When Your Hurt is Heavy

Gwen SmithBlog, Devotions, Encouragement, Grace, Healing, Prayer, Sorrow, Strength, Trusting God, Worry, Worship 112 Comments

Hurt Heavy

I had a painful phone conversation with a girlfriend recently. She was heavy with hurt. Spiritually paralyzed by circumstances. Her faith has been greatly challenged and weakened.

It broke my heart.

I wanted to reach through the phone line and hug her. I wanted to lift her burdens and solve all her problems, but, of course, I couldn’t.  So I listened, reminded her of God’s love for her, and prayed.

Are you feeling overwhelmed today? Discouraged by the complicated challenges you face? Perhaps you have a friend who is nursing emotional wounds. There are so many hurting hearts in this world. So many burdens being carried by souls weary of the task. So many people desperate for a miracle from God. Desperate for healing and hope.

God knew we would struggle with difficulties. In His Word, He lovingly points us to Hope. Back in the days of Jesus’ ministry, a man, desperate for a miracle, approached Jesus and fell before him.  His daughter was dying. Jesus was his only hope. Here’s how it played out in the Message version:

“After Jesus crossed over by boat, a large crowd met him at the seaside. One of the meeting-place leaders named Jairus came. When he saw Jesus, he fell to his knees, beside himself as he begged, “My dear daughter is at death’s door. Come and lay hands on her so she will get well and live.” Jesus went with him, the whole crowd tagging along, pushing and jostling him.” (Mark 5:21-24, MSG)

Along the way, Jesus healed a woman who had suffered from a bleeding disorder for twelve long years.  Jesus said that her faith made her well. “Daughter, you took a risk of faith, and now you’re healed and whole. Live well, lived blessed! Be healed of your plague.” (Mark 5:34, MSG)

“While he was still talking, some people came from the leader’s house and told him, “Your daughter is dead. Why bother the Teacher any more?” Jesus overheard what they were talking about and said to the leader, “Don’t listen to them; just trust me.”

He permitted no one to go in with him except Peter, James, and John. They entered the leader’s house and pushed their way through the gossips looking for a story and neighbors bringing casseroles. Jesus was abrupt: “Why all this busybody grief and gossip? This child isn’t dead; she’s sleeping.” Provoked to sarcasm, they told him he didn’t know what he was talking about.

But when he had sent them all out, he took the child’s father and mother, along with his companions, and entered the child’s room.  He clasped the girl’s hand and said “Talitha koum,” which means “Little girl, get up.” At that, she was up and walking around!  This girl was twelve years of age. They, of course, were all beside themselves with joy.” (Mark 5:35-42, MSG)

Desperate times call for a desperate faith.

As Christians, we have faith in a person – God.  Faith in and of itself is meaningless, but faith in an all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful God means everything … because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Faith is the core of our lives.

It is essential to pleasing God. He wants us to trust Him in every trial and through every trouble.  “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6, NIV)

Like Jairus and the bleeding woman, when your hurt is heavy – take it to Jesus. (TWEET this!) Purposefully place your faith in the Faithful One. When you fall before Him in prayer, He will sustain and strengthen you – but, rest assured, if you try to handle things in your own strength, you will remain weak and ineffective.

Are you desperate for a miracle today?

Is the declining economy, the burden of debt, or soaring unemployment rate affecting you or someone you love? Perhaps you bear the pain of a broken marriage, broken dreams, or a broken body. If you are desperate for healing, help, and hope, ask the Lord to increase your faith today, and make a determined choice to trust Him. When you do, He will meet you at your need and carry the load of your burdens for you.

Heavenly Father, You are a mighty God, and I’m in need of Your power in my life.  I beg You to move! I trust that You are in control and ask that You would sustain and strengthen me to face each challenge in Your grace. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

I know that many of you are in the trenches of seemingly impossible situations, bearing the weight of heavy burdens. God cares about your struggles. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30). Spend some time quieting your soul before the LORD today. Turn up your speakers and LISTEN to my song HEALER OF THE BROKEN.

LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW sharing a prayer need, a verse that might encourage others, or to simply state, “I am desperate for Jesus!” (And take time to encourage one another! I LOVE to see you guys doing this…)

Thanks for doing life with me!


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Comments 112

  1. I am desperate for Jesus. Thank you for this post and space and song. I I am sending up a prayer for all who are reaching out here. Our God is able. He is near. He will arrive in the details of all our situations and will not fail us. I had not read the message version of this scripture. I loved where it says “Jesus overheard what they were talking about and said to the leader, “Don’t listen to them; just trust me.” We can trust Him. We must fight to not listen to the voices in our head to discourage us. Our Savior is on His way right now to us, His recompense [compensation for the damage incurred] for us is with Him.

    Isaiah 62:1
    “Say to Daughter Zion, ‘See, your Savior comes! See, his reward is with him, and his recompense [compensation for the damage incurred] accompanies him.’”

  2. Hi
    I am in sooooo much emotional pain that I don’t know who I am anymore.
    My past is messed up, my parents are deceased, I messed up my relationship with my only sister, my friendships dont last, my ex screwed me up, my relationship with God is????? I hide from the world in my room and when i do go out, the fake smiles hid the hurt, pain, guilt and shame that i live in. I have reached a point where i just go through the motions to exist but deep inside i am lost, confused, far from God and dont want to live anymore because I’m such a failure and i dont want to hurt anyone else anymore….
    Its like I exist alone while the people around me have lives, loving families, kids, married and God loves them. As for me I can’t even look at myself in the mirror. God, world…… I’m sorry I hurt you.

    1. God knows your pain! He knows Absolutely every large to small thing about us. Leave your needs at the feet of Jesus. I promise your days will get better.
      God bless you!

  3. dr eziza, permit me to respond to your comment on this
    christian site. First of all, you never once mentioned Jesus
    in this entire article, unless I missed something and I don’t
    think I did. You are attributing your success and victory
    to this Dr. Oboite and encouraging others to do the same.
    May I lovingly tell you that you are walking in deception and
    admonishing others to do the same. Jesus Christ is the ONLY
    answer you need. No human being can do for us what God
    Himself can do. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
    There is no other mediator between God and man except for
    Jesus Christ. I am borrowing someone elses post right now
    to make this comment; I am not B.B. I am a relative of his.
    I am a born-again middle aged woman who loves God and people.
    I pray that you will meet the true savior…Jesus Christ alone!
    To claim that any man (or woman) can save you from something
    or do some sort of magical thing to solve a problem is idol
    worship. God did not send His Son Jesus to die for us so that
    we can then worship other things and other people and
    give them credit for our victories. JESUS IS ALL WE NEED.
    Dr O is simply a man and has no abilities to do what only
    God can do. God can use people to help us but ultimately
    He is our only source and all we need. If we have him we
    have everything. If you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and
    Savior pray this prayer, from your heart: “Jesus I know you
    died for me and I know you rose from the dead after 3 days
    so that I could live with you forever as your child. I ask you
    to come into my heart and life and change me as you see fit.
    I trust you alone with my eternal salvation and my daily living
    and I will set no other god before You. In Your name I pray.
    Amen!” (read John 3:3….if you pray that prayer, you will
    be born again) Love everyone but never put your trust in
    a person alone….people can always disappoint us, but God
    will not disappoint us.

    1. Yeah but do you also know that god and Jesus uses people as instrument to help other people when you pray to god and to Jesus sincerely. He answers your prsyers through another human being. I believe in that because it has happened to me many times. He answers my prayers through another person

  4. My heart is hurting because I hv allowed myself to wait for a love. Sometimes I think God is telling me I am not good enoough. 57 yrs old and feeling I should not be picky and get intimacy whereverI can find it.

  5. Please do pray for me. I’m in desperate need of healing. My long time partner for 4 years left me, we almost planned to get married and he just left me alone. Please i need prayers

  6. I am striving to be an unashamed, imperfect worshiper of Jesus Christ. I am so ready for the mask to be gone and to live in the spirit of Christ. Inside, I have been so lonely, sad and broken for so many years. I have made the outside look flawless to others again, it is a mess. I am so ready to feel good about myself, to either have a marriage or not and to live a life of spiritual freedom. I long for the love of the Lord in my heart and feel him working in my life however until I get real honest with myself about my life and circumstances and lose the fear of what will or will not be and move my feet to do the work I won’t get far. Today I pray for the strength and courage to move my feet and to begin to peel away the mask so I can see the true me. Glad I found this devotional page today! I’ll be back!

  7. ” I am desperate for Jesus!” I leave everything to you. You are carrying in the sand like the prayer FOOTPRINTS! Dear Lord JESUS I LOVE YOU! I need a mircle!

  8. My fave quote is Jer.29:11-“For I know the plans I have for you,plans to prosper you,..give you a hope and a future…” This has really been speaking to me lately,with all the drama and stress in our home…I have no idea where my life is headed,what to do,who to trust/believe…But when I get stressed,worried,and sick(physically/mentally/emotionally),I stop,breathe,and say ok,God,I know U got this….Im gonna let go of it,and trust in your plan for me….Really hard,but I have to,for me,for my family,for my health…. 🙁

  9. Hello. I am desperate for God and asking for prayer for my young adult 23 year old son with a baby and preschooler from two different moms. My heart has been so heavy with this and my faith shivering nd weary. I pray for his path and walk to turn to God and for my husband and I to have strength and wisdom in all of this. I pray for all of my family to seek God more in our lives and to be pleasing and glorifying to Him. I also ask for prayer for my sister in law recovering from brain tumor surgery and a stroke that has set her so far back on healing and full recovery.

  10. Praying and trusting in God that my children will find God. They were raised in church and now that they are grown they have turned to the sinful ways of this earth. God has promised me that they will return to him and I trust in him so I know this is true. But sometimes my heart hurts so bad at times I pay God will give me the wisdom to help lead them back and that my life will mirror my walk with Jesus.

  11. I am desperate for Jesus! My husband is having a major mid life crisis. He has been talking with another woman for months. We still live together but he won’t even try to work things out right now. We have two beautiful kids and a nice home. I don’t want to give up hope of reconciliation! I believe in miracles. Please help me Jesus!

    1. Babs
      I have had a similar situation and God really turned things around. I don’t know what God has in store for you however I know the word tells me that God can turn bad situations around for good. So stand on His word and believe that there is nothing too hard for The Lord . I recently joined one of the GIG’s Sharon Jaynes 30 day challenge of praying for your husband from head to toes. I have seen lots of change in my husband since I started the challenge. Walk by faith…God is able

  12. I need Jesus to be my focus daily and not my circumstances and trust him that he is faithful. I know that he gives me strength to look after four children on my own and it is only because of him that I am still going. Pray for peace to rein in this home and for me to step back when I need to. And I can know how much I am loved,even though I am struggling, so I can love my Children, who are struggling.

  13. please pray for my family, especially my son and his heart that God would protect his heart and my daughter’s as my husband left, and I don’t know when hde Will return. I am so full of frustratiin. please pray for my family, but especially that the Lord would put hedge of protection around my babies hearts & wisdom from above what I need to do, or not do. Thank you

    1. Carah:
      God said that He will never leave us or forsake us. He also said that when our father and mother forsake us he will take us up. So He has taken you up just hold on and trust Him for he has not forgotten you and the promises that he has made. He loves you unconditionally and will work things out for your good as He knows the plans he has for you…..be encouraged . God bless

    1. Hi MS:
      I just want to share this scripture with you….he sent his word to heal our diseases.
      Also by His stripes we are healed. God is faithful and I will keep praying for Stefan.


  14. I am desperately believing God for my marriage and my family’s healing as we go through the process of restoration. Praise the Lord in advance for his work in our lives!!!

  15. Please pray for my brother. He is struggling with depression. He is not working right now and he has 2 young daughters. Thankfully he is a believer in our lord but he is deeply wounded emotionally I am worried about him committing suicide. He is on medication and going to christian counselling but it does not seem to be helping . I live 2 hours away from him and his family and I want to help and I feel so powerless. I know I can pray and that is the best thing I can do . I would invite all of you on here to offer up a prayer for him. I love my brother and his family so much. Blessings to all . Proverbs 3: 5&6

  16. There are so many posting of their pain and circumstances. But your God is able….He healed me 35 years ago from stage 4 breast cancer metastasis to the liver…and given 6 months to live. I had a new baby boy and a 4 yr. old little girl. Tough times! After 19 years of marriage my husband left for a younger woman. God has healed that terrible hole in my heart, life, and dreams. He provided for my family as we went thru that transition. Then after 13 years of congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy caused by the 4 years of chemo, he provided a heart transplant. Your God can and will answer all of your prayers. Life is not easy…. But walk in faith….faith is believing without seeing! You may not see the way, but God DOES! Stay strong and stay God-focused….not problem focused. He is able!

  17. Gwen that song is just beautiful. I was reminded of when I cried at night, while I was living with a verbally abused boy-friend; desperate to leave him, but didn’t think I had a way out. The Lord DID provide an escape for me. Praise the Lord for His goodness & love!! The very last time I saw that man was June 1st,2012; I haven”t seen him since. I still pray for him, though.

  18. Please pray that husband finds a steady job with benefits. Life has been more difficult than I expected. I am very discouraged and dealing with a lot of anxiety and depression. I know that God is a God of love. We can’t earn his favor or compassion. But we need a blessing to keep encouraged. It’s so hard.

  19. Am desperate for Jesus. .my daughter, ursula is in desperate need as job and finances. .she has no cash for food or gas and my husband of 35yrs, who left me 3 months ago for a night club singer he same age as our daughter, would have in the past helped her but doesn’t want anything to do with us anymore. I am not working and can’t help her so we have been fasting and praying for a break through for this, but so far nothing. I am praying for all marriage restoration’s and jobs.

  20. I am desperate for Jesus! My marriage is again going thru a rough patch, with blame, fault finding, name calling, negativity, sarcasm. But My God is awesome in power to do mighty works! Holy Spirit, come fill my marriage, my family. Protect us dear God!

  21. I’m desperate for Jesus. I am patiently and prayerfully trusting Jesus to heal me from breast cancer, for which I am undergoing chemotherapy treatment. I’m encouraging myself with Isaiah 53:5 and 2nd Corinthians 1:9-11. I pray that all who are waiting on God for His healing touch will also be encouraged. Thank you Gwen for this devotional.

  22. I am desperate for Jesus! I work a full time 40 hour job and a part time job and there is no reason why I shouldn’t be able to pay my bills and still be able to at least take myself to McDonalds, at least, occasionally, yet I never have anything left over and I tend to have short someone in order to put gas in my car! I need divine guidance on spending and also in time management! I feel like I am burning myself out and getting nowhere because I am putting my money in buckets with holes. I don’t know what to do!

  23. I am desperate and in need of healing in my body for a condition that started 18 yrs ago. I have structural issues within my jaw & every muscle in my neck and head are fighting against treatment. The pain, discomfort & anxiety from the symptoms is getting to be too much. I am losing hope, I’m growing more depressed by the day and I feel defeated and abandoned by god right now. Please pray that god will restore my body, heart & spirit soon. I don’t know how much more I can take. (Feel free to email me: jodi.420@hotmail.com

  24. Please pray for my friend Alicia, that she allows herself to be captured and captivated by God; that she ceases to live her life in her own strength and ability, constantly pressing and pushing her own agenda; that she seek rest in the Lord.
    Thank you.

  25. This devotion was very timely! For the past year and a half been dealing with serious family issues ie. step daughter with mental issues won’t speak to us, my husband who suffers from depression and lost his management job due to all this, and wondering how we are going to keep our home? I have been trying to give it all to God but some days are harder than others. I will be praying for all those who’s hearts are heavy on this difficult journey and asking for God to give them rest for their souls! Thank you Gwen for sharing God’s truth and encouraging us!

  26. I am desperate for Jesus! my faith is weak, but I am trying so hard to put my trust and faith in him, trying to put all my problems on him, but I have a problem leaving them with him, seems I am always trying to help him solve my problems. Please pray that my faith will get stronger as I know he is there for me. Thank you God for everything you have done for me in the past, thank you for sending angels to watch over me and my family and friends, in you name I pray. AMEN

  27. I’ve been married for over 25 years. My husband has informed me that he doesn’t love me anymore and has not loved me for more than 4 years. We know what the bible says about divorce. We are trying to work through this. His business is falling apart. This past June I closed my only source of income. One of our sons had to forgo his first year of college. I homeschool my daughter and the school we declined has charged us with educational neglect. then there are issues with other family members such as suicide, abuse, depression and list goes on. I don’t know what the final outcome will be,but I do know that God’s word is true and I rest on Galatians 6:9
    So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.

    1. So sorry for what you are going through. “Cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 I am saying a prayer for you today

  28. My 21 yr old son lives w/ me. Have struggled with his alcohol, drug abuse, various psychiatric diagnosis. He’s not in his right mind. My heart is breaking as I witness his odd behavior. You’r post today on Girlfriends was right on. My son embraced Jesus as a young boy. Father please bring Graham back to YOU, please heal him! ; he needs to be reminded of Your presence and that You love him and have a plan for his life.

  29. Thank you for your message today, it was very timely. I just found out last Friday that my mom has advanced stage ovarian cancer. I am praying for her healing.

  30. Thanks Gwen for this touching writing & sharing the song. .. just what I needed today. I need Jesus today & everyday to heal my broken heart & my mom. Has been a tough year and half…. my mom constantly back & forth to hospital & in nursing home now. Also loss of my 19 year marriage… husband left in Feb. Loss of dreams & family we had. Many other things but I’m grateful for God carrying me when I could not walk… Can’t make it without him. Thanks for allowing God to use you as a vessel for me & others.

  31. I am in need of prayers, for peace of mind, joy, and strength. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for me, but I am having a lot of trouble putting my past behind me and leaving it. I feel at times that God has not forgiven me, it’s like my past is haunting me. I am struggling to keep my faith, and stay strong. At times I feel like giving up, I’m having a lot of health problems, my marriage is falling apart. I need God to move in my life, and in my marriage. I still feel like there is hope. Please keep me lifted up in prayers. Thank you and God bless

  32. My husband and I are going through financial trouble. His business is not doing well. We trust God and look to him for guidance as we deal with bills, home repair, medical needs and the cost of medical issues. At times I get overwhelmed. Pray that God will show us how to walk this difficult road we are on.

    1. Know how you feel Ruth; same situation. The feeling of being overwhelmed is always lurking in the background. We have to trust God that He will always provide. His word is true and He never changes even though we face trials of many kinds. 1 Peter 5:8-9. Cape Town South Africa

  33. I’m in desperate need of Jesus!! Clinging to his promises that he see’s me. Please pray for my family, restoration. The years the locust have eaten, I need beauty from these ashes I’m holding.

  34. I have many physical issues going on that are debilitating, and just found out I have a disk in my neck that is bulging. I have had one fusion in neck and will now do conservative measures to try and help this issue. I have chronic pain every day and at times, difficulty coping with it. Would appreciate prayers of faith for healing! Thank you 😉

  35. I am praying for my Own home. On my own its nothing more than an impossible dream but through faith I ask for this blessing. Please pray for me.

  36. For Clinet’s for this new haelth care center. awaiting. or if something better comes along the way for a job of waiting or wondering till at least rnd of the year pr around nov. for clinets or to get a job

  37. I am struggling with trust issues due to childhood abuse. I just want to learn how to trust, both others and God. I didn’t realize until recently how my lack of trust is also directed towards God. How do I learn to truly trust? I pray that God will show me and help me to learn to “Let go, and let God”

  38. I am desperate for Jesus!!! And He is here with me. My marriage might come to an end. My husband has created a new life somewhere else. Been fighting for this marriage for a year, but this week my devastated news came to reality. I’m heart broken, hurt, mislead, confused but for sure I know I’ll be okay. Jesus is with me…holding my hands…walking with me forward to the right path I need to go to. He gives me strength and courage to move on even if I’m in so much pain at this moment. He’s healing my heart with love, comfort, and wisdom of our Father God. I trust you God with all my heart even thought I sometimes don’t feel I do BUT I truly do. My tears, my frustration, my anger has been controlled by you. You’re giving grace through all this. I love you Lord!!! Thank you for not letting us go and for giving your life for us. Forgive the ones that are broken without YOU…if they would open their eyes and heart for you to see how amazing it could be. Forgive my husband for not being the man of God at this moment…but I pray each time for his salvation. In your name…Lord, AMEN!!!

  39. I see so many broken hearts here. But Ladies, this I know … Our God is Faithful!
    No matter how your circumstances may appear NEVER GIVE UP! God is sometimes a God of mystery … He works in ways that we cannot see, and in ways that we cannot fathom. Isaiah 55:8-11

  40. Sue
    Thank you for this devotion and the song. I lost my son to suicide Jan. 1, 2012 and I know God has carried me through this unwanted journey yet like today I feel like I can’t get out of the pit of pain from his loss. I do thank God for the 39 years that he was in my life but so want to feel happy again more than a couple of days here and there. I can use the prayers.
    God Bless

  41. I am getting into a new job assignment on Monday. I am so desperate for Jesus to help me work investing my full potential. I have not delivered very well at work in the recent past. I am standing only on God’s promises, watching, praying and praising Him. Thank you for the wonderful message rekindling faith in my weary heart.

  42. I am so very desperate for Jesus! My family is in a difficult situation right now. I am putting my faith in God that he will keep us safe and healthy and that he will restore us. I pray for answered prayers for my family and also for EVERYONE that leaves a comment on this blog. I BELIEVE in the power of God. I’ve seen him work in my life. He has never abandoned us. God’s Peace to you all.

  43. I ask for prayer. Since June my husband and I have been homeless. Although I trust God, sometimes I wonder what if things don’t change, what if we never have another home? What if something happens? And now with the weather changing, it is heavy on my heart.

  44. Please pray for my daughter. Serious emotional issues that I know My God can handle, however, convincing her is another thing. She has a 3 year old son that has been without a father since he was 1 but we are blessed to have some good friends that step in occasionally to help. However, it is hard alone. Please pray for God’s healing. First in her heart and the rest will follow. Thanks.

  45. Romans 10:11 Whosoever believe in God shall not be ashamed. Praying for all of you today, that you hold on to God’s unchanging hand. Be Blessed!!

  46. I am desperate for Jesus. My husband has decided he no longer wants to be married to me. Sunday will be our 29th wedding anniversary. I am trusting God to restore my broken marriage

  47. I just found out this past Tuesday that my husband has a sex addiction. In his sinful and clouded decision making he also did things which he is now facing charges for (misdemeanors). He has lost his job and I am a stay at home mom of our 2 year old son. Suffice to say I’m dealing with a lot of hurt and pain as I knew nothing of the choices he was making. We are also being faced with a lot of difficult decisions and situations that truly feel overwhelming. However, through all of this I have truly felt God’s peace and strength. I feel so clear headed in a sense which can only be explained by God’s guiding hand. I believe that with His help we can come through this as a family victoriously giving all of the glory to God. Thank you Gwen for such a timely devotional and to those who choose to pray for us thank you in advance.

    1. Something similar here but felonies are involved and talk of suicide. Heavy heavy hearts. Forgiveness is easier than dealing with the unknown. Every time he gets things going well, something drops. This is a brand new wound and hurt. I haven’t had a chance to process it all. We are both in desperate need of prayer. I’m leaning on the Spirit because I have no idea what to pray.

    2. JP, my thoughts and prayers are certainly with you, and all of your family–our God loves all the broken-hearted ones. I’m you probably do this, but love your hubby all the way through this.

    3. I prayed for you JP as soon as I read your blog. My heart goes out to you but God is a good God and he is a restorer of those who believe and trust Him. We are his children and the sheep of his pastures. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him and bless His Name for The Lord is good. his mercy is everlasting and His truth endureth to all generations

  48. I am desperate for Jesus! I’m now two days past my due date for a high risk pregnancy due to epilepsy. I was diagnosed after losing both of my parents over the past two years. Stress and anxiety are big triggers for my seizures, which started up again when my husband and I first found out we were pregnant. We also lost our first baby to an ectopic pregnancy last year around this time (on the same day my father passed away.) Through all the struggles and trials of the past few years, the Lord has never left me or forsaken me but I still am weak in faith! Thankfully, our merciful and long-suffering Father is patient with me. I want to trust in Him! Help me, Jesus! Clear my mind of all worries and anxiety. I put my faith and trust in You!

  49. I have been diagnosed with Ménière’s disease and medication isn’t working and treatment is trial and error. I suffer vertigo episodes every few days and I am unable to work. I need to have faith that God will heal me but I am sadly lacking in this. I would do anything to go back to a normal life.

  50. My house has been on the market for 114 days and has not sold. Recently put up for rental also, but no offers yet. Praying that it is either sold or rented soon as it has become a worry item and weighing heavily on us.

  51. I need guidance, peace, and humbleness from you oh lord. I know you can do all things ad I need you to guide me thru this trying time in my life. I would also like to think you for what you have given me already in my life and everything else you have in store for me. Just guide me lord in your direction. Amen

  52. I am so discouraged today. My son needs a direction in his life, doors keep closing. I need God to open that window for him!!!

    1. Trish,

      I pray that God will provide direction for your son. Trust that God is working even when it seems nothing is going right. He had promised never to leave us or forsake us.

  53. I am desperate for Jesus please pray for restoration of my marriage me and my husband has been seperated for seven years and please pray for my mother’s household she adopted six children and a lot of them are being rude to her my mother is seventy years old please pray for peace in her house in Jesus name Amen

  54. My name is Kim
    I would like to offer up this verse to encourage & know “our God hears”.
    Psalm 3:3-4 Give me victory and restore my courage. I call to The Lord for help, from his sacred hill he answers me.
    God bless

  55. My husband has been diagnosed with bladder cancer. We are waiting for the doctors to come up with a plan of action. We claim God’s healing. Doctors provide treatment. God provides healing. Prayers please.

  56. I need prayer for restoration of marriage. My husband of 22 years left and he wants something different. I am standing on God’s promise and stepping out in faith.
    Be joyful in hope, patience in affliction and faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

    1. Evey:
      I want to suggest to you taking the 30 day challenge from Sharon Jaynes GIG and pray for your husband from head to toes. God is able to do all things and there is nothing too hard for the God of Angels army. Be encouraged.

  57. I’m desperate for Jesus. I am longing to find peace in my heart. I desire a life where I can control my anger and be more loving.

  58. I am asking for prayer. I must pass a major exam I have today. I know that God will carry me through. He has not brought me this far to leave me. I believe” if He brought you to it, He’ll carry you through it” Amen.
    Thank you!

  59. A week ago today I came home from work to find a letter from my husband of 14 years had left me. It was a devastating thing as I had no idea it was coming. I of course lost control and went hysterical and need up in the hospital on a 24 hour mental hold. But that gave me time to think away from everything and God reminded me he is not out to harm me but to rid the bad things from my life. Still having a hard time but I am leaning on God the whole way. My burden is great but His is light.

  60. I haven’t slept peacefully in nights because I’ve taken on so many burdens that I know Jesus has told me to give them over. I’ve broken ties in many ways, I’m afraid to go to work because I’m being mentally abused by my boss, my husband is in need of 24 hr care for his broken back. I cry out to The Lord & ask Him “I’m here too! I’ve messed up but please don’t let go”!! Thank you for that exact message I needed to hear. My heart knows Jesus loves “this daughter” of a His, I’ve just been blinded by anger & hurt lately. I need to trust all over again & I ask all who read to please lift me up wherever you are…give me wisdom with knowing FEAR is from the enemy, and that God is a God of Peace NOT confusion. “Forgive me Lord for not trusting…help me live my life for You again, bring healing to my soul & healing to my family..Amen!”

    I tried Amazon but the enemy blocked me from looking at the book at every angle! I must be on the right track

    1. DJ- I know very well what it is like to wonder if God is concerned with my matters. Oh my sister, how I do know. And the answer is “Of course a He is!” It may not feel like it but I must tell you that you are in perfect position to blessed! He’s humbly you right now and taking you through a valley experience in order to give Him a mountainous praise!! What ever you do, my sister, DONT STOP PRAYING AND PRAISING! Tell the Lord everything you feel. He loves you so much! He will never let you down!

      1. AJ I truly believe that I was not to sleep last night so that I could read Gwen’s blog on “Trusting God and His power,” As I was reading fully awake the enemy was trying to get me back to sleep..I just kept dropping my iPad and falling asleep. But when I was done asking for prayer I was awake right away!! The enemy must think we’re fools!!! I am so encouraged by your word for a blessing in my life and I thank you for commenting on this!! Praise God!! Fear is not from God and that’s all I need to know…my valleys are nothing compared to what the Father has for me! I’m so excited to find out…thank you all for loving on this woman who felt so down earlier and now feels like there’s nothing God can’t do!! God bless you!

    2. My thoughts and prayers are with you. A verse that has always helped me is 2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT
      May you be encouraged. Weak = Strong
      God I pray you will refresh and restore DJ with a peace that surpasses all understanding Philippians 4:7 in Jesus name Amen

      1. Thank you Kim…2 Cor 12:9 is a scripture I would pray over daily. “When I am weak HE is strong” I would pray every morning & night Philippians 4:7 “Lord give me & my family the Peace that passes all understanding”! Thank you for encouraging me and having The Lord place me on your heart this morning! Praise God!

        1. Your very welcome DJ, I may not physically see you however I feel a connection. In Ecclesiastes I believe chapter 4:9-11 is what we are doing. Holding and lifting each other up. Praying you have a day filled with his joy and peace 🙂

          1. I truly agree Kim! My mom uses Ecc 4:9-11 all the time to counsel and to new married couples..”two are better than one…they have a good reward for their labor…if they fall, one will lift up “his” companion….” Yes that’s what we are doing! That’s what The Lord always wants from His children, to hold each other up in prayer and thanksgiving; to rejoice with your “sister” or be an ear to cry with, even at 5 am. A while ago I gave up on blogs with Christian woman, probably because I made such close relationships and then that person wasn’t there, whether by the blog or email. I felt a rejection that’s been in my life for such a long time started at such a young age. I felt like Christians weren’t any better than the “world”, it was a battle that followed me for such a long time. Praise God because even though it’s a battle, I made the first move this morning and opened up! I so appreciate you saying you felt a connection, I truly needed that! Thank you! The Lord is always in the midst of men and woman praying and believing with each other

          2. #2 post I couldn’t add anything else to the previous post, but thank you for your loving kindness, up lifting..I’m here for you…for everyone that is hurting and needs each other to cry with and hope with. My day went well, that was a miracle and Praise God for that…Gods joy & peace was with me all day! God bless you Kim!! May His love hold you close to Him every day and “Lord thank you for Kim, Gwen and AJ, reaching out and praying with me today” Love you sister!!!

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