Graceologie Episode 94: Jennifer Allwood
What is fear keeping you from?
WEBSITE: JenniferAllwood.com
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BUY THE BOOK: Fear Is Not The Boss of You
PSALM ADVENTURE ONLINE BIBLE STUDY with Gwen Smith: www.GwenSmith.net/PsalmAdventure
Business coach, podcast host and new author, Jennifer Allwood joins me on the Graceologie Podcast with a gutsy invitation for you to go after the big dream God has called you to… because FEAR IS NOT THE BOSS OF YOU!
As a business owner or biz woman, such a message being delivered that you have to work so hard and hustle your face off and sacrifice is required for success, but I don’t buy into that.
If you honor the correct order: God, husband, kids and business, honor that order and God will honor you. God will open up new doors in your business.
Working hard is not about working long but working smart. Don’t lose your family in the process of building an empire.
Stuck? “Stuck is usually the symptom of being paralyzed with fear.” (Kissing cousins)
- Recognize why you are, where you are.
- Watching other people WIN (social media, comparison, etc)
Often we say “I’m waiting on God” for decades. God’s given us rules to follow. Move!
So important you don’t stay stuck
Don’t use children as an excuse to why you can’t do things. “If he’s calling you to this, He will take care of that.”
Desperate? That’s a great place to be. God can work with desperate!
Pray and listen. Don't have a one-sided conversation with God. Train to listen to Him speak to you.
“Fear will convince you to settle for less than God’s best.”
So many settle for not God’s best because they are terrified they can’t do better. It is like standing on the interstate naked!
“There’s so much freedom when we realize fear is not the boss of us.”
Don't NOT feel the fear, but look at the fear, recognize it, name it, get used to saying ‘Ok, I recognize you’, but you’re not the boss of me.”