Gwen Smith

Episode 68 – Pam Farrel

Pam Farrel joins me for episode #68 to talk about how reading and studying the Bible can help calm feelings of overwhelm and carry you through times of doubt and seasons of strain. ‘Cause, without question there are times in life when we face one challenge after another… times of stress and strain that leave us wondering how we can know the HOPE and JOY of Jesus.

Listen in to hear some personal struggles and practical strategies that will help you hear the voice of GOD over all the other voices that are vying for your attention. And learn how the power of praise can lead you to the steadfast LOVE and STRENGTH of God you need so you can face whatever comes your way.

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Gwen Smith

Episode 67 – Michele Cushatt

Michele Cushatt joins me for episode #67 to talk about how to hold onto faith when it seems God is gone. But what if we could find evidence that God hasn’t left us? Listen in as Michele and I discuss the message of her new book RELENTLESS, which exposes the unshakable presence of a God who never leaves and offers the reassurance that God, indeed, is with us.

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