Graceologie Episode 108: Sophie Hudson
Is there really a way to stay strong when life gets hard?
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If you’re anything like most of us, your initial reaction to the hard stuff - those pieces and parts of life that keep you up at night - is to try to figure out how to make it go away. You might wonder if it’s possible to just ignore it, or, better yet, to burn it all down.
Is there really a way to stay strong when life gets hard? Sophie Hudson (BooMama) joins me to discuss ways the Lord works through His Word and His people, to faithfully reveal how you can get up, straighten up, and stand all the way up when trials knock you down!
“When God gives us ground we need to stand there because He’s called us there.”
If you spin around and around, assessing what everyone thinks about what we are doing, when you stop spinning, you lose the ground you’ve been given. When you finally stop you stumble.
When we are overcome with insecurity, the natural thing to do is start to try to accommodate. So if feeling restless or vulnerable the easiest way out of that is to make you ok with what I’m doing. We have to stand strong.
First step to productive conversation is just to admit there is a possibility you are wrong. If it’s rooted in arrogance or rightness, we have to consider maybe we have misread the situation. We have to make sure the places we are standing line up with scripture and line up with the posture of the heart of God. If they don’t, we move into clanging cymbal territory.
If we can’t stand in a place lovingly, that’s probably not where we are supposed to be. You can be firm in your conviction, but should not make you dismissive of people. You don't have to give up your ground but do it in a way that's loving and full of grace and to see a person before you see an opinion.
We are welcome to go to God with our fear. He hears us. There is not a lot of freedom if I’m going to God with instruction because I’m needing him to do what I say in order to feel good about where we are. That's not the way our relationship with Him should work.
“Fear bosses us around.”
Ephesians 3:20 “ Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us”
I think the more you see the evidence of His goodness you won’t want to go to God with a list of demands. You’ll agree with Him more.
If there’s one thing you want women to feel finishing this book:
Confidence in the way that God has made you and where He’s led you. Don’t write off His giftings He's created in you. You Have been purposefully, deliberately and intentionally made to use those gifts in beautiful ways to usher in the Kingdom. You’ve been given specific gifts to do that, ushering in the Kingdom of God in the here and now.
Stand up with shoulders back, eyes focused ahead, and with determination to stand with confidence to where the Lord leads you; moving with purpose and to rest in knowing He has made you to use those good gifts in significant ways.
No matter where I am I just want to carry the presence of God wherever I go.
There is so much comfort and encouragement seeing someone living their real imperfect lives.
What can you do to be impactful for the Kingdom?
It may be talking to the lady while bagging groceries. It doesn’t have to be a 501c3 corporation to be impactful for the Kingdom.
Say, Lord I want to carry your presence today, however that may look.