Graceologie Episode 71: Kasey Van Norman
What if the pain and mistakes of your past are exactly what God wants to use to redeem your future?
WEBSITE: KaseyVanNorman.com
BUY THE BOOK: Nothing Wasted
BUY THE BOOK: Named by God
PSALM ADVENTURE ONLINE BIBLE STUDY with Gwen Smith: www.GwenSmith.net/PsalmAdventure
Kasey Van Norman joins me for episode #71 to talk about how God wants to redeem the pain and mistakes of your past.
What if the pain and mistakes of your past are exactly what God wants to use to redeem your future? Like many of us, Kasey has walked a rocky road of regret and loss. In this honest, vulnerable conversation, she shares that these days she’s no longer running from her past, but is instead, is actually allowing herself to be defined by it - because Kasey’s discovered that God is more intentional, personal and loving than she ever believed Him to be.
In this GRACOEOLOGIE episode, Kasey and I talk about the powerful message of her new book, NOTHING WASTED, which highlights God’s offer to weave together every confusing, disjointed scrap of your past into His beautiful story of redemption.
God doesn't waste our stories. But He does want our real ones.
God doesn't waste our darkest days. He uses them to point us toward the light.
God doesn't waste the chaos of life. He uses it to free us from the burden of control.
We wrongfully believe that the arch of our story is either too boring or too scandalous to be significant to God.
Fear is not a lack of faith. Fear is questioning God's love for us.
When you speak of the pain and mistakes of your past: always ask: "Is this helpful?"