Sometimes I Forget

Gwen SmithBlog, Christian Living, Scripture 10 Comments

My daughter calls me Dory. She even gave me a small travel-sized tin for cotton swabs because Dory is on the lid. Think back to the adorable movie Finding Nemo. Yeah. That Dory. The optimistic, lovable blue fish-friend who struggles with short-term memory loss. Ahem.

I do forget things.


Where I put my keys. Why I was going upstairs. Who that person is. What I was talking about… mid-sentence.

Now, let’s pause for a reality update before you start sending me emails advising me to take ginkgo biloba, use essential oils or meet with a doctor… it’s more my personality than a brain function issue. I’m good, people. Just a bit forgetful and easily distracted.

But as I read Psalm 106, my heart is crushed and crumbles at the realization that I’m dangerously similar to the forgetful Israelites who experienced vibrant miracles from the God who leads His children through and delivers them from deep, dark waters.

They forgot the mercy of the holy hands that had snatched them from chains of oppression and bondage, lifted them from pits of depression and hopelessness, and restored them from brokenness and rebellion.

“We have sinned, even as our ancestors did; we have done wrong and acted wickedly. When our ancestors were in Egypt, they gave no thought to your miracles; they did not remember your many kindnesses, and they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea. Yet he saved them for his name’s sake, to make his mighty power known” (Psalm 106:6-8).

They forgot the God who called them His own. His chosen. His redeemed. His children.

They gave no thought to His miracles.

They forgot the God who provided and guided them.

“He rebuked the Red Sea, and it dried up; he led them through the depths as through a desert. He saved them from the hand of the foe; from the hand of the enemy, he redeemed them. The waters covered their adversaries; not one of them survived. Then they believed his promises and sang his praise. But they soon forgot what he had done,
and did not wait for his plan to unfold. In the desert they gave in to their craving; in the wilderness they put God to the test” (Psalm 106:9-14).

They forgot the God who remembered His covenant.

They doubted. They grumbled.

They gave into carnal cravings.

They put God to the test.

Reading about the forgetful Israelites is like looking into the mirror of my soul and seeing my own forgetful heart.

Lord, I’m so sorry. Help me remember.

I want to be a woman who remembers God’s faithfulness and compassion… His miraculous power and intervention… His goodness, holiness, worthiness, mercy, and love. Are you with me?

Dory may be a cute movie character, but she’s not a cute soul-sister.

Today let’s be intentional to remember the greatness of God and live in response to His faithfulness and love.


Faithful Lord, I’m sorry for my forgetfulness. Help me to live in responsive worship to the wonder of my salvation. Thank You for remembering Your promises and for being a Covenant Keeper, full of grace. Restore my soul-memory to give You constant thanks and praise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



What have you forgotten lately?
Spend some time in personal prayer and confession. Then let’s pray together today. Meet me in the comments section to share your heart and pray for one another.


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Comments 10

  1. Thank you Gwen for the reminder to remember the goodness , faithfulness, and love of our Great Savior! Praying for you to continue remembering and reminding us.

  2. All of us have regrets. Sometimes I feel like I have more than most 😳 so I have to remind myself often that Gods will will always prevail no matter what I have done or haven’t done. God is in control and he is bigger than all of my regrets He’s got this, He’s got me, I will trust him with my future and my children. God is faithful!

  3. I struggle with loneliness almost all the time. My sweet husband of 51 1/2 years, went to be with our Lord in September of 2020. Our two sons live 1hour, and 1 1/2 hours away. Of coarse they have jobs and families of their own. I am handicapped..have to wear braces on my left foot, ankle and knee, and use a walker..just to walk. I try not to be a burden to my children, but I know they are tired of having to take me to Dr.’s appointments, and shop for groceries for me, but they do help me when they can.
    I just have gotten to the point that I hate to ask them! I’m home alone most all of the time, and get so lonely. I keep reminding myself that God is always with me…I’m never alone! Thank you Jesus!! I talk to Him all the time.
    I’m asking for prayers, for this loneliness to get better for me. It’s so depressing!!

    1. Prayers for you, Jean 🙏😢 That breaks my heart. I do pray that you feel His sweet Spirit and His love will surround you (especially during those dark times of loneliness.) Remember His promise, I will never leave you or forsake you ❤️

    2. Hi Jean!

      I am praying and believing that God would bring you new friendships and relationships to accompany you in this life. Of course God wants us to come to him when we feel lonely but he also want us to have community.

      I hope you thrive in this next season 🙏

  4. Gwen,
    Life has just turned around for our family. Trying to remember God is there for me is hard, but I’m trying to put my husband in His hands. To rely on God. My husband just found out that he has cancer. Remembering to put my trust in God..
    Thank you for your devotion’s and help throughout my life.

  5. Often, I feel like I am living a silent lonely storm, I forget about all his grace and mercy on me and my life. Thanks for the reminder that I am not alone with all my “checking in and checking out”(as I call it). I beat myself up and feel defeated quite often. May you continue to be a blessing to yourself and others.

  6. This is so me. I could be dory as well. Life gets so distracting. Hard times. Just overall busy work. My challenges have brought on anxiety. It can overwhelm me so quickly and I forget what God has done for me. Wallow in my troubles instead of his goodness. Lord forgive me for forgetting how great you are and help me to rest in you. Trust you in my weakness. You are so good. And your love endures forever ❤️

  7. I am facing some challenging times as my older sister’s caregiver. Some days I fear it’s all going wrong and crumbling down around me. I lose focus of all the good things in my life and the difficult times the Lord has already brought me through. Thank you for the needed reminder of God’s faithfulness.

  8. Gwen: I so appreciate your stories and most especially your prayers. I never pass up an opportunity to read them. Your soul magnifies our LORD.

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