Graceologie Episode 105: Harold and Rachel Earls
Do you have a higher calling, if so, what does it look like?
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Army Captain Harold and his wife Rachel Earls join me to discuss their new book A HIGHER CALLING, which, ultimately, is to Love God, Love People, Make a Difference & Be Thankful.
Book Trailer -->
He would rely on God when he was on the mountain but when got off the mountain he would lose some faith. Death didn’t seem as close off the mountain.
“Hey God, are you following me?” because I’m following my dreams and my passions. Following God is a constant thing. It shouldn’t be a roller coaster.
By nature we want to control but when we give that up, we see the beauty of God when we give up that control.
2 Corinthians 12:9. It’s in those weak moments that God can fully express Himself. What a better way to cling to the Lord to grow in a relationship with Him.
Allow that to carry you through. Praise God for carrying you through in the high moments.
“The love aspect comes in when you choose to fight through the harder times.” You can choose fight or flight. Love really shows when you choose to fight for one another. Choose to communicate your hurts and struggles
Tips to mobilize love and look beyond themselves to connect:
“Sometimes the little moments turn out to be the big moments”.
Those little moments of intentionality go a long way daily.
Small acts of kindness every day. Something little everyday to show love.
Show up for your people. How can you show up for them? Call. Zoom. Be intentional with your time.
Do something unexpected and you can change your spouse’s day!
Don’t save surprises for the big moments.