Graceologie Episode 132: Mark Batterson
Does God still speak?
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When it comes to hearing from God, The question isn't whether God speaks. The question is what does He have to say to you?
Pray a brave prayer.
Mark talks about experiencing asthma for 40 years, but felt a prompting 4 years ago to pray a “brave” prayer. He asked the Lord to heal his lungs and he’s not touched an inhaler since.
It can be frustrating and discouraging to keep praying for the same thing for someone you really love, but don’t give up on them. Don't give up on God. Keep praying that brave prayer and keep believing in Him for that miracle.
“There comes a moment when you stop talking to God about your problems and start talking to your problems about God.”
Declare His power and His healing and goodness. It’s not about you playing God, it’s still going to happen on God’s timeline and His terms but it does require us exercising some faith.
One day we will thank God one day for the prayers he didn’t answer.
Take a very childlike approach to trust in his goodness and believe in his ability.
Hearing God in the pain:
During those seasons of suffering, those are often the times where you cultivate a certain intimacy with God.
Why does God even speak in a whisper?
Because the ultimate goal is intimacy with Him.
He will not leave us or forsake us. He has experienced that pain on the cross.
If kids can learn to hear God’s voice at an early age, it makes such a difference; just like the prophet Samuel, when he was a little boy growing up in the temple.
Wise Eli told Samuel to pray: Speak Lord. Your servant is listening.
You are never too young to hear God’s voice.
In fact, you may even be more in tune with God’s voice over those who have aged and hardened their hearts.
“When we harden our hearts, it hardens our hearing.”
We are living in such a unique moment in history:
⅓ are experiencing anxiety and depression
71% describe themselves as angry
66% describe themselves as fearful
Racial tension, upcoming election, etc= more daily dependence on God!
God is activating the gifts of the spirit and raising up a remnant...God’s got THIS. God’s GOT YOU! Stay in God’s word and have an ear in tune with the Holy Spirit.
This isn’t about looking backwards, it’s more of a forward looking: how are you going to get where you need to go spiritually?
We need to get into God’s word and more importantly get God’s word into us! It is living, active and powerful!
Game ON! Now God will speak in some powerful ways.