before you have gotten whole on your own, all your relationships become an attempt to complete yourself.”
We have an ache in the human heart to belong and fill the gaps in our soul.
“The role that GRACE plays is everything.” Sometimes we think our significance we’ve achieved cannot be achieved whether we succeed or fail. Our significance flows from God’s grace.
“Life is deep and simple and society tries to make it shallow and complicated.” Mr. Rodgers
Powerful ways to see our significance is our self talk. We have a convo in our minds 24/7. When we are awake, talking with others, in our sleep and dreams. We are so negative! On average 74% of our self talk is negative. And a lot of the talk is echos from our past. This will impact our mood and relationships.
We can tune in and be aware by taking a free assessment on their website.
Science of YOU-being known yourself, knowing others and inviting people to know you deeply.
Health and wholeness is not a journey towards protection but awareness.
As we become aware we have the power to change. A healthy person is self aware rather than self absorbed. Proactive instead of reactive. Relationships hold a big mirror up to us.
“Part of our work is falling in love with exactly who God has created you to be and offering that gift to people in your life.” Deep JOY!
Empathy-putting oneself in someone else’s shoes to see the world through their eyes. It’s risking your own well being to dive in the water with someone.
“Hope is the most powerful vaccine to emotionally healing our communities.”
Self-giving love is love that flows out of empathy.