Gwen Smith

Episode 80 – Valorie Burton

Certified personal & executive coach Valorie Burton joins me for episode #80 of the GRACEOLOGIE podcast to talk about resilience and the power of positivity. Chock full of powerful questions and practical answers, this conversation is a must-listen!

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Dan Simeone

Episode 72 – Monica Swanson

Monica Swanson joins me for episode #72 to talk about how you can raise honorable, kind and confident kids. Being a mom is a loud, beautiful, complicated adventure. Some days it feels as if you’re raising creatures from another planet. Other times you’re left breathless at the wonder of who your child is becoming. The truth is, we all desperately want to raise our children well… and there are lots of questions we face along the way.

This discussion addresses lots of the questions parents ask. It’s filled with road-tested, real-world advice and insights blended with biblical wisdom and compelling research that will give you some practical tools you need to love your children well and to parent today with their future in mind.

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Gwen Smith

Episode 69 – Mark Batterson

Mark Batterson joins me for episode #69 to talk about importance of making GRATITUDE and GENEROSITY a lifestyle. We all have challenges and brokenness… and sometimes the trials in our lives can keep us from seeing the ways God is at work IN us and the opportunities for Him to be at work THROUGH us. We often ask God to change the circumstances that are actually meant to change us and miss seeing His blessings in the blisterings. Mark believes the key to radically increasing your faith, joy and abundance can be found in these three words: FLIP THE BLESSING.

I’m confident you’ll be both challenged and changed as you listen by what the Bible has to say about the HISTORY and MYSTERY of God’s blessings.

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Gwen Smith

Episode 68 – Pam Farrel

Pam Farrel joins me for episode #68 to talk about how reading and studying the Bible can help calm feelings of overwhelm and carry you through times of doubt and seasons of strain. ‘Cause, without question there are times in life when we face one challenge after another… times of stress and strain that leave us wondering how we can know the HOPE and JOY of Jesus.

Listen in to hear some personal struggles and practical strategies that will help you hear the voice of GOD over all the other voices that are vying for your attention. And learn how the power of praise can lead you to the steadfast LOVE and STRENGTH of God you need so you can face whatever comes your way.

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Gwen Smith

Episode 67 – Michele Cushatt

Michele Cushatt joins me for episode #67 to talk about how to hold onto faith when it seems God is gone. But what if we could find evidence that God hasn’t left us? Listen in as Michele and I discuss the message of her new book RELENTLESS, which exposes the unshakable presence of a God who never leaves and offers the reassurance that God, indeed, is with us.

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Gwen Smith

Episode 66 – Sharon Hodde Miller

Sharon Hodde Miller joins me for episode #66 to talk about why we love to be liked and why God Calls us to more. The church has deemed NICENESS a virtue and, ultimately allowed it to become an idol. In place of real, Christ-like courage, kindness, conviction and discipline, many people fall into the traps of people-pleasing, popularity contests and manufactured joy in exchange for likeability. This episode will challenge your understanding of the false virtue, and help you start practicing true kindness, honesty, courage and joy.

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Gwen Smith

Gary Thomas joins me for episode #64 to talk about why we need to sidestep toxic assaults and maintain our strategic focus on healthy relationships.

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Gwen Smith

Episode 63 – Rebekah Lyons

National speaker and best selling author Rebekah Lyons joins me for episode #63 to talk about four life-giving rhythms to overcome fear and live an abundant, vibrant life. Daily struggles with anxiety and stress make it difficult to receive God’s peace for all of us. In this discussion, Rebekah shares openly of her battles to overcome anxiety and depression—and she invites you to discover and boldly pursue your God-given purpose from a place of freedom.

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Gwen Smith

Episode 62 – Niki Hardy

NIKI HARDY is my guest for episode #62. Niki is a cancer survivor, pastor’s wife, tea drinker and self-professed teller of bad jokes. She’s a BRIT living in the USA and YES, she does have a fabulous accent that you’re gonna LOVE! Niki is living proof that life doesn’t have to be pain-free to be full and she’s the author of BREATHE AGAIN, How to Live Well When Life Falls Apart.

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