I was really excited that evening because I actually had a fun dinner plan … which is not always the case. There was some grilled chicken left over from dinner the night before,
I remember a time, back in 1993, when I was swept up in the whimsical world of wedding planning. Every detail mattered. I was excited to be marrying Brad Smith and I wanted our wedding day to be a magical springboard to a life filled with amazing adventures and deep years of God-centered love.
I love a good story. I love stories filled with drama, mystery, action, honesty, hope, grit, tension, release, passion, restoration, and redemption. My favorite stories,
It’s Day 3 of 5 on our journey through the book of James! I hope that as you read, reflect and respond you are growing more in love with our awesome LORD.
Earlier this week I quieted down in a place of reflection and considered the magnitude of Holy Week in light of Jesus. This prayer was my journaled response:
When my daughter Kennedy was four years old she played on a pee-wee soccer team. We signed her up in hopes that she would have a fun outlet for her overflowing,
Several years ago, my father was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that changed the course of his life. My family and I watched in agony as his health faded away and his future evaporated.