In C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia series, a young Edmund Pevensie is a fictional character who, at one point, almost traded his soul for a Turkish delight.
I was in Illinois. My husband was in North Carolina. I’m usually the video girl, but Brad stepped up to film our daughter’s volleyball tournament since I couldn’t be there.
A friend of ours has struggled for years with heart problems. He’s gone through seasons of wellness and seasons of strain. Last year his health challenges moved from the back burner of his life to the front when his doctors recognized the need to operate.
I love spinach. I love it in salads – especially with grilled salmon, goat cheese and pine nuts. I love it on a turkey sandwich with whole grain bread,
It’s recorded in the book of Genesis that at the dawn of creation God made the heavens and the earth, separated light from darkness, and that everything was good.
It was spring break and we were home. Facebook posts from friends were showcasing sandy beaches, yummy meals, and fancy-schmancy hotel lobbies and pools.