Graceologie Episode 124: Kendra Adachi
What really matters? What doesn't?
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Author and blogger Kendra Adachi joins me to talk about how you can live well by your own definition, according to the way God designed YOU - and equips you to be a genius about what matters and lazy about what doesn’t.
Some ducktape here, a paperclip there, maybe we can make all these things work together to make a meaningful life. You can’t hack your way to a meaningful life.
We can LAZYGENIUS anything. Work, closet, relationships, laundry.
“Everything can be lazygeniused because everything matters or doesn’t matter.”
Everything can have this applied to it:
1. Embrace what matters
2. Ditch what doesn’t.
3. Get stuff done.
Not doing these things well, doesn’t mean you’re not a good woman. People thrive differently. Don’t spend the energy doing something you’re not wired for because it will deplete your resources for something you ARE really good at.
Kendra’s 13Lazy Genius principles, include:
Decide once
Start small
Ask the Magic Question
Live in the season
Live in the right routines
Set house rules
Put everything in it’s place
Let people in
Batch it
Go in the right order
Schedule rest
Be kind to yourself
We are so tired. We have this constant reel going of “do the right thing, make the best choice” and it takes so much out of us. So sometimes naming what we are exchanging our spinning for can help devalue the spinning itself. And we realize this doesn’t matter as much as I think it does.
Life matters. And we don’t really let ourselves let life matter in the richest way because we are spending our energy on things that don’t matter.
Stop comparing and living our lives and live our own lives wholeheartedly and let other people live their lives so wholeheartedly.
“Live your life, your way, embrace what matters, ditch what doesn’t and also...get stuff DONE.”
CHANGE YOUR LIFE CHICKEN: https://www.thelazygeniuscollective.com/blog/change-your-life-chicken