The Problem With Trusting Broken Cisterns

Gwen SmithBlog, Christian Living, Devotions, Encouragement, Faith, Trusting God 58 Comments

‘Even now,’ declares the LORD, ‘return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love…’
(Joel 2:12-13)

Jeremiah was just a youngster when he came to know God and began to work for Him as a prophet. He endured year after year of hard times, frustrating people, and complicated disappointments. His message was one that called the people of Jerusalem – God’s chosen people – to turn away from the idols that they had been worshiping and back toward the one, true God.

Let me say it straight: God was miffed at the nation of Israel and He sent Jeremiah to let them know. He had every reason to be angry! He had given the children of Abraham a sacred covenant, a promised future, delivery from oppression, and His tabernacled presence, yet they turned their backs on Him. Continually. They doubted His exclusivity and they set their attentions and affections on things other than God. They worshiped idols made of wood and stone. Powerless and worthless. In Jeremiah 2:13, God said of his people: “They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.”

Pastor Greg Laurie describes it this way: “A cistern is a large well or pool carved in a rock. A broken cistern has sprung a leak and can’t hold water. God is saying, “If you go out there to the world and drink from that well, it is not going to satisfy you.”

It sets my mind to wonder.

Why would anyone place her trust in the unstable, un-powerful, unfulfilling things of earth when she can place her trust in a stable, powerful, satisfying God?

Seems like such a no-brainer – yet, don’t you and I do that all the time?

Sure we do.

We dig our own cisterns, broken cisterns, and expect them to satisfy our thirst and bring us contentment. We drink from the broken cisterns of materialism, position, wealth, popularity, stuff, relationships, rules and religion. We have faulty expectations that our kids, spouses and friends are meant to satisfy our heart-needs. The ultimate broken cistern, however, is our pursuit of purpose in life via things of this earth.

We were created to pursue God.

We were created to know God – to be satisfied in Him and Him alone.

To worship Him and Him alone.

Oh, you and I are such a thirsty gaggle of girlfriends, aren’t we? Even as believers, we deal with emptiness and bow to idols other than God. We place our faith in the economy, in our financial situations, in our health, in our employment status, politics, marital status, and our relationships. When they fail or fumble we fall apart … and no wonder! They are all broken cisterns and were never meant to be our source of hope or satisfaction!

Friends, we need to turn away from our broken cisterns and turn toward the springs of living water.

From stagnant waters to the Living Water.

The Bible tells us that confession is the path to the spring of living water. When we eliminate the things that clutter our faith – the broken things we trust in – and place our faith in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, God’s heart swells with mercy, compassion and grace toward us. He forgives and strengthens us.

Who or what are you trusting in today?

Where are you soul-drinking from: broken cisterns or springs of living water?

When Jeremiah was preparing to take God’s message of repentance to Jerusalem, God spoke confidence and promise to his shaking heart. Let these words speak confidence to your heart today, friend. God’s promise to Jeremiah is valid to you and me when we turn away from the broken cisterns of this world and place our trust in Him. “I am with you and will rescue you, declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 1:19b).

Jesus Christ is the Living Water our souls are parched for (John 4:13-14). “Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them” (John 7:37-38).

This was such an important invitation Jesus said it in a LOUD VOICE. Did you catch that?

Do you hear it in your heart right now?


Say with the psalmist: “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” (Psalm 42:1-2a).

Go to Him today. Confess. Believe. Drink. Be satisfied.

I’m so thirsty for You! Please forgive me for the times that I have drunk from broken cisterns instead of from Your springs of Living Water! Thank You for Your compassionate grace and ever-flowing love. In a world that is constantly changing, I choose right now to place my trust in You as my unchanging God.
In Jesus’ name, amen.



Today we talked about placing our trust in things other than God. Broken cisterns. We all struggle with this to some degree. How has this affected you in the past?

How does it affect you in the present?

In the words of the great philosopher Dr. Phil, “How’s that working for you?” Spend time in prayer about this. Ask God to reveal the broken cisterns you’ve been trying to drink from. Repent of this and commit to a deeper trust-level today. LEAVE A COMMENT or PRAYER on my wall … and take time to encourage and pray for others in this community of friends who post.

LOVE doing life with you!



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Comments 58

  1. Yes , this teaching , always reminds me years ago me and a very young pastor which was my co -worker him sharing and explaining this very scripture to me about broken cisterns and til this day I never forget it . Truly God is the only living water that can satisfy our souls. Thanks for sharing about broken cisterns

  2. This morning I was praying for my son who’s been struggling with substance abuse. At the end of it I told God I was tired because I never seem to get any feedback from heaven. I needed to hear God speaking, to get His assurance. A while later the phrase “broken cisterns” intruded into my thoughts. I googled it and read the entire verse in Jeremiah. When I found and read your article I knew it was God’s answer to my impudent complaining. Please pray for Matthew’s healing.

  3. In prayer this morning I heard, there is a hole in the cistern and the water is trickling out. So I started a search in the Bible for cisterns. This teaching was very good and I’m seeking God. THANK YOU.

  4. Dear Gwen
    Last night I had a dream about MY bathroom cistern being broken and water running everywhere. As a Christian I knew the word had something to say about this. I googled and your word came up. It was / is soooo relevant. I just wanted to let you know that ministered to me, as I’ve been thinking about earthly systems in these days.
    Thank you

  5. I am truly blessed by this message. I heard the phrase. “Broken Cistern” in prayer,I decided to check it out and stumbled upon your website,I am truly blessed by this teaching. Continue doing Hiswork.

  6. GOD please help me to have a much more better understanding in your word. Lord touch I want to be SAVED. “What must I do to be SAVED?” IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN. My main question is that. What condition is my CISTERN?

    1. Acts 2:36-41 indeed — another one of those key messages that are too often overlooked! Thank you for the reminder …

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  7. I use to be in this place..Of course i was in a thirsty place before i accepted the Lord as my personal savior and found myself here again….Its not a good place in fact its a horrible pit, but thanks be unto God who has brought me out im no longer drinking from broken cisterns.

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  8. I lost my Job two months a go, And of late I have been struggling to spend quality time with God and Worshipping him. Twice I have heard in my ears The phrase ‘ “Broken Cisterns” last night I paid attention and started repenting about other gods in my life.

    I still trust in the Lord’s mercy that my commitment to him will be restore.

    God bless you for ministering to us.

  9. Amen. I turn to you God; to refresh my often parched and weary soul, with the refreshment of your life giving water.

  10. Your message really touch me! We have been trying to sell our business at 65 tired & discouraged approaching two years on the market and work hours are much! I confess for lose of trust in Your perfect timing and feeling discouraged! Today I turn my eyes to trusting You as my unchanging God! Pressing on minute by minute & my our God Bless you Gwen for your word to help us unclutter our faith journey! Amen! Amen!

  11. My daughter is trying to gi to college in New Orleans, LA. We are not prepared, nor do I have funds to send her. She is unyielding in changing her plans and has found a way to attend. I feel a little disrespected and yhst she doesnt listen. Im mentally drained. Please pray.

  12. Thank you for your email messages – it has given me so much hope in my time of need. Please pray for my family and I especially my husband who is an unbeliever. I pray for his salvation daily and for freedom from debt – it causes a lot of conflict, hatred and anger in our marriage and home and upsets the kids too.

    1. Thank you for sharing this much needed devotion. Such a reminder of where I need to place my trust – in God only – and God will put everything else in to place. Thank you, Gwen!

  13. “Lord, I don’t want anymore seek and drink in broken cisterns. Forgive me Lord. I am so thirsty of You Lord, please I want drink the Living Waters from You Lord. Because you are the Only One who satisfied me and I will praise You lord. Thank you for my sister Gwen who take time to share your Word with us and encourage us and pray with us, Lord. Bless her and her family forever. I pray too for all the ladies which are reading these devotionals and commenting too, bless them Father God. I love you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.”

  14. This is exactly where I’m at in my spiritual walk. There seems to be so much pain around me that I find myself putting my faith and trust in the things of this world that I can feel and touch like my kids, finances, health, etc. I really needed to read this. The Lord is working on me and as I read this tears flow because I know He’s drawing me closer to Him. Thank you, Gwen, your writing always speaks to my heart💕

  15. Lord, please help me to drink from Your living waters and be satisfied instead of from broken cisterns. Thank you, in Jesus’ name. Amen!!!

  16. This really rang out to me — it made so much sense. I know that God is up to something in my life. Suttle things draw my attention and black and white verbage as in your post today came thru in BOLD print.
    Thanks Gwen.

  17. Thank you for this wonderful message. Yes it is so easy to put other things first without even realizing it. I pray that God will be my reminder. Oh how he loves us , oh how we need him , what a wonderful God we serve . His mercy never runs short and his love is everlasting. I’m asking for forgiveness and for Him to fill me with his Holy Spirit more and more each moment of each day.

  18. This is a great post reminded me of Jesus sitting on Jacob’s well ministering to the woman He went out of His way for. The enemies would fill in the wells with rocks and they had to be redug. People casting stones often fill in our wells, and we need living water.

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      Yes, Rebecca! Love that. Jesus is so loving and compassionate… truly the Living Water we all need and long for. Have an amazing day, friend.


  19. Its funny because this just convicted me. I was thinking yesterday of how the Bible says seek the kingdom of God first and then all will be added. But I didn’t really think about applying that to every aspect of my life. In other places I had broken cisterns i guess. Putting into it but it never actually filling up. I don’t know why, but this made me think of that because the question comes up if I’m seeking God then he would be providing for me wouldn’t he? Thats kind of a part of the whole ‘all will be added’. So now I’m like let me remove the broken cisterns and seek Christ more because nothing is broken with him. Everything fills up and runs over. Thank you for that.. I feel so awake and excited!
    Thank you God, For the wakeup call and the message i asked you for this morning !

  20. Its funny because this just convicted me. I was thinking yesterday of how the Bible says seek the kingdom of God first and then all will be added. But I didn’t really think about applying that to every aspect of my life. In other places I had broken cisterns i guess. Putting into it but it never actually filling up. I don’t know why, but this made me think of that because the question comes up if I’m seeking God then he would be providing for me wouldn’t he? Thats kind of a part of the whole ‘all will be added’. So now I’m like let me remove the broken cisterns and seek Christ more because nothing is broken with him. Everything fills up and runs over. Thank you for that.. I feel so awake and excited!
    Thank you God, For the wakeup call and the message i asked you for this morning !

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      I LOVE this so much! That’s the Spirit of God leading you toward His best. Conviction is usually a very healthy part of the process. Thanks for being real, friend. Grateful you shared.


  21. This has been how I been feeling and other women I talk too. Empty and not knowing how to fill up with Christ and be focused on Him. The world pushes so hard it all gets busy and distorted and I get continually distracted . This came at a perfect time. Please Lord slow my mind down and make you the complete focus of my life.

  22. Lord,
    Please strengthen me from the broken cistern of anger and disgust of those who have wronged or hurt me or my family. I pray for your healing touch, Lord. I pray for strength and comfort for all of the people who struggle with this as well. In Jesus name,

  23. I’m struggling with pride, and with envy. Normally, I don’t, but Satan found a crack in my cistern. I repent when I catch myself, on the spot, and I’m asking God to fix that crack.

  24. Good morning, Oh how I’ve dranked from that broken cistern. How I sit here this morning in tears. Knowing how easy it is to lapse when life presents itself in all sorts of forms. I don’t want to drank from a broken cistern no more I want to seek God for all that he is. So my life will have more meaning and just maybe things will start to form to his goodness and glory for my well being. I want more than what I have with my God that is loving in all aspects! Thanks Gwen for always opening hearts and minds to do and be right in God’s sight!

  25. This message was just what I needed today Gwen as so often your letters do. I have been struggling with chronic bone and joint pain for some time that has made me disabled, immobile, and feeling hopeless. I had just prayed to the Lord asking to know what my purpose is at this point of my life when I can’t be out spreading His love and message to others. Once again I’m reminded that it is His purpose for my life and not what I think it should be in and of this world. I have learned compassion, kindness, and patience in life’s trials, and that we must wait for His answer to our prayers in a timely manner. I have felt the joy from learning through hardships. Although I continue to struggle with this one physically and mentally, I am so grateful for you and others who inspire by spreading His Word in ways that speak to us just when we need to hear them.

  26. Other people…May the Holy Spirit continue transforming, renewing, convicting me and guiding me through this good race, for His Grace is sufficient everyday

  27. Forgive me father where I fall short and and putting my happiness on my relationship… help me and strengthen me with faith in TRUSTING YOU ?and keeping my eyes on you!! God first everything follows, and continue prayers for sending my relationship through PRAYER! ?

  28. Thank you for this truth that as women we need to hear every day! God placed th
    desire to be loved in us and that can take us down many pathways. But he intended it to bring us to Him; the one who is perfect love. God help us to receive
    your love first and only then will our cistern be full and then we will know how to love others. Perfect love casts out fear. Amen.

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  29. Thank you thank you & thank you, i pray that God in his infinite mercy will forgive us all for trusting and putting our hope in the things of this world rather than in Him the maker of all things. Thanks for the call back

  30. I thank God for the word especially at this time when have been worried about health,family and job.I ask God to for give me for not trusting he is in control.I ask for prayers to remain steadfast in prayer and reading God’s words and apply it in my life and live of others

  31. Dear God,
    HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL. PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR DRINKING FROM BROKEN CISTERNS AND TRUSTING, BELIEVING, PROTECTING, PROVIDING AND NOT TRUSTING YOU, LORD! Please Holy Ghost help me to discern those who are broken, destructive, and unchristian in my family, friends and my enemies.

    In Jesus Name,

  32. I’m committed to trusting in God with all my heart too.
    How wonderful it is that we can be confident He’ll never let us down.

  33. I just turned 57 and the changes that have occurred physically for me as a woman are a Struggle! My broken cistern is trusting in and idolizing beauty when God’s calling is to allow Him to create more & more inner beauty that reflects my Savior. I want to lean in closer to Him daily and reject our societies emphasis on the outward. To quote Ann Voskamp “You don’t have to be awesome, just do what He says”.
    I want a heart that searches daily on how to better follow Him not to constantly focus on how to eliminate one more wrinkle or firm that saggy bottom or have fuller lips.

  34. Oh me! I fail so short in prayer and reading the bible. Please pray that I will take time to put these things first in my life. Thank you for your letters. May God bless you!

    1. Bless you sister Carol with a hunger and a thirst that never satisfies……may you have doorways to free time in your day that are filled at his feet…

  35. Author David Brooks said, “We sin when we have our loves out of order.” There are many people, things, places and activities I really love. Every time I put one of those things before God or love those people without gratitude to God for putting them in my life or look around those places without worshipping God for His awesome creation, I get a crack in my cistern. Gwen, thank you for reminding me whose I am.

  36. Thank you so much for the message today. My husband has been off work and I worry about the bills. I know now that God will meet our needs if we trust in him. Thank you for your daily messages, and may God bless you.

  37. In the past when I needed a ego boost or I feel bad I would go to my son Ben and my mom and it seems I would put God in the middle or on bottom…Please pray for me to be filled again with living water so I can have my Joy back.

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