It’s Day 4 of 5 on our journey through the book of James! I hope that as you read, reflect and respond you are growing more in love with our awesome LORD.
It’s Day 3 of 5 on our journey through the book of James! I hope that as you read, reflect and respond you are growing more in love with our awesome LORD.
Earlier this week I quieted down in a place of reflection and considered the magnitude of Holy Week in light of Jesus. This prayer was my journaled response:
When my daughter Kennedy was four years old she played on a pee-wee soccer team. We signed her up in hopes that she would have a fun outlet for her overflowing,
Several years ago I experienced a memorable God-moment when my flight had been delayed. On that particular warm June morning, I had gotten to the Philadelphia airport crazy-early and was eager to get home to my young family after a beautiful weekend of ministry.