When God Says Go

Gwen SmithBlog, Christian Living, Devotions, Encouragement, Faith, Fear, Trusting God 72 Comments

We see a vibrant example of courage and obedience in the book and life of Joshua. He served humbly and faithfully in the shadow of Moses until the Lord took Moses home and chose Joshua to be the next leader His people.

I’d be shaking in my size 10s if I had to fill the sandals of Moses! I’m sure that in his humanness Joshua was intimidated too, but he was well trained because he had served under Moses for 40 years. I mean – he wasn’t exactly a spring chicken when God gave him His incredible I-made-you-for-greatness and I’ve-got-your-back motivational talk.

“No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:5-9)

How cool is that? Even though Joshua was well along in years when this Biblical conversation took place, approximately 80 years old, God gave him a new job. Can you even imagine? God called him up to bigger responsibilities because Joshua had been faithful with smaller responsibilities. And the Bible shows us that when God gave instructions Joshua obeyed. He moved forward obediently followed as the Lord led him.

I’m sure it helped that God continually encouraged him with these same words, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Joshua 8:1)

Just like God wanted Joshua to trust Him with each new assignment, He wants us to trust and follow Him too – no matter our age. When He calls us to new things, we can be strong and courageous because God doesn’t expect us to do it alone. He says we have access to lean on His unending strength instead of our limited abilities.

When I feel like I’m in over my head I don’t need to shake in my shoes. And you don’t either. When God tell us to go – to move on to the next thing – to trust Him in a new adventure – we need to go! We need to move forward and expect Him to provide everything we need so that we can be faithful in the small and big.

After all, when we depend on God, we are depending on the faithful Protector, Provider, Defender, and Guide… who will never leave or forsake us.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for having a purpose for every day I live. Help me to embrace what lies ahead and help me to trust You to provide everything I need
to do what You lead me to do.
In Jesus’ name, amen.


Read Isaiah 41:10.

What two things does the Lord instruct us NOT to do in this verse? What four reasons does He give to explain why we shouldn’t do those two things? Why should this matter to you? What is one way you can apply this to your life today? Write a prayer response in your journal or swing by my blog wall and write one in the comments section.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, friends!

I love you so much! Thanks for doing life with me,



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Comments 72

  1. I struggle to know if what I plan to do going forward is God’s plan or if I’m supposed to be faithful by sticking it out and staying where I am. I’m praying about it, but it’s also a timely decision. Please pray that I will know God’s plan and move forward only if it’s his will.

  2. Dear God
    You told me years ago to go and I said yes I will go. Today I’m lost and I don’t know my direction. Please help me. I want to be found in you again.


  3. Dear Lord, I need Your help today. Teach me not to fear and let this Coronavirus scare me. You are with me and will keep strong and safe, so I can calmly walk in the light of Your love. Amen

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  5. I delighted to have come across this site. The whole of 2017, i was in great struggle
    in the place of work with my colleagues even my supervisors. Not knowing exactly
    the big crime i have committed, only hatred of seeing me or God’s hand on me in
    some areas. When i couldn’t bear their hatred anymore, i decided to call my mom
    and relate to her her the whole misunderstanding; She simply replied to me that
    “‘ God knew all that you ‘re going through, he is by your side and has purpose for all
    that is happening’ And now i am just leaving for him to lead me as He likes.

  6. I’m so glad God lead me to this devotional. God moved me to a new position in which I have no experience. I have to remind myself to trust him because fear has gotten the best of me a few times. Trusting God brings peace.

  7. I thank u Lord that u tell me over and over in your word not to fear regardless of the circumstances. It is so comforting to know that u r beside me and leading me in every situation of my life. Help me to hide your word in my heart so that I can call on it to reassure myself that u will never ever leave me or forsake me. I’m never on my own.

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  8. My precious Lord, thank you for these words of encouragement today. Help me to be brave to face the unspeakable heartache that has been mine. Help me to rejoice in the fact that you took our little boy out of this world to end his suffering. Help me to find joy in the fact that our daughter (his mother) has rejected us in her effort to find happiness in a new relationship. Help me to face a world that seems too harsh, too hateful to live in. Help me not to be tired and find meaning in your words and instructions. It is a new year. Today I choose joy. I am not alone…..

  9. Thank You, Lord, for confirmation upon confirmation in my life.
    This past weekend, God showed me some things about where He is leading me and already confirmed some things yesterday. This devotional was just exactly what I needed at the time I needed it most. The last 3 months have been a really hard time for me. But God has shown me that even when tragedy has hit, He has a plan and can use it for His glory if I will let him.

  10. GOD has provided with wood fire for heat, I don’t have water in my home due to frozen well house pipes, I cut two places on the pipe to get it ready for better pipe & will have water back in my home, I am widow of 25 yrs & live alone in the country, No one came to see what I needed for water in my home but GOD sent me his WILL to do on my own!

  11. God says that I should not be afraid that He is with me. He said I should not be dismayed that He is my God. He said He will strengthen me and He will uphold me with His right hand of righteousness. He said those who contend with me shall be disgraced and put to shame. He said those who strive with me shall perish. His words are Yea and Amen. He has never failed me and He will never fail me. I believe in His words. I am not afraid because His presence is always with me in Jesus name. Amen.

  12. This will be one of the verses that I will cling to this new year 2018! He is my Lord and Savior. He is my God. He will strengthen, help and uphold me. Thank you dear Lord, for this.

  13. May the Lord abundantly bless you!

    “and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.”
    ‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭5:15‬ ‭(NKJV)


  14. Thank you for your word, Lord. You are my God. You are always with me. You will strengthen me, you will help me, and you will uphold me with your victorious right hand. I trust you no matter what. I don’t know what’s ahead, but you do. I don’t understand the challenges we have in this life, but I trust you, and I believe that your plans are good and your thoughts toward me are good. Thank you for being the God who sees, who knows, and who cares. I love you. I love you. I love you.

  15. This scripture so resonates with me. I am a barber in a large shop. Am the spokes person for all of us there. New Contractors came in and were not good to us, so I went to labor board, never did anything like it before. The Lord has guided me through the whole process and will continue to guide me… He encourages me each step and continues to assure me He is with me. I can relate to Joshua as I just turned 75 the 30th of Dec. So I’m here to tell everyone ( never give up as long as you know in your heart of hearts that it is right and my Jesus has assured me of that.) And it may take time to get it right, but my Lord is never late….

  16. I am with You.
    I will not leave you to handle things on your own

    that’s ALL I need is the reminder I’m not at this alone.

  17. Dear God, As I embark on all that you have for me in 2018 I pray that you will fill me with the Peace that passes all understanding so that I can hear and obey Lord, refresh my spirit with your Love that so that it fills me amd spills out of my mouth with every breath. I often get anxious and charge forth blindly -please Lord shield me from the harm that chases those blind steps and strengthen my thirst for You and your Word do that I can use it to fight off those anxious thoughts. Lord bring New and strengthen old Christian friends so that I can be encouraged and encourage in those relationships! I especially pray for help navigating my employee concerns and the especially damaging codependent relationship with my son . In Jesus beautiful name I pray amen

  18. Hi! Just finished today’s reading! I have that verse circled in my word from times past. It is a powerful reminder that He can meet every need… how we forget sometimes is boggeling! Thank you for you inspiration and I share it with a group of girlfriends daily! Your seed is producing great fruit!

    Your Sister in Christ, Paula Mathews.

  19. One of my favorite verses ever because I’m so prone to fear. But, I’m reminded that God is upholding me. He promises to strengthen and help me shake the feelings of fear and dismay/despondency when they come. I’m thankful for the instruction and promises of God. I will hold onto this promise as I journey through my task, especially this week, with many, many work and family demands. Thank you Father for your timely reminder and provisions. Thank you for never leaving me.

  20. Father forgive me for not trusting you more. Help me to trust your heart when I can’t see your hand. Help me to remember that you are ALWAYS with me, that you are MY God, that you will never forsake me and that you will uphold me with your hand.

  21. Lord there are 2 things you ask of me & that is not to fear & not to be dismayed. I can trust to do this because you are with me, You are my God. You Lord will strengthen me & help me. You will also uphold me with your righteous right hand. I thank you my Papa for your promises, love & mercy upon me. I pray these promises for my family & friends. In Jesus precious name. Amen

  22. Dear Lord,
    Thank you for loving us and keep guiding me and reminding me that I am strong in YOU and you will bring me through it. You are my fortress. Amen

  23. Dear Lord:
    The way I can apply this verse in my daily life is to trust you daily to continue to walk with me in my journey of grief and loss from losing my husband in June 2016. Lord I know you have a plan for this next step of my journey and got me though the cancer journey. Lord I need your strength, help, righteous hand to guide me in this journey. Lord I love you with all my heart and soul. Lord for 2018 I want to grow closer to you and trust in you more everyday. Lord thank you for allowing me to continue to feel my husband presence with me and I need to continue to feel his present with me.

  24. Father, the more I resist and run from the call before me, the more miserable and unsettled I have become. So. I will trust the promises in Isaiah 41:10 and step out. Your perfect will cannot be denied.

  25. Joshua 8:1 will be my Verse for 2018! My job is uncertain (fear) and I’m struggling in my weight loss journey (discouraged). My goals for this year are 1) exercise regularly and 2) be committed to having an hour of devotions EVERY day! I’m even going to start a planner/journal to help remind me of my goals and help me reach them. In the past I’ve hesitated to set goals because of my inability to commit and stay the course. I will not be afraid, I will not get discouraged!

  26. My God who has been with me through every part of my life – through trials that developed my courage and reliance on you . You have forgiven me and changed my heart to follow your path instead of going to the right or left . You have blessed me beyond measure and fulfilled my calling to teach . I know that I know that I know you are my God , my loyal Father and. I am your child .
    You have now given me a new chance to trust you and be very courageous- cancer again but this time you may choose to call me home . The battle will be long and will hurt others as well as me . I must trust in you to reveal your glory and continue to show your love to others through this trial . The unknown and the waiting are the hardest parts as Moses and JJousha knew well . I also believe you would have me to be transparent with you and confess my fear so your Holy Spirit can encourage me and fill me your Strength and Courage . 2018 will be a year of growth and victory as long as I remember your promises and meditate on them when fear or discouragement enter my mind . May the words of my mouth and every thought that I dwell upon please you and bring you glory . May my smile and my peace be a testament that I trust you , especially to my husband . May He draw near to You for comfort and may his faith be ignited again . I love you Lord and step into 2018 resting in your all capable hands .

  27. Happy New Year! This was a beautiful message to start 2018. I just finished journaling and this is what I wrote about today before I read your GIG post for Crosswalk. Talk about validation!

    Dear Lord, you have placed on my heart a new journey. It is something that I prayed for not knowing what you would have in store for me. While I still do not know where your path will take me, I trust completely in you that it will be for the good of others as I serve you.

    Through your guidance, protection, encouragement, and the resources you provide, I will be successful in my new career as pay it forward. I know that as I go forth to carry out your will, you are with me in every step I take.

    I pray that you grant me favor in the work I do for you, strength to accomplish what you are sending me to do, courage in the face of adversity, perseverance and faith when in doubt or fear.

    In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

  28. God, may the word you provided today apply in my life to learn to depend solely on you.. Give me the strength and knowledge to understand that changes are good and when tell me to move I’ll go knowing that you are leading me and guiding with the right hand. In Jesus name.. Amen & Amen

  29. Please pray for me
    Oh my what perfect timing for me to read this. God is so good! !
    Dear Gwen:
    I have been reading your devotions and pinterest posts.  I believe in your ministry and prayerfully support your mission to win souls for our Lord and encourage women such as myself. Today, I am in need of prayer for something heavy on my heart.    I am the chair person on the “project Grad” committee for the students of Kapolei High School in Kapolei, Hawaii. The purpose of project grad is to provide a safe, fun and more importantly drug and alcohol celebration for our high school graduates.   With so many high school graduates going to graduation parties that serve alcohol and other harmful substances,  we strive to stress the importance of being drug free.The cost per student is $200 & it includes chaperonnes, transportation, activities, entertainment, meals, snacks, a draw string backpack filled with goodies, a project grad t-shirt and hoodie, and door prizes.Right now we only have 55 students out of 400 signed up.  We would at least like to have 150 participants. Can you and your prayer team pray for me?  so many people are being negative and saying that we’re not going to get more students to sign up and telling me that I shouldn’t have taken on such a big event or that I’m in over my head….But I believe God will bless this event if i continue to pray and If I get others who believe in the power of prayer to pray with and for me and this important event.
    Would you and your prayer warriors please pray with me? PLEASE PRAY GOD’S BLESSINGS ON THIS EVENT. PLEASE PRAY that God will bring the right students to this event, especially the students who are lonely, don’t have friends and those who otherwise would not have a fun graduation celebration. PLEASE PRAY that God will provide the money we need to pay for the bus transportation,  the t-shirts and hoodies.PLEASE PRAY that everyone attending will be safe, be nice to each other and have a really fun time,PLEASE PRAY that we will have adequate amounts of chaperones and that they will be honest and treat all students with love and compassion.THANK YOU SO MUCH Rachel

  30. Dear God,
    The way that I can apply this verse in my life is to trust you, with everything in my life. You uphold me, strengthen me and am with me. Thank you.

  31. I am instructed to fear NOT
    BE PATIENT, KIND GENEROUS, THANKFUL. AND seek what is riteous in his eyes

  32. I just wanted to comment in love and courage that you have just experienced a very difficult loss. You are ok to give yourself time to grieve. You are NEVER alone. It is so hard to feel such deep loneliness and pain. You need safe ppl to talk to, and so do your kids. Ask a pastor about counselling and support groups. ❤️🙏❤️

  33. Dear God
    You have shown me repeatedly that I’m entering a new season. My flesh fears this, wants to run and hide. I choose to not be afraid but to embrace whatever path You choose to walk me down. Thy will be done in 2018. In Jesus name I pray Amen

  34. As this precious life goes on, I see my 81 year old father slowly losing his memory. This is so sad and scary to me. But I know the Lord is with me each step of the way as I care for him and help him. I know the Lord will strengthen me in this journey. I cannot lose my way in sadness and fear because my father has had a wonderful, active life for which I am VERY thankful. He has survived 3 different kinds of cancers and is still very active, even though his mind is slipping. I know the Lord will guide me day by day with patience and love.

    Dear Lord,
    Please give me the patience I need to help my father through this time in his life. Let me love him to my fullest and relish in the special moments we have: riding in the pasture checking our cows, enjoying homecooked meals together, talking about the grandchildren and great grandchildren, making plans about our upcoming crop season of corn, and so many other wonderful life happenings. Let me never forget that you are the great Physician and Healer, and You know all things.
    In Your name I pray.


    1. Carlynn Gardner,
      I am praying for you! It is hard being a caretaker, mother, wife, job all of the above that a women has to do daily. I have been in your shoe but it was with my husband. My advise to you is to cherish the time you have with your father and over look the other things. I know it gets hard due to emotions and sadness. God will walk you though this difficult time just lean on him. Lean on family and friends to depend on during this difficult time.

  35. This is so timely. I’ve been in an exhausting and demanding job with continual bad patient care that I can no longer stand to be a part of as a corporation has taken over. I have asked God the past few months to make a way for me in a different position but with the same company because at age 58 I know it will be very difficult to find another job and I will take a huge pay cut. And yet. God says to me very clearly lately; GO! And so I will jump off that cliff early next year and God will be by my side and provide a new way. I have been telling my husband once again I have to be Laura the Brave, Laura the Courageous, that God will part the red seas for me even if I feel I don’t have the energy. This post has helped underscore that it all will be okay. God’s got me. Thanks!

    1. Laura, let’s pray for each other as I too am in a similar job situation. At 56 and overpaid for my position it will be difficult to find another job without taking a significant pay cut. But we will not fear, God has our best in mind!

  36. This hits so close to home for me. In 2017 i have lost my husband and my mom. Not only did i lose them but i have lost my husbands entire family as they have walked away from me after 22 years. 6 months before my husband died we moved to be closer to his family, an hour and a half away from my family. My life basically died with my husband. Two months after he passed i met a man that has become a good friend. He loves me and i have feelings for him. But my children dont like him at all. He has been staying with me in my house. Im scared to be alone, scared i cant make it on my own. Part of me wants to be with this man, but there is a tiny piece of my heart that tells me i have to fix myself first. Is God telling me i need to do this adventure alone to find me again? Am i supposed to do this alone right now, or did God send this man to help me through this time?

  37. I am battling many thing things at once in my personal life and work. I did not loose my way but I sure did not follow it either. I question what it is that God has for me to do instead of continuous praying and giving thanks. My depression has even kicked in more and I am working on that. I want to all to know, we all have our moments. Some moments may take a day or longer. God does not leave our side. He loves us even when we are not feeling lovable.

    My Lord,
    I want to thank you for showing me the way. That way is to You and through You. You give me strength when I am weak. My praises are for You as You are worthy of all praises. You give us what we need when we need it. Your plans are far better than any we can come up with. I ask, My Lord, that You continue to send me and those that need Your strength. I give thanks to You for through You I and all others can do anything.
    In Your name I praise and love,

  38. I know that I have to chose to stop walking in fear about life.It’s a must for me to go on and lived the abundant life the Father has promise me. Keep me in your payers.Thank You.

    1. I feel the same way. I was always so unafraid and the last year my life has been full of fear. In fact I actually renounced the spirit of fear last week during my devotional time. God is with us! He will provide the way! We are daughters of the king, heirs to the throne. It’s so easy to forget that in this very dark world. But we can still shine in the darkness unafraid (says Laura to herself!).

  39. I was praying this morning and asking “God I’m 52 although I’ve walked with you I’ve also messed up my life so much that now the results are showing. Have I messed it up so much that I’ve missed your call on my life? Am I too old?”
    God reminded me of David, Samson and then Moses. I then went to my email and realized I forgot to read yesterdays devotion. This was it. What a confirmation from God that we are never too old for His call His work. I read all of Isaiah 41 and part of 42. Not only is He telling me not too fear but He is telling me if I will hold His hand and not look for answers from the world but look to Him that He will guide me. Being divorced and not married for 10 yrs and not having a Godly helpmate has always brought fear to go… but I know He has always been with me even when I’ve tried to run…just like Jonah… Thank you so much for your devotion. I sure needed it.

    1. Cindy, U think ur old? I’m 75 even tho I often say I’m 57 just to help me feel younger. This was an appropriate message for me. God still has plans for me!

    2. Cindy,
      I totally understand what you mean about being too old. I’m almost 65 and wonder if I’m too old for God’s plan for me. I have messed up so many times. God is probably saying ” When is this woman gonna get a grip” Sometime I just think that God is giving up on me. At 65 my life is still a mess and unstable. I’m in a relationship of 25 years with this man that won’t marry me. Anyway it just goes on and on. I don’t know what to do anymore. I pray and ask for direction from God, but sometimes I just don’t know when or if he is talking back to me. I am a christian and I look to God for everything. But feel ignored.

  40. Fear is something I think of everyday. Job, bills house I fear all those will be taken away. But everyday I also think that God is always watching me and my family. He will not leave me nor forsake me.


  41. We are starting the adoption process, and I just sent out a text to my friends yesterday asking for prayer b/c I am so anxious about the finances and questioning my desire vs. God’s calling. This devotion could not have been any more perfectly timed. He is faithful, even in the slightly scary, intimidating life decisions.

  42. Father, today I will trust you in all things. I will not look at the natural circumstances other than to say, God is for me! He meets my every need and is always by my side. I trust you for my future as well as my present. I thank you for always being by my side.

  43. I am experiencing some serious health issues. It is a scary time for me, but I have chosen faith over fear. Regardless of the outcome, I belong to HIM and rest in full confidence of HIS plan for me. “I will uphold you with MY righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

    1. One of my favorite Scripture promises, Beth! THIS is the attitude of a woman who is deeply rooted in the strength of her Savior. Well done, friend. Keep moving in the direction of faith over fear…


  44. Dear Precious Jesus,
    We humbly come before Your Holy throne and first of all praise and glorify You with all our hearts! Blessed be Your Holy Name! Thank You that we never have to be frightened because You hold us up! Hallelujah! ☆
    Psalm 112:4
    “4 Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.”

  45. Dear Lord, thank you for giving me reason to not ever be concerned. Thank you for always looking out for me, strengthening me and delivering me from every obstacle that has ever come up in my life. Please help me to trust your process. Please help me to be patient. I know the promises you have made to me, and I know you will never leave me nor foresake me. I love you Lord and I thank you. Amen.

  46. In August of 2013, my daughter, Rachel, had a seizure, was thrown from her wheelchair, sustaining a head injury resulting in constant seizures. I sat in the respiratory ICU room waiting until morning, knowing it was the end of her time with me, reading and praying, feeling the Spirit so thick in the room, God gave me, not only an empty room but His abiding words to me were Joshua 1:9. They have been written on my heart for the past two and a half years. Going it alone requires both strength and courage. No doubt Joshua felt a little uncertain but God knew he was faithful, his heart filled with pleasing and obeying his God. One of my favorite things about God’s word is His taking ordinary people and making them extrodinary in His purpose.

  47. Lord thank you for bringing this truth to me . that even before i was you had a full laid out plan for me. and you promised that you wil never leave me until all you promised has come to pass. please teach me not to despair, teach me to look at you always when panic is getting the better of me. Teach me to be still and know that you are my God.
    Everytime am starting to be anxious remind me to take a deep breath and remember that you promised to do everything you intended for me. Amen

  48. Dear Lord, help me not to live an anxious life. Help me to see that You are my strength and my shield and my portion ALL the days of my life, not just today. For it is You who is the Life Giver and Deliverer! In Jesus sweet, sweet name, Amen!

  49. Dear God, thank you for helping and supporting me. I pray that you will bring me closer to you and help me release my fear. Please give me the clarity to keep my eyes on you and to trust in you. Amen

  50. Lord, I will not be afraid. I will not be discouraged. You are here for me. You are my God. You will help me. You will uphold me with your righteous right hand. In the midst of this major life transition, I will stand on your word!

  51. Dear Father, I will not be afraid with my new job adventure. I trust in you to provide me with guidance and live through this. Thank you Lord.

  52. Dear Lord, I Dupe will not fear or be dismayed because You are strengthening and leading me in way I should go daily. Thank You Lord

  53. Dear Father, Thank you that you have promised me that you will never leave me or forsake me, so I have nothing to fear. You are my God. Help me to keep my eyes focused on you and not anxiously look about me. You’ve promised to strengthen, help, and uphold me with Your righteous right hand. I claim and trust your promises. You are the faithful one. Help me to fall in love with you more and more each day and trust you with abandon. Make my life a song of praise to glorify you. Bless Gwen and please bring healing to her heart and beautiful memories of her precious dad to comfort her. In Jesus name, Amen

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