Graceologie Episode 103: Natasha Crain
How can we talk with our children about Jesus so they are prepared for faith challenges they will face in the future?
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You already know the world will challenge the faith of our children, especially when it comes to JESUS. The decline of Christianity is continuing at an alarming pace. Many people, even Christian believers, don’t know WHAT they believe, let alone WHY they believe it… and our children are among those. SO WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT IT?
By studying apologetics, Natasha Crain has identified several hugely important conversations that we need to be having with our kids, given the specific challenges they’ll encounter in society. Whether you have young kids, teens, adult kids, grand kids, or you get to influence kids, this episode will better equip you for many of the challenges of discipleship today.
60-90% of kids are walking away from faith today. We have a crisis of kids leaving their faith.
What’s the problem?
Lots of intellectual challenges with faith and not finding satisfactory answers.
Church isn’t broadly addressing all these things and it’s our role as a parent to be the primary discipler in their lives.
Think of these conversations as ongoing and day to day.
TIDY-people don’t act like a slob all day and then try clean it up in one swoop. They develop little habits of low grade tidying.
Take the time to equip yourself.
Let God constantly be in your dialogue. It’s a mandate from the Lord. Love Him and talk about Him.
Deuteronomy 6:6-9
“If we can’t establish and help our kids understand why there’s good reason to believe Jesus is God, His teachings don’t matter at all. He just becomes another person in history.
It’s the establishment of who he was that makes everything else be of upmost importance. (His teachings, resurrection, etc)
It’s ok to struggle with doubt. We can't find anything with 100% certainty.
Whether you are an atheist or you’re a christian, you’re always going to have room for doubt. And that is normal.
“Jesus wants us to pursue Him and wants to give us answers to our doubts.” Be honest and pray about it.
The true test of our faith, Paul says, is the resurrection. If Christ had not been raised our faith is in vain.
** GRACEOLOGIE is featured here as #17 in the top 30 women’s podcasts! **