Years ago I thought that if I owned some diamond stud earrings all the stars in the universe would dance in one accord and that my life would simply dazzle with amazingness. That year for Christmas, my husband, Brad, dutifully scraped dollars and cents together to sacrificially buy this momma a set of modest, but sparkly, studs.
But guess what?
The stars didn’t dance and my days were no more glamorous after having the earrings.
Epic jewelry failure.
Now, I hardly ever wear them. They sit in a jewelry box and I’ve concluded that those diamonds were so not THIS girl’s best friend.
I’m not saying that diamonds are bad or that we shouldn’t wear them or want them. Not my point. What I am trying to say is this: far too often, I find myself looking to the left and to the right, longing for things around me. Things that will satisfy my cravings to feel more important, do bigger things, look more impressive. Things, like diamonds, that – in the grand scheme of life – are nice, but really don’t matter and bring neither blessing – nor God’s best – to my life.
Do you ever struggle with this too?
God has been growing and showing me that His wisdom is far more valuable than gems or jewels or a marital status or granite countertops or a car or any job position or any dress size that I could ever have or long for.
Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her; those who hold her fast are called blessed. (Proverbs 3:13-18)
All throughout the Bible, we see that WISDOM is the real deal when it comes to valuable things.
It’s the little black dress of faith!
An essential must-have for every Christian woman to possess and wear.
And surely one that we all look good in!
In 1 Chronicles 28:9, king David encouraged his son Solomon to serve and seek after the Lord wholeheartedly. And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever.
Later, while still very young, Solomon was given the throne and the opportunity to ask anything of God. Solomon chose wisdom. (I Kings 3:5-12)
He. Could. Have. Had. ANYTHING…
…and Solomon chose wisdom.
…and God was pleased.
WISDOM: a treasure we all desperately need, but one so few of us would prioritize above all else.
C’mon! I hear you screaming at your computer, Wisdom is good, but what we really need is more love, and faith, and hope…!
Ahh, you are right! These things are highly valuable and greatly needed. But I would argue right back, If you and I, like Solomon, sought God for His wisdom first, then He would naturally lead us in ways that empower us to love Him and others better, to believe deeper and trust wider, and to hope more readily and completely.
It all boils down to this: a life led by godly wisdom pleases the Lord and yields rich blessings.
Sounds good, right? Absolutely.
How can you get YOUR little black dress of wisdom? Here are a few instructions from the Bible…
#1. Ask God. James 1:5 says, If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
#2. Stand in Awe of the Lord. Proverbs 1:7 sets reverence for God above all else, connecting this proper awe of the LORD to wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
#3. Seek wise counsel. Proverbs 15:22 instructs us to seek out wise counsel. Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.
If we worship God wholeheartedly, get to know what the Bible says, and surround ourselves with women of wise counsel, surely we will find ourselves perfectly fitted with the wisdom and understanding that the Lord has for us.
And on good days, who knows, the stars just might dance to show off God’s glory.
Dear LORD, Please forgive me for all of the ways that I want other things more than wisdom! Show me Your ways. Lead me in Your understanding so that I can live with greater purpose and impact. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Where is your little black dress of wisdom? (Choose one)
A. “Don’t have one… but I’m asking God for one today!”
B. “Stuck in the back of my heart-closet. Really need to dig it out.”
C. “At the dry cleaners! Wore it last week, but need to pick it up today!”
D. “Wearing, it, baby! Dazzling with HIS amazingness! Party on…”
CLICK HERE to leave a comment on my blog telling me where your little black dress of wisdom is… (Cannot. Wait. To. Read. Your. Answers.)
LOVE doing life with you!
Warm Blessings in HIS Grace,
Are you ready to begin a new faith adventure?
Get a copy of Trusting God, by Girlfriends in God Sharon Jaynes, Gwen Smith, and Mary Southerland. This is the perfect book for individual study or for gathering a group of friends in what we call GiG Groups. With impactful devotions, study questions, journal pages, free on-line video intros, and an index of trust-building Scriptures…
this book is a resource you’ll refer to time-and-time again.
Comments 116
A) don’t have one but I known I’m going to get one really soon.
A. I am asking God daily to give me wisdom and understanding.
Is there an in-between? I have been reading and rereading Proverbs 2 and 3, and am purposing to look to Jesus and His wisdom more. I don’t always succeed in that, but. . . I don’t think my little black dress is at the dry cleaners either. It’s here, but perhaps not out enough. 🙂 Thank you for sharing with us, Gwen. God continue to bless you richly!
Amen. Loved the weekend in barre vt. Fantastic.
B. “Stuck in the back of my heart-closet. Really need to dig it out.” Been up since five am searching and seeking His wisdom. I guess I could say D Baby. <3
God has graciously given me the gift of discernment, and until I read this devotional I never thought to pray for wisdom. But wisdom is the very essence of discernment! I have often prayed that God would increase my gift of discernment. Over time I have acquired some Godly wisdom – but now I feel empowered to pray for more and more! Thank you so much Gwen for this powerful devotional.
So I have to say D but with C also! 😉
Really need to ask for wisdom in my marriage. Praying and asking for prayers
I’ m wearing it and wearing it well thank you JESUS for your love and your support there is no comparison, you are truly one of a kind ALLEUIA”!!!!!!!!!!!
B …. I’ve been on “the Spiritual Struggle Bus” — my phrase i use often 🙂
My job has been an awful place to work the past 8 months due to downsizing, etc. Satan is everywhere there and its easy to run low on happy and I no longer want to be a nurse. I was crying at my desk and reached for my daily reading …. Philippians 4:6-7
You see, God was there — waiting for me, with a cup of coffee in his hand, to FINALLY pick it up and read it! Very powerful, esp if you have a study Bible to look closer at those 2 verses — or all of 4 like I did.
“Prayer should be my first defense ….. not my last resort” and that leads to wisdom. I allowed Satan to steal 8 hours from me by making me worry.
I’m going to go get my “little black boots of wisdom” instead of the dress and kick Satan out of our work place. Is that ok? 🙂
Prayers welcome.
Hi, Camille. I like the idea of getting out your “little black boots of wisdom” and kicking the enemy out. I also like, “Prayer should be my first defense. . . not my last resort.” Prayer and going to the Word are so very important. Thank you for sharing. May God give you His peace that passes all understanding, and strengthen you in your inner man to stand in His truth and keep your eyes, heart and mind fixed on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
A. Asking for one today…I think I sometimes have a little black dress then I decide I am wiser…Dear God please today give me the wisdom to place you first in all things!
Awesome, Jennifer. That LBD looks good on you, girl. 😉
unfortunately mind was in the back of the closet. however, I have chosen to repent and ask God for his forgiveness and to help me achieve the daily piece and wisdom so that I may grow stronger in him each and every day.
C. “At the dry cleaners! Wore it last week, but need to pick it up today!”
A- I am going to start TODAY asking God for wisdom. I felt I needed to hear this today because im always worried if my home compares to others and how to decorate it…when that is really not important. Material things cannot get me what Wisdom can!!! SO EXCITED.
Yay! I’m excited with you… and I think the stars are dancing too. 😉
Go in HIS wisdom, Annie!
B and it’s coming out today! Thank you for your words They hit perfectly home at just the right moment. You have given me much to think about, consider, pray for and direction.
B- I have some cleaning out of the closet so that I can get to it, but today it will happen! Thank you for reminding me of the treasures in my closet! Hit the mark this morning!
I put mine somewhere, and now I just can’t seem to find it. Sometimes I try without success. I end up giving up before I dig deep enough. Please pray for me to find my way and have strength to turn from sin and focus on God. Thanks
I’m in between ‘B’ thru ‘D’ sometimes. This devotional is encouraging me to choose to “daily” wear it.
I am in between A and B SIS. Just when I feel on track, I get lost all over again. Feel like i need intervention, from the Holy Spirit!
“Stuck in the back of my heart-closet. Really need to dig it out.”
Thank you so much for sharing your life experiences. I love doing my devotions. I have been praying lately for wisdom on how to deal/work with my 10 yr old daughter it is so difficult dealing with her attitudes and her responses to me when i speak to her. Lately I have felt more confident and patient since i have been prayer for her and wisdom. Last tuesday she went to church to a program called women of valor. She came home with the ten commandments written on paper. She read each one to me and dad and explained each one to us. I was in Awe I knew this was God’s response I now know that God is working in her life as well as mine. I am so grateful to God and Hid Word. And I love my devotions thank you so much for sharing.
D. has my name ALL over it, especially when it comes to my energy levels with my fiction writing & managing 2 chronic illnesses. God is so good, & He’s with me through it all.
B – I am digging it out of my closet. My husband and I have been separated for almost two years and he suffered trauma from a car hitting him while on his bike 4 years ago. He is not the same man I married and he chose to leave to keep peace in our home. We have been fighting to get compensation with the insurance company and this is the week they could settle outside of court. We need wisdom and a miracle! Would appreciate any prayers that could be spoken. My heart breaks for my kids who are 19, 17 & 13. My 17 year old son just started anti depressants. Our lives have been forever changed. God has been faithful and continues to provide. On my knees again!
My desire for putting God first, making him holy, and seeking wisdom has been stuck in the back of the heart-closet far too long. When I was a teen, someone gave me a plaque that read, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” i used to meditate on it daily. It’s time to quit seeking better stuff, more stuff, etc again. I recently moved back to the US after years in a developing country. It was easier to live without stuff when no one had stuff. Here? I want stuff! Thanks for the reminder that a better car, house, furniture or jewelry won’t fill my heart.
C. It is at the cleaners. but I am definitely picking it up today. I will be ever so careful in the future to not get it spiritually dirty, so that it is there whenever I need it.
I’m wearing it – I ask God to fill me with all that I need every day and wisdom is the first on the list!!!! I still have learning to do, but one day at a time I trod, making mistakes along the way – however – God is faithful and keeps moving me forward! I look forward everyday to reading Girlfriends In God!!!!! 🙂
It’s at the dry cleaners… But it’s been ready for a couple weeks and I need to go pick it up!
I have a black dress which I love…but it does not fit…but since walking daily with my dog Zoe…I am finally losing abit of weight…yeah for me…because I love my black dress and I so looking forward to fitting into it…loved your words of wisdom Gwen and I pray daily for wisdom and guidance each day as I am going through some issues with others..but I am turning it over to God for guidance and wisdom…really needed this reading this morning…thank you God Bless Gwen
C-At the dry cleaners. I think I use it every couple of days, but this is the closest answer. I need to be wearing that thing every every day. Thank you so much for this word!
James 1:5 was given to me by my pastor when I was13. I am now 80 and continue asking. God is faithful. Thank you so much.
Thank you, Marion! God continue to bless you richly with all you need to honor His faithfulness in you live.
I don’t think I own a dress of wisdom but I’m asking for one today. The past year has been really rough for my family and I and I can’t seem to figure out why we cant “catch a break”. Last December my husband lost his job and didn’t find a new one until February. His new job is far less pay than what we were accustomed to and I was in graduate school to become a certified teacher so our hopes were that once I obtained a teaching position things would be ok. Well the new school year came and although I applied and interviewed for several positions I was notable to secure one. I am working as a teachers aid and we are struggling to survive. We have cut out every luxury and slimmed our budget down but we are two months behind on our mortgage and I don’t see a way to survive. We have borrowed from our parents and are now indebt to them as well. We have accepted that we will have to move from our home and rent for a year or so but today the transmission went out on my van which is my only mode of transportation and I have no funds to repair it which means I have no way to go!! I just don’t know what to do. My faith has always been strong but it is wavering with the stress of all this and trying to provide for three children makes things worse. My husband is just as stressed and while we are in church every Sunday I just can’t understand why we have to struggle so hard for so long. I feel like we are good people who try todo the right thing but the devil won’t stop dragging us down. Please pray that the Lord provides a way for us to manage the multiple crisis in our life and that I don’t loose my mind until he does. I need help on somany fronts it’s overwhelming and I don’t know where else to turn!
Praying for God’s divine intervention, and in the mean time, for your peace, ability to rest in the strong, loving arms of Jesus – Your deliverer! Praying for strength in your inner man to keep your eyes, heart and mind fixed on Him! His love for you is great and deep. May Truth prevail in your life! In the Name of Jesus, Amen!
D. Wearing it baby! Getting my amazing dazzle on!! I’m seperated from my husband and things look very shady and shaky… In the worlds view. But I have found new hope in Christ and the impossible imperfections he is ironing out in both myself and my hub. I know that is only wisdom through Christ that has given me the ability to see the brokenness deep within my husband and with healthy boundaries love him in his “brokenness”. God is love.
D-Wearing it!!! Thank you for the wise counsel God is great!!!
C. “At the dry cleaners! Wore it last week, but need to pick it up today!”
The wisdom part comes naturally to me for the most part – its putting it into practice that’s the problem! Self control and self discipline are a struggle for me but I’m getting better, by God’s grace!
Mine is definitely at the dry cleaners, and I am going to pick it up today to wear it tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that…
B…but I’m pulling it out! I most definitely need to go to God for his wisdom each and every day! I really needed to hear this today! God bless!
A. I don’t have one but praying for wisdom. A lot has happened in my life and through them all God has been with me. At times I make the dumbest decisions then I regret and pray for forgiveness. I want wisdom to face my life reflecting God in all.
I am wearing it, need it every minute of each day
Wearing it!!! Anyone reading this please pray for my family, we are being torn to shreds and I have a horrible practice of taking my problems to the throne of grace only to take it up again and share with friends for advice as if Christ is not bigger than ANY of our worldly encounters. Today I am leaving it with Jesus with the faith that ALL things in Christ do work for good. Love the daily inspiration?
Wearing it! The only way to get through every day.
I’m wearing mine!!! God is so good! Be blessed!
I feel I have wisdom. I don’t want anything material. I only want joy, peace, faith, happiness, for sick people to get well, or for God’s will to be done. I am content with what I have.
D…I LOVE doing life with you Gwen! I so wish we could sit down at a coffee shop and discuss the trenches we have been through to gain our wisdom!!! I am certainly not saying that I don’t have room to grow in the wisdom department, but I totally agree with you about seeking wisdom, and THEN God will guide us into more love, joy, peace, hope, etc!
Sweet blessings on your Friday girlfriends!!! 🙂
Stuck in the back of my heart-closet. Spent a lot of time crying after I read this. Mainly because I just want peace. I want “all her paths are peace” that is found in Proverbs 3:013-18. I desperately need this. And the Lord was so good in revealing to me through this article that He has been with me this whole time. He has been hearing my heart whispers. And He desires to speak to me in return. And He does. All the time. I just cant seem to believe it or get it because I am filled with things that distract my heart at all directions. Especially my fears. My prayer is that In my pursuit of true Peace may I truly understand the wisdom He has for me and may I have the courage to follow His wisdom. Thank you Father for helping Gwen get to the place where she was able to hear you and write this article down. May you bless her all the days of her life. In Jesus Name
B I Need to Drag it out of my heaet closet to wear it!!
C. I am picking it back up today and I will do my best not to stray away from wearing it everyday! Thank you for this challenge. I do talk to God and read His Word everyday in some way, but I cannot say I am fully seeking Him and spending enough time with him.Thank you again for challenging us to wear our little black dress everyday!
Wearing it Honey! I am Blessed with God’s Amazing Grace, in Jesus name…
Have a Blessed Day everyone!
My little black dress of wisdom is laced with His grace. It is being delivered soon as I just ordered a few days ago. With God as my guide I may need to make some alterations. Then I’ll be wearing it. Dazzling with His amazingness!
D. In the last few days, God has been using me in ways I never would have thought possible!
B. Thank you for the inspiration. I’m digging my dress out of the back of the closet now.
I frequently change clothes so I put the little black dress on and then take it off and exchange it for another color and when that doesn’t fit I put the little black dress on again. I think right now in this moment I am D because I am here reading and seeking wisdom.
Gwen, I think I’d vote for C this morning, but expect to have a D within a few hours as I take time right now for dipping into the Word. Have recently been challenged with these words of wisdom: “Learn to leave the past to the mercy of God; for the present embrace the unconditional love of God; and for the future believe always in the wise providence of God…” I feel a sense of a kindred spirit with you as we walk along, claiming His wisdom for this day….Thank you so much for investing in the lives of other women like me!
I am wearing my little black dress but it seems a little too short so my prayer today is that God will lengthen it.
I am asking God for it right now. Thanks
My LBD is in my closet, I tried it lately and it just would not fit…come on! I have followed faithfully feeding my Spirit with the right things…so then comes The whisper of Wisdom from my Lord. Throw away the old LBD for it has served its purpose. Reluctantly I did yesterday…and this morning I opened your beautiful email and thru your counsel (…seek the counsel of women of faith you said) my Lord delivered me a shiny new package woth a beautiful silky sparkly bow, and inside, yep…my brand new LBD! This one fits the me of today…where I an headed I do not know. For two decades after the death of my husband I have prayed for a good godly man (for I lost a wonderful -not perfect- one) to come into my life, to no avail. I miss the companionship and wearing my LBD for a date with my hubby…today I will wipe my tears, wear my LBD, dab a bit of lipstick and know that God is at my door, patiently waiting to take me on that date. He has a plan and all I need is the sparly wisdom to wear with my new LBD! Thank you for delivering the package!
I am wearing it despite what obstacles I face today or or tomorrow. I know that God has an amazing plan for my life and I keep pushing through it until I arrive. I am so blessed for where I am right now. I am so thankful I am not in the same place I was 5 years ago. #Blessed
D is my answer. The LORD has grown me in wisdom and discernment through His Word and Holy Spirit. My whole desire is for Him. He saved me and set me on the path of righteousness for His Name’s sake. In all the past 45+ years walking in Him, God/Jesus/Holy Spirit has been faithful and intervened in my life–even in “the small stuff”. His intimacy with us has no limits in either direction (great or small). Our God is an awesome God!!!
He’s telling me ‘A’ so I needed to ask!! I know I have Faith but wasn’t asking for the right thing so thanks for the reminder! Blessings to my faith sisters:-)
B – Sadly, stuck in the back of my closet. Thanks for the reminder today, Gwen! Super words of wisdom!!!
A resounding B, draggin it out today, thank you for this awesome devotional.
B – But I am dragging it out to wear it faithfully. Thank you so this awesome devetional this morning.
Me too sis, me too!
Wearing it prayerfully 🙂 – Wisdom is like my armor – I never take it off and I daily ask for the Lord to help me make any adjustments to my garments. Love the GIG devotions, often times it is just what I need for the particular moment and season. Blessings
Good morning all!! It was at the cleaners, but thank God I am wearing it today!!
I wear HOPE and PEACE daily ,….. those two words are my wisdom, and answers for so many things in my life. When I don’t understand WHY God does things, or why truly beautiful people are given tragic things to bear, I trust in HIs love, and I always have HOPE and PEACE in my prayers …. He gives us HOPE and a future …. That is my little black dress…. I trust in prayer, and when prayers aren’t necessarily answered to my liking, I have HOPE that the God given answer will surface.
I love Girlfriends in God ….. thank for starting my day with hope and peace …..
Thanks is for sharing about wearing hope and peace daily. Such a good reminder of what makes us as women more beautiful. God looks at the heart!
picking it up from the dry cleaners 🙂
I am wearing it.. and I mindfully ask God to have it dry cleaned every night while I sleep and then ask Him to hand it to me in the am so that I may wear that day… Everyday, I wear that dress, to the best of my ability through the Holy Spirit…
Stuck in the back of my old heart closet unfortunately! Was up late last night into early morning hours repenting, seeking God! Asking God to give me a heart transplant! Ezekiel 36:26,27 – He WANTS to remove my stony stubborn heart and give me a new, tender and responsive heart! I’m on the operating table now…asking Him to implant wisdom into my new heart!
Wow, Kathie! Praise God for you. He is at work in your life, no doubt about it. I, too, desire a more tender and responsive heart. Thank your for your openness and honesty. God continue to bless you richly!
In the back of my heart closet. I’ll dig it out. I need to practice remembering it DAILY. I have ups and downs. Thanks for the wonderful devotional.
I’m wearing it! I had to ask God for wisdom concerning a situation with a fellow church member I was doing business with who was not performing his job properly & costing me a substantial amount of money. God had me to give up my rights to the money & release myself from the relationship & I was able to get my peace back. Now if I get the money fine, but if not I’m still fine because I know God is my source & he has & will provide for my every need.
My little black dress is in my heart closet and surely needs to come out NOW..My wonderful understanding husband has given me many wonderful things but what I truly need, I have already found for free..Wisdom and I’m still working on it..With Wisdom follows understanding, kindness and true belief in Our Lord Jesus. You gals have inspired me so much with your true and honest mistakes and tragedies in your lives..There just is not a site like this anywhere and I thank you for sharing and how you overcame them and kept the Faith! xoxoxo
Saundra I have one stuck in the back of my heart closet and I to need to get it out today!!! I thank God for God’s people with wisdom that can share with other to make them realize what is missing in there life.
D, Thank you for the wonderful devotion it had bless me tremendously,
Keep up the good work by planting the seed daily.
Gotta run past the cleaners and pick it up!! I’m so inconsistent with seeking. Can have a great day or week being in the word and praying and then life interferes. When I’m in the WORD, I’m not in the world. And there is incredible peace with that. Thanks for the reminder Gwen.
Hi Gwen – I have one stuck in the back of my heart closet and I NEED to get it out today!!! Thank you for the reminder of what’s important and what’s not as important. I SO needed this today!
God Bless you in your ministry
You wrote, “But I would argue right back, If you and I, like Solomon, sought God for His wisdom first, then He would naturally lead us in ways that empower us to love Him and others better, to believe deeper and trust wider, and to hope more readily and completely.”
And I would argue right back, “As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been.”
Wisdom is good, but our hope does not lie in “wisdom”. It lies rather in the love of God and belief in Him whom He has sent. Scripture says God is love; not that God is wisdom. Even if the wisdom of God tells us to follow Jesus, it is not the wisdom that saves us, but our belief in Him. Indeed, 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 and Proverbs 2: 12-31 show that wisdom is older than the universe, and both passages and their context show that wisdom is distinct from God. Wisdom is, in some ways, an overrated commodity, as Solomon showed. Wisdom is not our hope. I would rather be commended for being kind than for being wise. Love wins. Note that David may not have been as wise as Solomon, but he was more devoted to God.
I have to say George that you are right that David’s heart demonstrated a heart of love towards God. He is the only one of whom I recall that it is written “a man after God’s own heart” Acts 13:22. Solomon was known as the wisest man of his and present time because of his prayer request 1 Kings 3:9-12. Neither men were perfect, yet their legacy…good or bad…lives on. We have all been offered the gift of salvation. Those of us who have accepted that gift, ‘daily’ have to live out our salvation Phil.2:12. It’s a daily walk of faith having been given a choice back in Genesis. All the power of God is available to us (Luke 10:19, John 14:12), and like David and Solomon we have to choose…daily… I pray for knowledge, but more so for the principle thing…wisdom to rightly operate in the knowledge.
I agree with you, Sonya. The above was part of an essay that I wrote on wisdom, and I would not dispute that wisdom used to serve God is a great thing, but like many gifts it can be abused. I think the key that you touched on has to do with first of all being “after God’s own heart”. Perhaps, I am overly sensitive about the important difference between wisdom and love. Here’s part of the reason. If I use my wisdom to say something significant in Sunday School an elderly lady(I’m only 70.) will turn around and say something like “Boy, you’re smart.” (right out loud.) On the other hand, when I use my wisdom to make some of the seniors in the nursing home smile, I will sometimes be told, “It was kind of you so spend time with Patricia.” The latter is more significant to me than the former. It’s why I say that wisdom is often overrated.
It was at the cleaners, but I picked it up last week and I’ve been wearing it ever since, thank you Jesus for blessing me with the wisdom of love, peace (which I’m still working on), and knowledge. I’m looking forward to growing with You and as a person period.
Unfortunately my little black dress of faith has been in the back of my heart-closet. Thank you sooooo much for giving me an amazing reason to bring it back out again and dazzle for God!
Im wearing it today. Going to try to wear it all day. Thank you for lifting me up today and everyday. Look forward to Girlfriends in God devotion and coffee to start my day.
Thank you for this reminder! As I was going through chronic illness and about the same time my husband left me I prayed constantly for wisdom. As I began to get better but my marriage ended in divorce, I still prayed for wisdom. However after the divorce I found myself praying/ focusing on other things, (praying for reconciliation), things I believed would fill the emptiness of divorce. Less than six months after the papers were signed my ex husband was killed in a car wreck, after that I didn’t know what to pray for really. He’s been gone for three months and your article is like a light switch.. Wisdom is what I should have been praying for this whole time.
D, I’m wearing this baby! Thank you for a wonderful devotion to start my day! God bless you!
Praise God! I can say “D”. He has been moving and working powerfully in my life lately. I have such a hunger for my Father and his word. I admit this is not always the case but He has been so good lately. I’ve got my eyes on Him!
B I need to seek Gods wisdom more each day.Without the leading and guidance and the wisdom of god we make bad discussions in our life.
Thank God we can go to him for whatever we need in our walk with him he is there to help us .
Thank you very much for reminding me that not all that glitters is gold. That it’s important to seek WISDOM which means I’ll be a God fearing woman all the time…..God bless…..
For the mother with limited salary, going through a nasty divorce and no support its very hard in practical sense to just say I pick D. I have made wise choices but they didn’t result in blessings. They resulted in more hurt and pain in my life.
You must remember even if you make wise choices when you are married your life is affected by the choices of another person, but no matter what evil comes your way, God is still in control & your responsibility is to trust him in the bad times & look for the “glory” moments that he will bring in the midst of your trial. He has not forgotten you or your children & I know he can & will meet your every need. Sometimes we get caught up thinking our wants are needs & miss the blessing of seeing God’s provision. I’m praying for you.
I’m 59 and I will have to answer A. Better late than never
My answer is “B” I have not been making very wise choices in my life and I need to start seeking Gods wisdom to help me make choices that align with His wisdom. Please pray for me.
C. Thanking God for His gift of wisdom. I’m almost 57 years old if you’d asked me that 10-20 years ago I would have answered A. Thank you Gwen.
This was such an on time blessing and reminder of how priceless wisdom is and our need to continously seek it from our Father! I wear my LBD of Wisdom everyday and work to keep it blinged out!! I’d also like to think I wear undergarments of wisdom too to remind me of HIS security to keep me all in “place”. It is what keeps me sane, focused on Christ even when distractions are high, and it sharpens my discernment. Have a beautiful day my sisters!
Wearing that little black dress, but there are times that I need to seek out THE WORD for needed alterations!!! Looking good right now!!!
A – don’t have one, but I AM DIGGING IT OUT TODAY!
Thank you Gwen
I’d like to say wearing it, but I think it’s actually a bit stuck in my heart closet. I’ll be digging it out and wearing it today.
Wearing it! Seeking His ways, His will and His wisdom daily!
Stuck in the back of my heart-closet. Really need to dig it out.”
Good morning Gwen! Before I read this post, I would have answered C. that it was at the dry cleaners, but now after pondering a bit more and prayer, I will choose D. “Wearing it baby! Dazzling with HIS Amazingness! Party on…”. Heading to His party for me today! God bless!
Stuck in the back of my heart closet. Really need to dig it out.
D. Wearing it baby!
im still trying to find it
“Wearing, it, baby! Dazzling with HIS amazingness! Party on…” I asked for Wisdom at an early age but I changed clothes along the way when this LBD wasn’t satisfying my attention seeking self. It is back on know and I am constantly making decisions in my life in order to fit in it well and make God most proud. The dress doesn’t fit me perfectly yet but God and I have a workout plan in motion so that my life comes in line to the Wisdom of God!!!!
Digging it out and putting it on today!
B. Little black dress is stuck in my heart closet, and I need to dig it out and put it on today! Love the devotionals…starting reading them this month during a major life transition and they are uplifting and right on target. Thanks!
My little black dress is stuck in the back of the closet. I need to dig it out.
Thank you for this, I was just doubting this gift and its use as I looked left and right.
B. my little black dress is stuck in my heart closet, and I need to dig it out and put it on today
B. My LBD is stuck in the back of my heart closet, and I need to dig it out, and put it on, today!
A I don’t have on but I am asking God for a big one, no to big that I can not were I am short and skiny