When Your Heart Needs Healing

Gwen SmithBlog 18 Comments

A friend of ours has struggled with heart problems for years. He’s gone through seasons of wellness and seasons of strain. Recently, his health challenges moved from the back burner to the front when his doctors recognized the need to operate.

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Walking With God

Gwen SmithBlog 19 Comments

When our kids were itty-bitty my husband Brad and I used to hold little hands a lot.

Sometimes it was to protect them from danger, like if we were crossing a street.

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Stop Doubting Your Worth

Gwen SmithBlog 9 Comments

It’s common for us to doubt our value and significance. Yet, in Psalm 144 David is struck by the mind-blowing reality that the God of all creation, the One who bids billions of stars to shine in the heavens and commands the powerful waves of the oceans to stop at the waters’ edge,

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